Thanks for reading my little story there, I didn't know what to write about the piece and I settled for what happened while I was drawing it. I really hope people listen to me, it is very important you follow your own star - as with anything in life, you get to find out later on ;)
Aw thanks!! that's the sweetest, most genuine comment I have ever received online for anything I've done! Thank you for reading into my art, I will definitely keep 'em coming ;)
You're amazing. Haha, that's the first thing I thought when I finished. It was like an awesome short story!
I feel really motivated and happy when I read that, even if I know there's a giant gap between where I am and where I want to be. I really love your art work...I've always really liked the way pastels look but since I discovered your portfolio I really want to try them, though I've heard they can be tricky.
Please, continue to make more beautiful pieces of art. I love every thing you do, and it really makes me want to try harder.
I bet you really helped that kid out, and it'll probably stick in his memory for the rest of his life. You're a truly inspiring person :)
Hahaha, I feel like I just confessed my love or something!
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/16/11 | Reply
Thanks for reading my little story there, I didn't know what to write about the piece and I settled for what happened while I was drawing it. I really hope people listen to me, it is very important you follow your own star - as with anything in life, you get to find out later on ;)
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/16/11 | Reply
Aw thanks!! that's the sweetest, most genuine comment I have ever received online for anything I've done! Thank you for reading into my art, I will definitely keep 'em coming ;)
- M.
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/16/11 | Reply
I used pastels, conte crayon and 8B pencil - Thanks!
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/16/11 | Reply
Thanks a lot!
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/16/11 | Reply
I really like that story you told there, very inspiring. I'm totally on the side of messy lines ^^
Also, this art is gorgeous, I like the highlights you put there, and her chunky earrings ^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/15/11 | Reply
You're amazing. Haha, that's the first thing I thought when I finished. It was like an awesome short story!
I feel really motivated and happy when I read that, even if I know there's a giant gap between where I am and where I want to be. I really love your art work...I've always really liked the way pastels look but since I discovered your portfolio I really want to try them, though I've heard they can be tricky.
Please, continue to make more beautiful pieces of art. I love every thing you do, and it really makes me want to try harder.
I bet you really helped that kid out, and it'll probably stick in his memory for the rest of his life. You're a truly inspiring person :)
Hahaha, I feel like I just confessed my love or something!
Otakuite | Posted 03/15/11 | Reply
That is so cool!It's so pretty, and the colours you added to your drawing are fantastic!!
Keep up the good work!