awesome juxtaposition, Gizmox. I was just looking at some old sketch pads from when I was in 7th grade (when I FIRST started drawing, more than 10 years ago!) and thinking 'holy crap, I've come a long way!'
This is a great picture and a great thing to show our young, developing artists that with time, patience and practice they can really shine!
It's very nice! Only thing is, her name isn't Rosario. Her name is Moka Akashiya, usually called Moka.
Sorry, I just automatically have to correct people when I see something slightly incorrect relating to an anime I love. ><
Other than that, WOW. You've improved amazingly well! ^^ She looks beautiful in the after shot, and in the before shot: that's awesome for someone new to anime/manga! ^^ Good job! *two thumbs up*
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/09/11 | Reply
Oh yeah! Thanks! its been that long since i watched it lol ive edited it now or it would hvae annoyed me too
i think im gonna re-watch the series.
Moderator | Posted 01/09/11 | Reply
I personally love both versions, but I can see the way you improved your proportions and coloring <3
Lumus Avatar
Senior Otaku | Posted 01/09/11 | Reply
awesome juxtaposition, Gizmox. I was just looking at some old sketch pads from when I was in 7th grade (when I FIRST started drawing, more than 10 years ago!) and thinking 'holy crap, I've come a long way!'
This is a great picture and a great thing to show our young, developing artists that with time, patience and practice they can really shine!
Otakuite | Posted 01/09/11 | Reply
It's very nice! Only thing is, her name isn't Rosario. Her name is Moka Akashiya, usually called Moka.
Sorry, I just automatically have to correct people when I see something slightly incorrect relating to an anime I love. ><
Other than that, WOW. You've improved amazingly well! ^^ She looks beautiful in the after shot, and in the before shot: that's awesome for someone new to anime/manga! ^^ Good job! *two thumbs up*
Otakuite++ | Posted 01/08/11 | Reply
wow yo've really imprved! the after is very charming