No, i know what a masquerade is! I'm talking about that one thing, that is like a major holiday in some places, that takes up like a week, and they have all sorts of street performers and a bunch of stuff like that and they all wear masks....
alright.... personally that was one of my least favorite parts of this doodle page. i think that was drawn in english class, people were talking about that one celebration thingy where everyone wears masks... (I forgot what it's called xP)
Captain Ronnie
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/08/10 | Reply
@Nino Umaka:
Oh.. ok. (10 CHARACTERS!)
Nino Umaka
Eternal Dweeb (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/08/10 | Reply
@Captain Ronnie:
Uhhh......................................yeah, I have no clue.......
Captain Ronnie
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/08/10 | Reply
@Nino Umaka:
No, i know what a masquerade is! I'm talking about that one thing, that is like a major holiday in some places, that takes up like a week, and they have all sorts of street performers and a bunch of stuff like that and they all wear masks....
Nino Umaka
Eternal Dweeb (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/08/10 | Reply
@Captain Ronnie:
A mascerade? Well, anyway, it's one of my favorite doodles, so XP
Captain Ronnie
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/07/10 | Reply
@Nino Umaka:
alright.... personally that was one of my least favorite parts of this doodle page. i think that was drawn in english class, people were talking about that one celebration thingy where everyone wears masks... (I forgot what it's called xP)
Nino Umaka
Eternal Dweeb (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/07/10 | Reply
@Captain Ronnie:
Uhhh....*goes and looks at picture* uhh....yeah! The one with the mask!
Captain Ronnie
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/07/10 | Reply
@Nino Umaka:
The one with the mask?
Nino Umaka
Eternal Dweeb (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/07/10 | Reply
Yayz! You posted something! I really like the bottom purple girl.