thanks,and thanks for your concern,I really appreciate it because a lot of my friends did'nt care when I got hit,by the way,the collision was head on but I only got some scratches and bruises,Lucky me!
thanks,I can only play Tales games on my PSP cause it's hard to find on the PS2 and yeah It is the less happy Tales game,the ending was unsatisfying for me though
Ha! I love your Luke! I like his "puffy" hair. I haven't seen the anime but the game is pretty good. But I would strongly recommend playing any Tales game with others. They are way more fun as multiplayers. XD And this is the less happy Tales game, but I'm sure they had those parts in the anime. I should finally watch that if you say it was that good. XD Anyway, I like these. Good job.
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/14/11 | Reply
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/14/11 | Reply
I said most of my friends not you
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/13/11 | Reply
what!!! you're saying that I don't care that you hit by a motorcycle.....
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/07/11 | Reply
@imouto chan:
thanks,and thanks for your concern,I really appreciate it because a lot of my friends did'nt care when I got hit,by the way,the collision was head on but I only got some scratches and bruises,Lucky me!
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/07/11 | Reply
,I can only play Tales games on my PSP cause it's hard to find on the PS2 and yeah It is the less happy Tales game,the ending was unsatisfying for me though
imouto chan
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/06/11 | Reply
Cute! (Sorry you got hit by a motorcycle. At least it didn't effect your ability to draw Tales of the Abyss chibis really well!)
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/06/11 | Reply
Ha! I love your Luke! I like his "puffy" hair.
I haven't seen the anime but the game is pretty good. But I would strongly recommend playing any Tales game with others. They are way more fun as multiplayers. XD And this is the less happy Tales game, but I'm sure they had those parts in the anime. I should finally watch that if you say it was that good. XD Anyway, I like these. Good job.