The face: The proportions are very good. The body: The body is very long, and her legs look very wobbly. You should shorten the length of her waist, and show more definition in her legs, instead of a continuous almost-straight line down. Once you make those changes, you should shorten the length of her arms accordingly. They should end about midway down her thighs.
Overall, it is a cute drawing, but it is too elongated.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/22/10 | Reply
The face: The proportions are very good.
The body: The body is very long, and her legs look very wobbly. You should shorten the length of her waist, and show more definition in her legs, instead of a continuous almost-straight line down. Once you make those changes, you should shorten the length of her arms accordingly. They should end about midway down her thighs.
Overall, it is a cute drawing, but it is too elongated.
imouto chan
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/17/10 | Reply
The eyes are really pretty :]