Hey! haha good to see you too :) how have you been?
and yes it totally is...it's so annoying, but I'm trying to get through xD
and thank you so much! :) my most recent stuff (which is only like 2 or 3 legit pictures) :X I must say doesn't really look like this...it's like, more realistic-looking, I guess?
lol I have no idea why..
Last edited by LawlietLover13 at 7:40:34 PM CDT on April 8, 2011.
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/08/11 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Hey! haha good to see you too :) how have you been?
and yes it totally is...it's so annoying, but I'm trying to get through xD
and thank you so much! :) my most recent stuff (which is only like 2 or 3 legit pictures) :X I must say doesn't really look like this...it's like, more realistic-looking, I guess?
lol I have no idea why..
Last edited by LawlietLover13 at 7:40:34 PM CDT on April 8, 2011.
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/03/11 | Reply
Good to see you! :D Yeah, high school is kind of life-dominating. xD;
Really nice job on the hair! :) Your coloring is very clean.