Well, Thanks! When I draw a picture I stare at it for a few seconds to memorize it! Then I use the computer program named gimp, to color it! Then you shade and do the hair! If you use the smear tool, it makes the hair shading and lighting look a little more natural!
It does look like the Digimon guy named Sora
Im sure if you download gimp you will improve!
Last edited by LordKOKO at 11:56:22 AM CST on November 17, 2010.
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/17/10 | Reply
That's pretty good; you've captured his character, but somehow he reminds me of the kid I see in Digimon clips.
How did you get Tsuna's hair to look... Tsuna-ish? I mean, do you look at a picture while drawing him? I tried drawing him from memory once and the hair looked terrible.
Actually, the whole thing did, so I erased it.
Last edited by CelestialSushi at 7:18:40 AM CST on November 17, 2010.
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/18/10 | Reply
You're welcome.
Oh, well, I meant it was a pencil drawing on paper... it just didn't look Tsuna-ish. I can draw other things fairly well, I think.
Last edited by CelestialSushi at 12:15:46 PM CST on November 18, 2010.
Otakuite++ | Posted 11/17/10 | Reply
Well, Thanks! When I draw a picture I stare at it for a few seconds to memorize it! Then I use the computer program named gimp, to color it! Then you shade and do the hair! If you use the smear tool, it makes the hair shading and lighting look a little more natural!
It does look like the Digimon guy named Sora
Im sure if you download gimp you will improve!
Last edited by LordKOKO at 11:56:22 AM CST on November 17, 2010.
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/17/10 | Reply
That's pretty good; you've captured his character, but somehow he reminds me of the kid I see in Digimon clips.
How did you get Tsuna's hair to look... Tsuna-ish? I mean, do you look at a picture while drawing him? I tried drawing him from memory once and the hair looked terrible.
Actually, the whole thing did, so I erased it.
Last edited by CelestialSushi at 7:18:40 AM CST on November 17, 2010.