Queen of Mustaches (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/20/10 | Reply
umm... okay your definatly going to win no doubt!
it captures the creepyness of halloween alright
it gives me chills just looking at it !!!!
i just hoope that the ghost was tasty
annnd...now tama you never seem to stop amazing me! lolz like i cnat believe all the detail you put into this!! and how creative it is i dnt think i would be able to come up with this GREAT JOB!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/21/10 | Reply
whoa! i really liked it :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/21/10 | Reply
Tank ya!!!!
Queen of Mustaches (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/20/10 | Reply

umm... okay your definatly going to win no doubt!
it captures the creepyness of halloween alright
it gives me chills just looking at it !!!!
i just hoope that the ghost was tasty
Senior Otaku | Posted 10/20/10 | Reply
annnd...now tama you never seem to stop amazing me! lolz like i cnat believe all the detail you put into this!! and how creative it is i dnt think i would be able to come up with this GREAT JOB!!!
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 10/19/10 | Reply
o_o win, you really caught the essence of halloween... the creepy and gross vibe.. like for realz