LoL, well some people say that today's cameras have much more pixels that our actual human eye. xD But that's more complex stuff, so don't worry about that, you did fine on this drawing.^^
First, thank you very much for your dedication! :D
And, this looks pretty good. Proportions are very well done and coloring is nice as well. Especially you needed to be careful with eyes there. Maybe only there is a little mistake by the lip, but that's okay. It happens when you do in tradition way.
Overall, pretty good!^^
Ryo or Demon
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/27/11 | Reply
aw, thanks ^^
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/27/11 | Reply
@Ryo or Demon:
LoL, well some people say that today's cameras have much more pixels that our actual human eye. xD But that's more complex stuff, so don't worry about that, you did fine on this drawing.^^
Ryo or Demon
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/26/11 | Reply
Yeah, I dunno why, but for some reason the lip looks worst on the scan than it actually does XP
Ryo or Demon
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/26/11 | Reply
Thank you! ^^
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/26/11 | Reply
Beautiful as always

Well done
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/26/11 | Reply
First, thank you very much for your dedication! :D
And, this looks pretty good. Proportions are very well done and coloring is nice as well. Especially you needed to be careful with eyes there. Maybe only there is a little mistake by the lip, but that's okay. It happens when you do in tradition way.
Overall, pretty good!^^