Oh, really? See, I actually did put thought into the clothes. Glad you noticed them! I wasn't sure if I should've given her green and blue or brown and blue and it was just really hard to choose...even though they're such dull colours...O.o;
The concept of this story seems really cool. The whole eye thing, I mean. xD
I really like Kimika's face. And the glint in her eye makes the picture really mysterious.
Nice job! :)
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/05/11 | Reply
@imouto chan:
Oh, really? See, I actually did put thought into the clothes. Glad you noticed them! I wasn't sure if I should've given her green and blue or brown and blue and it was just really hard to choose...even though they're such dull colours...O.o;
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/05/11 | Reply
@Sweet Lullaby:
Oh, thank you! XD I guess they're kinda just scribbles and doodles, though...O.o;
imouto chan
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/05/11 | Reply
Preeeetty mysterious~
This may seem like a really odd thing to bring out, but I like the colors you chose for her school uniform.
Sweet Lullaby
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/04/11 | Reply
This is totally *o* ...wow
I don't know how to explain
Very eccentric~! I like that. You have a very original style ^__^
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/03/11 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Thank you! I dunno if it's a story or whatever...just an idea...O.o;
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/03/11 | Reply
The concept of this story seems really cool. The whole eye thing, I mean. xD
I really like Kimika's face. And the glint in her eye makes the picture really mysterious.
Nice job! :)