Bright green? X3 That's a color I'd never think of X3
Well, he sounds like he'd be kinda associated with Spring and Springtime. One of the best ways to choose a name is to think of what the laptop's personality might be like X3 Like if you have an outgoing cocky laptop, then a name like Strike would fit. Also, imagining how it would look as a person also helps X3
I honestly could say I know where Alkaine's name came from. It just kinda came to me X3
If my laptop could talk (and appear the way he does here), I don't think I'd waste time talking XD lolz *is hit*
Me: Ah, it'll come to you X3 My first laptop didn't have a name until I started calling it "Lappy" X3 After that, I decided his full name was Laptillion X3
Alkaine: Thank god I don't have that name...
Me: Oh come now... =>.>= I picked out Kaine's name before he even came in the mail X3 He's so stylish X3
Ah, well I wouldn't say I have skills. =P It's the program, I'm just using it XD There's plenty i could improve on, but it's fine for being rushed =P I do love his design, tho X3 Thank you! =D
YEIII *is hit by a chair because she saw the pic some tiem ago and didnt comment*
-_-'''' Nu time ;A; but i really wanted to see Alkaine :DDD and OMB HE IS SOO AMAZINGGGGGG haha loooving he design Kitty!! and the background is sugoi .O. !!!!!
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/11/11 | Reply
I know about compressed air, though the problem is if we have any or not and if not, I have to go buy some...
Fortunately, it's not as dirty as my old laptop was, since I've been wiping the dust off X3 Sorry about turning this into a computer maintenance convo... =OAO;=
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/11/11 | Reply
Well, that's for the surface, but I'm thinking more along the lines of between the keys on the keyboard =/ That's more difficult and I usually try to swipe a corner of a paper towel through to catch the dust. It works about 90%
Yep, he really has orange! That's one of the things that attracted me to it~! X3 I was like "Oh, that's different." X3 I usually go for plain black, but I decided to take a walk on the dangerous side XD lol
Yeah, it's not done, though... there's quite a bit missing *sniffle* But I'll get back to it and upload it when I feel I've complete it XD Thank you, though! =D
THIS IS AWESOME!! I love the background and all the details you put into it! And your laptop really has orange in it? Sounds like a smexy laptop...Mine is black grey and ridiculously boring and ugly..."orz
'tis awesome! Really nice job on the angle and the colouring~! I like looking at the high resolution on this...there is SO much detail!
Thanks X3 Yeah, it does kinda seem like Tron, doesn't it? XD
Actually, I was working in Sai, so I used a layer effect... It doesn't have a name, because the the symbols got all mixed up on my computer but it's read as "-3/4^A" more or less XD I usually use the "Screen" option for highlights, but the other one is more vibrant.
There's so much missing here... "orz but I'm not getting left out for being late XD;; lolz
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/28/11 | Reply
@nirvana donut:
What? Why? Because I'd rather make out with him than talk? XD lolz *is bludgeoned twice*
I hope you find something you like! =D
nirvana donut
Senior Otaku | Posted 04/27/11 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
lol!!! be careful what you say, he alkaine may decide not to load!!!
hmm, idk, i will think more about it.
xoxoxo (alyssa)
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/26/11 | Reply
@nirvana donut:
Bright green? X3 That's a color I'd never think of X3
Well, he sounds like he'd be kinda associated with Spring and Springtime. One of the best ways to choose a name is to think of what the laptop's personality might be like X3 Like if you have an outgoing cocky laptop, then a name like Strike would fit. Also, imagining how it would look as a person also helps X3
I honestly could say I know where Alkaine's name came from. It just kinda came to me X3
If my laptop could talk (and appear the way he does here), I don't think I'd waste time talking XD lolz *is hit*
nirvana donut
Senior Otaku | Posted 04/26/11 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
wow, that's cool!
i got my laptop through the mail too! it is bright green and sparkly!
even though it is a girly color, i know its a boy... i just dont know his name... hmm...
i wish he would tell me his name, like zangetsu in bleach!
xoxoxo (alyssa)
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/26/11 | Reply
@nirvana donut:
Me: Ah, it'll come to you X3 My first laptop didn't have a name until I started calling it "Lappy" X3 After that, I decided his full name was Laptillion X3
Alkaine: Thank god I don't have that name...
