We can see you're enjoying it :)
It's so great and expressive... <3 Link
Just as i.luv.kiba said it, you perfectly control watercolour effects :) Great to see ! After, I don't feel the same passion as him for Link ;) But this has nothing to do with your art :x
Great job Kachi ^^
So I just replied with a long comment, and I made the dreadful mistake of hitting "Close Comment" instead of "Submit Comment." Ugh. But basically what I said was:
Oh my gosh I love essay comments!!
Yes I do agree with you about the shirt thing. And ALSO, his gauntlets are a little off because I was using the TP strategy guide I have for the reference...So they don't look exactly how they should if they were in OoT, which was what I was going for, but decided it would be fine. But they're technically incorrect...D:
But I am so glad you like this so much!!! That really makes me smile!
Hero of Thyme (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/30/10 | Reply
LINK! AUGH! *explodes into a million pieces*
I don't normally... fawn over people's fanart but you have gone and found my weakspot and SMASHED it into a million pieces. So it is your own fault if this comment because a very long, lengthy ESSAY! I LOVE Link, and to be more specifically I LOVE the Hero of Time!!! OoT is the absolute number one greatest game in the history of this earth's history! (and that's not an opinion, pure fact)
...Can't say I love watercolor that much though >_> I'm not big on mediums I can't control and watercolor just wants to be too whispy and freeflow for my taste >_< You, however, seem to be able to tame and control that everchanging beast. Bravo.
There's only ONE teensy little thing I want to point out (and I wasn't going to say anything because you even remembered his hoops earrings) but if this is adult Link, which all signs are pointing to yes, then he should have a long sleeve white shirt underneath his tunic and although it's nice to see a little Link arm action it's not very... accurate o.o (trust me, not only do I love the guy but I cosplayed as him at our school's Super Hero Day ;P)
BUT! That says nothing against your artistic style just merely representation of character.
Gah! Curse me and my inability to stop talkiiiing!! (er... typing...)
p.s. Oh and... just to add into the conversation about what song he's playing... I believe it is the Song of Storms because of the dark shadows rising from the mist beneath him. Plus... it's my favorite song :P
Last edited by i.luv.kiba at 9:52:53 AM CST on December 30, 2010.
Why thank you! And yes I do know what you mean. Hehe and I think he is playing the Sun's Song....Cause it's all kinda starting to get bright and yellow behind him. :D
You made him oh so pretty! I like how you added colour to the background without actually painting a background, if you see what I mean. And Navi too! Awww.
Otakuite++ | Posted 01/02/11 | Reply
We can see you're enjoying it :)
It's so great and expressive... <3 Link
Just as i.luv.kiba said it, you perfectly control watercolour effects :) Great to see ! After, I don't feel the same passion as him for Link ;) But this has nothing to do with your art :x
Great job Kachi ^^
Queen of Termina (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/31/10 | Reply
So I just replied with a long comment, and I made the dreadful mistake of hitting "Close Comment" instead of "Submit Comment." Ugh.
But basically what I said was:
Oh my gosh I love essay comments!!
Yes I do agree with you about the shirt thing. And ALSO, his gauntlets are a little off because I was using the TP strategy guide I have for the reference...So they don't look exactly how they should if they were in OoT, which was what I was going for, but decided it would be fine. But they're technically incorrect...D:
But I am so glad you like this so much!!! That really makes me smile!
Hero of Thyme (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/30/10 | Reply
LINK! AUGH! *explodes into a million pieces*
I don't normally... fawn over people's fanart but you have gone and found my weakspot and SMASHED it into a million pieces. So it is your own fault if this comment because a very long, lengthy ESSAY! I LOVE Link, and to be more specifically I LOVE the Hero of Time!!! OoT is the absolute number one greatest game in the history of this earth's history! (and that's not an opinion, pure fact)
...Can't say I love watercolor that much though >_> I'm not big on mediums I can't control and watercolor just wants to be too whispy and freeflow for my taste >_< You, however, seem to be able to tame and control that everchanging beast. Bravo.
There's only ONE teensy little thing I want to point out (and I wasn't going to say anything because you even remembered his hoops earrings) but if this is adult Link, which all signs are pointing to yes, then he should have a long sleeve white shirt underneath his tunic and although it's nice to see a little Link arm action it's not very... accurate o.o (trust me, not only do I love the guy but I cosplayed as him at our school's Super Hero Day ;P)
BUT! That says nothing against your artistic style just merely representation of character.
Gah! Curse me and my inability to stop talkiiiing!! (er... typing...)
p.s. Oh and... just to add into the conversation about what song he's playing... I believe it is the Song of Storms because of the dark shadows rising from the mist beneath him. Plus... it's my favorite song :P
Last edited by i.luv.kiba at 9:52:53 AM CST on December 30, 2010.
Queen of Termina (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/29/10 | Reply
Thank you!! :D
Queen of Termina (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/29/10 | Reply
Why thank you! And yes I do know what you mean. Hehe and I think he is playing the Sun's Song....Cause it's all kinda starting to get bright and yellow behind him. :D
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/29/10 | Reply
LINK! <3
You made him oh so pretty! I like how you added colour to the background without actually painting a background, if you see what I mean. And Navi too! Awww.
I wonder which song he is playing...
Queen of Termina (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/29/10 | Reply
Thank you so much!! This was just from my head and taking note of how he looks in the game! I'm glad you like it! :D
Otakuite | Posted 12/29/10 | Reply
O A O WOW!!!!!!!!! He looks so realistic! How did you do it?? This is REALY REALLY GOOD!! And in watercolor. WHOA!!