Its still good though. Don't be-little yourself or your picture. It still takes a certain amount of skill to draw like that when using a reference. Everybody uses references like that to some degree. And some people have diffculty using a reference and translating it with their own style. So, bravo!
You deserve every ounce of credit.
( I know for a fact I wouldn't be able to draw the beetle for memory alone....)
Really? Do most people think classics are classics? My dad thinks any movie that he likes is a classic...even if it's really new...O.o;
And I dunno if it's an interesting perspective, persay, but I just can't find entertainment and enjoyment in certain things like movies and anime that could be 'classics' or even 'campy classics', even if it's a wonderful part of somebody's nostalgia, I'm too critical of them to be happy with it. Though I guess old sounding songs that I've never heard before can give me nostalgia, only because I'm not so critical of music...O.o;
XD I loved that show! XD I felt bad that I had never had an imaginary friend...>3>
Ahahah... I have this movie at home. Not my all time fave, but it was really a good movie... I haven't watched it in a long time! You make me want to go watch it again haha! Anyways, nice job on coloring! I want to try using markers one day. :)
awww thank you n_n
but really the credit doesn't all belong to me, as the beetle is heavily referenced from a print-screened-and-pasted-and-saved picture of a youtube clip of him. heavily referenced u_u I cannot draw charismatic men...or beetles for that matter.
Wow, that's so cool. I've never seen Thumbelina fan art before. (It's rare for me....) I adored this movie when I was growing up and I still enjoy it. Your renditions of them are really cool. Especially the beetle! lol The way you draw eyes is really capivating..... It's so unique.
'cause Nostalgia is when you yearn to return to the past...but if I watch something new that's old...well...I can't return to the future...O.o;
And, Toy Story's fine. See, I saw Toy Story when I was little so it can be nostalgic, but if I watch something like Tsubasa now (which I have never watched) I probably couldn't get into it. One of those kinds of things that is only magical while your a imaginary friends (not that I ever had one...O.o;).
Really? *watches trailer* Seems to have pretteh good animation...but I dunno if I can watch a kids movie now...just like I can't watch somebody's nostalgic anime favourite now..>3> The nostalgia is gone...
But this is really pretty! *.* I like limited colours, it makes it seem more magical. Of course, lots of colours are fun, too, but I like a lot of the same colours and black, it looks very cool and more vivid! *.*
I love how you drew all the characters and their faces!
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 04/11/11 | Reply
Oh Thumbelina~ I was briefly obsessed with that movie as a youngster.
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/11/11 | Reply
aw thank you so much!
you are so nice ^^
and yes...the beetle and that headpiece thing for Thumbelina...I had to screencap it LOL
Otakuite++ | Posted 04/07/11 | Reply
Its still good though.
Don't be-little yourself or your picture. It still takes a certain amount of skill to draw like that when using a reference. Everybody uses references like that to some degree. And some people have diffculty using a reference and translating it with their own style.
So, bravo! 
You deserve every ounce of credit.
( I know for a fact I wouldn't be able to draw the beetle for memory alone....
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/05/11 | Reply
Really? Do most people think classics are classics? My dad thinks any movie that he likes is a classic...even if it's really new...O.o;
And I dunno if it's an interesting perspective, persay, but I just can't find entertainment and enjoyment in certain things like movies and anime that could be 'classics' or even 'campy classics', even if it's a wonderful part of somebody's nostalgia, I'm too critical of them to be happy with it. Though I guess old sounding songs that I've never heard before can give me nostalgia, only because I'm not so critical of music...O.o;
XD I loved that show! XD I felt bad that I had never had an imaginary friend...>3>
Question Cafér (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/05/11 | Reply
Ahahah... I have this movie at home. Not my all time fave, but it was really a good movie... I haven't watched it in a long time! You make me want to go watch it again haha! Anyways, nice job on coloring! I want to try using markers one day. :)
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/05/11 | Reply
ur welcome hehe
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/05/11 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
what an interesting perspective you have.
I would love to be lost in your mind :)
I haven't met anyone who viewed classics that way :D
ohmygoodness imaginary friends were the bomb. Too bad most of them got sent away to Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends :(
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/05/11 | Reply
awww thank you n_n
but really the credit doesn't all belong to me, as the beetle is heavily referenced from a print-screened-and-pasted-and-saved picture of a youtube clip of him. heavily referenced u_u I cannot draw charismatic men...or beetles for that matter.
but thank you so very much :)
Otakuite++ | Posted 04/04/11 | Reply
Wow, that's so cool. I've never seen Thumbelina fan art before. (It's rare for me....
) I adored this movie when I was growing up and I still enjoy it. Your renditions of them are really cool. Especially the beetle! lol
The way you draw eyes is really capivating.....
It's so unique.
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/04/11 | Reply
'cause Nostalgia is when you yearn to return to the past...but if I watch something new that's old...well...I can't return to the future...O.o;
And, Toy Story's fine. See, I saw Toy Story when I was little so it can be nostalgic, but if I watch something like Tsubasa now (which I have never watched) I probably couldn't get into it. One of those kinds of things that is only magical while your a imaginary friends (not that I ever had one...O.o;).
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/04/11 | Reply
@nezumi kurosaki:
thank you :)
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/04/11 | Reply
thank you ^^
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/04/11 | Reply
YES I know right. I thought he was smooooooth.
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/04/11 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
that is hearbreaking...why so?
not even Toy Story?! D:
LDS Fangirl! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/04/11 | Reply
I love this movie! And the Beetle was awesome!
nezumi kurosaki
Babybunn (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/04/11 | Reply
your pics are always kewl
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/04/11 | Reply
I love this it's fab x x x
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/03/11 | Reply
Really? *watches trailer* Seems to have pretteh good animation...but I dunno if I can watch a kids movie now...just like I can't watch somebody's nostalgic anime favourite now..>3> The nostalgia is gone...
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/03/11 | Reply
aw isn't it?! theo whyy
and thank you :)
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/03/11 | Reply
thank you love :)
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/03/11 | Reply
thank you :*
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/03/11 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
thank you :)
the movie is a must-watch!!!! D:
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/03/11 | Reply
I've never seen/heard of this movie...O.o;
But this is really pretty! *.* I like limited colours, it makes it seem more magical. Of course, lots of colours are fun, too, but I like a lot of the same colours and black, it looks very cool and more vivid! *.*
I love how you drew all the characters and their faces!
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/03/11 | Reply
That was a great movie, and I think the colors you used here are really nice. Innocent-looking Thumbelina is beautiful! (especially her wavy hair)
Afrofantastic (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/03/11 | Reply
I love your inking style so much! <3
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/03/11 | Reply
thanks :D!
yes the movie was way too good.
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/03/11 | Reply
YAY! :) I love it too!
Otakuite | Posted 04/03/11 | Reply
hey this is REALLY NICE!

i love that movie.
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/03/11 | Reply
I loved this movie!!!