What are you talking about D: I can never draw better than you!
I appreciate all the nice things you have done for me, so the least I could do was try to draw something decent for you. I'll draw something way better when I'm not going through art block, I promise!
You've gotten a lot better since I was last on this site!!
Actually, I think you improve every time I see a new picture. :)
I love how velvety the red dress looks on Risa and her puffy thing looks really cute too. :D Kiyoshi looks very slick in his tux too. You drew them both very well! Great work!
imouto chan
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/30/10 | Reply
Why, thank you :D
imouto chan
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/30/10 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
What are you talking about D: I can never draw better than you!
I appreciate all the nice things you have done for me, so the least I could do was try to draw something decent for you. I'll draw something way better when I'm not going through art block, I promise!
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/28/10 | Reply
OMIGOSH! *.* I actually think they fit pretteh well together since he is also much of a snob! XD
You drew Kiyoshi...better than I could! *.* He looks AWESOME! *.* I can never draw him particularly...well, good looking, but you did too well...

Aww, but those were my nice gifts you~! X3 You're too much of a nice person...
Angelic Dishwasher (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/27/10 | Reply
You've gotten a lot better since I was last on this site!!
Actually, I think you improve every time I see a new picture. :)
I love how velvety the red dress looks on Risa and her puffy thing looks really cute too. :D Kiyoshi looks very slick in his tux too. You drew them both very well! Great work!