Me: Oh come now... =>.>= I picked out Kaine's name before he even came in the mail X3 He's so stylish X3
nirvana donut
Senior Otaku | Posted 04/26/11 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
you guys crack me up.
my computer and i have not formed such a relationship. he hasnt told me his name yet!!!
xoxoxo (alyssa)
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/25/11 | Reply
@nirvana donut:
Alkaine: The honor is all mine. *smiles*
Me: He's still just a baby, tho X3 His personality needs to develop XD
Alkaine: I think I'm developed well enough in many ways, Miss K.
nirvana donut
Senior Otaku | Posted 04/25/11 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
i'm so honored to be his first!!! :-p
xoxoxo (alyssa)
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/25/11 | Reply
@nirvana donut:
It darn straight is! >=D Lololz
Alkaine: Thank you kindly, Nirvana *smiles*
Me: OMG! That's the first time he's actually spoken! X3
nirvana donut
Senior Otaku | Posted 04/25/11 | Reply
wow, your computer is pretty cool!!!
xoxoxo (alyssa)
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/13/11 | Reply
Lol X3 *pats*
Ah, well I wouldn't say I have skills. =P It's the program, I'm just using it XD There's plenty i could improve on, but it's fine for being rushed =P I do love his design, tho X3 Thank you! =D
Volcano Hamster (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/13/11 | Reply
YEIII *is hit by a chair because she saw the pic some tiem ago and didnt comment*
-_-'''' Nu time ;A; but i really wanted to see Alkaine :DDD and OMB HE IS SOO AMAZINGGGGGG haha loooving he design Kitty!! and the background is sugoi .O. !!!!!
u have great skills XD
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/11/11 | Reply
Ahaha, okay X3 I feel better then =3
On that note, I can't believe I completely missed seeing the second place entry until they won! D=
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/11/11 | Reply
I know about compressed air, though the problem is if we have any or not and if not, I have to go buy some...
Fortunately, it's not as dirty as my old laptop was, since I've been wiping the dust off X3 Sorry about turning this into a computer maintenance convo... =OAO;=
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/11/11 | Reply
Well, that's for the surface, but I'm thinking more along the lines of between the keys on the keyboard =/ That's more difficult and I usually try to swipe a corner of a paper towel through to catch the dust. It works about 90%
Lol X3
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/10/11 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
Yep, he really has orange! That's one of the things that attracted me to it~! X3 I was like "Oh, that's different." X3 I usually go for plain black, but I decided to take a walk on the dangerous side XD lol
Yeah, it's not done, though... there's quite a bit missing *sniffle* But I'll get back to it and upload it when I feel I've complete it XD Thank you, though! =D
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/10/11 | Reply
THIS IS AWESOME!! I love the background and all the details you put into it! And your laptop really has orange in it? Sounds like a smexy laptop...Mine is black grey and ridiculously boring and ugly..."orz
'tis awesome! Really nice job on the angle and the colouring~! I like looking at the high resolution on this...there is SO much detail!

Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/07/11 | Reply
Thank you =D He's a very cool laptop X3 But he gets so dirty... =/ I need laptop soap XD lolz
Thank you very much for making this challenge =3 I'd been meaning to make one of Kaine-kun, you just pushed up the date XD lol
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/07/11 | Reply
Thanks X3 Yeah, it does kinda seem like Tron, doesn't it? XD
Actually, I was working in Sai, so I used a layer effect... It doesn't have a name, because the the symbols got all mixed up on my computer but it's read as "-3/4^A" more or less XD I usually use the "Screen" option for highlights, but the other one is more vibrant.
There's so much missing here... "orz but I'm not getting left out for being late XD;; lolz
ETERNITY (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/07/11 | Reply
awesome!! that guy is hot!!! 8D
I love the glowing effect reminds me of Tron
how did you do the glowing effect? Did you use a dodge tool?