For line art, skip Photoshop. Both Sai and Manga Studio are far superior for that. I will never do lines in Photoshop again! >_< I do like both Sai and Manga Studio for lines, but it feels to me like Manga Studio gives a more naturally/traditionally inked feel, while Sai feels more digital. Manga Studio is two-bit black and white lines so there's no gray at all, but if you think about it, that's exactly how ink is. If you zoom in, it's rather jagged, but I actually kind of like the sharpness. The sharp lines are great for B&W manga but I like them for this painting too. Sai gives softer, anti-aliased lines, which I guess is what makes it feel more digital. Oh, and Manga Studio's rulers really come in handy for stuff like this too. ^^ It was so fast and easy to do the right and 45-degree angles and the circles. Sai does have better canvas rotation than Manga Studio does, but the latter's is passable, at least, and it does have it, as opposed to Photoshop.
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/07/11 | Reply
lol - should try it out - im pretty sure there was an old copy of mangastudio collecting dust somewhere ^^'
thanks for your review ;P
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/07/11 | Reply
For line art, skip Photoshop. Both Sai and Manga Studio are far superior for that. I will never do lines in Photoshop again! >_< I do like both Sai and Manga Studio for lines, but it feels to me like Manga Studio gives a more naturally/traditionally inked feel, while Sai feels more digital. Manga Studio is two-bit black and white lines so there's no gray at all, but if you think about it, that's exactly how ink is. If you zoom in, it's rather jagged, but I actually kind of like the sharpness. The sharp lines are great for B&W manga but I like them for this painting too. Sai gives softer, anti-aliased lines, which I guess is what makes it feel more digital. Oh, and Manga Studio's rulers really come in handy for stuff like this too. ^^ It was so fast and easy to do the right and 45-degree angles and the circles. Sai does have better canvas rotation than Manga Studio does, but the latter's is passable, at least, and it does have it, as opposed to Photoshop.
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/07/11 | Reply
woah - the lineart looks great XD
so manga studio huh? was it easier to use than sai? or Photoshop for that matter? O.o
great dynamics in the pic =D