WOW... I love paintings like this too~~ *o* I can handle a bit of nudity but not that much though haha! Beautiful job on this~~ I'm left in awe~~ You're such an inspiration! :D (Cuz I was going to draw up a short manga myself sometime too just for fun >u<) Keep up the wonderful work you do! I can't believe I haven't subbed yet either... *goes and subs* I hope you are doing well and take care!
Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/24/11 | Reply
Sugoi! You have your own series? That's awesome. Such a lovely picture. I wanted to make a manga with my friend, any art tips?
Question Cafér (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/24/11 | Reply
WOW... I love paintings like this too~~ *o* I can handle a bit of nudity but not that much though haha! Beautiful job on this~~ I'm left in awe~~ You're such an inspiration! :D (Cuz I was going to draw up a short manga myself sometime too just for fun >u<) Keep up the wonderful work you do! I can't believe I haven't subbed yet either... *goes and subs* I hope you are doing well and take care!
moonlight maiden
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/23/11 | Reply
completely beautiful, and neoclassicism pours from it!!
I absolutely love it!!

Otaku Legend | Posted 06/23/11 | Reply
I'm so honored you feel that way, my dear! It truly means so much to me ; U ; <3 Thank you so much for enjoying this piece! *hugs*
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/23/11 | Reply
I love your use of symbolism and lighting. Truly a beautiful piece :)