Thanks a lot keya [X] :D:D
Yes it is a great anime! Lol it was a bother to just start with least i have an idea now. No it's all done with photoshop. But I do need to buy me some markers 'cause I've seen some pretty darn neat drawings here with markers as a medium.
Luuuuucccyyyyyyyyy!!! :DDDDD Great anime, great drawing. You did really good for a first time photoshop user (and dont feel bad I"ve never used it so I have nooooo idea how to use it either lol). Did you use markers for the drawing of lucy itself or is the entire thing done in photoshop?
Otakuite+ | Posted 09/15/10 | Reply
Arigatou! :) I will do my best
Otakuite+ | Posted 09/15/10 | Reply
Thanks a lot keya [X] :D:D
Yes it is a great anime! Lol it was a bother to just start with least i have an idea now. No it's all done with photoshop. But I do need to buy me some markers 'cause I've seen some pretty darn neat drawings here with markers as a medium.
Otakuite+ | Posted 09/15/10 | Reply
@trafalgar law:
Bil photoshop ghamiltu ta! Sibta fuq google u addjata speci lol. Suppost gie fuq wara imma ma nafx xgara lool vera ma nafx nuzah madoff!
Last edited by Chikorisan at 2:32:28 PM CDT on September 15, 2010.
Shadows Goddess (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/15/10 | Reply
Luuuuucccyyyyyyyyy!!! :DDDDD Great anime, great drawing. You did really good for a first time photoshop user (and dont feel bad I"ve never used it so I have nooooo idea how to use it either lol). Did you use markers for the drawing of lucy itself or is the entire thing done in photoshop?
trafalgar law
Otakuite++ | Posted 09/15/10 | Reply
very good drawing char
il background biex amiltu lol sabih hafna gielek 
Otakuite | Posted 09/14/10 | Reply
Amazing series! Very good drawing too! Keep it up!