Naaah kinisuruna Naru chan~
Douitashimashita! Of course, those who dislike this are blind freaktards LOL. Jk2. And yeah, I wish my colouring skill is as good as yours... =/
Glad that my unworthy 2 cents could brighten up your day~
Thank you! I didn't expect these two to look good either XD
I'm really satisfied with how this turned out. If only I could learn how to draw better backgrounds....
I had lots of fun drawing this. It was a pleasure joining the challenge!^^
Sorry for a late reply. I was deciding whether or not to.
Anyways, thanks so much! I can see you love it XD I do too! I believe I've gotten better at coloring.
Your compliments always make me feel better than I've really done....Thanks :)
Capo Di Tutti Capi (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/11/10 | Reply
Wowsies Shizu-chan looks sooooo smexily distraught yet sooooo lovable~! Can I attack him? *licks lips* LOL. And Iza-kun is as kakkoi-ly mischievous as ever! *fangirling mode*
I love their facial expressions and yesh, this ISH waaaaaay better than I've imagined. So far you did great Naru chan~!
Owh and all the best for the challenge~!
Capo Di Tutti Capi (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/24/10 | Reply
Naaah kinisuruna Naru chan~

Douitashimashita! Of course, those who dislike this are blind freaktards LOL. Jk2. And yeah, I wish my colouring skill is as good as yours... =/
Glad that my unworthy 2 cents could brighten up your day~
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/16/10 | Reply
@Captain Ronnie:
Thanks~, I'm glad you love it! XD
Captain Ronnie
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/16/10 | Reply
GAH!!!! i love it!!! <3 <3 <3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/13/10 | Reply
Thank you! I didn't expect these two to look good either XD
I'm really satisfied with how this turned out. If only I could learn how to draw better backgrounds....
I had lots of fun drawing this. It was a pleasure joining the challenge!^^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/13/10 | Reply
Sorry for a late reply. I was deciding whether or not to.
Anyways, thanks so much! I can see you love it XD I do too! I believe I've gotten better at coloring.
Your compliments always make me feel better than I've really done....Thanks :)
Capo Di Tutti Capi (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/11/10 | Reply
I love their facial expressions and yesh, this ISH waaaaaay better than I've imagined. So far you did great Naru chan~!
Owh and all the best for the challenge~!
Hanawa aka Hana