Super late reply, sorry about that. Thank you so much for the input and tips! I'll take each of them to heart. I still have a lot of trouble with anatomy even when I use sites such as posemaniacs and the like. Drawing a human body without learning the basics can be quite challenging but I know soon I'll get the handle of it.
Once again thank you so much for the input! <3
Aww thanks blackwings! I've been drawing lots this past couple of years that's why. We can totally make a trade if you want to. Actually scratch that, I'd BE HONORED to do one with you. :D <3
Actually no, this isn't the most violent thing I have drawn. I have plenty of pretty gore drawings but I never post them online because well, not many people are interested on them OR they get scared because I well, can be pretty gore-ish. LOL
Ah those things were so freackin' hard to draw so I gave up and change the hands' position so I could "cheat". As much as I tried they just wouldn't work out so this was the best way I could do. Sorry about that.
Your input always helps, you know that. :)
Last edited by ShadowLight at 7:28:11 PM CDT on July 1, 2011.
Is that officially the most violent thing you've ever drawn? Nothing else really comes to mind right now.
I kinda wish we could see more of the tonfa just because from only seeing the ends sticking out it's hard to say what it is exactly. Still, no real complaints from my end.
Not that my input is especially helpful anyway, right? Hehe.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/26/11 | Reply
Super late reply, sorry about that. Thank you so much for the input and tips! I'll take each of them to heart. I still have a lot of trouble with anatomy even when I use sites such as posemaniacs and the like. Drawing a human body without learning the basics can be quite challenging but I know soon I'll get the handle of it.
Once again thank you so much for the input! <3
The crazy bubbly shadow
Lady-Blackwings (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/03/11 | Reply
Welcome! I am sure that it has been a bunch of work.
Wonderful! ^.^ That would be great! I look forward to it!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/01/11 | Reply
Aww thanks blackwings! I've been drawing lots this past couple of years that's why. We can totally make a trade if you want to. Actually scratch that, I'd BE HONORED to do one with you. :D <3
The crazy bubbly shadow
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/01/11 | Reply
Actually no, this isn't the most violent thing I have drawn. I have plenty of pretty gore drawings but I never post them online because well, not many people are interested on them OR they get scared because I well, can be pretty gore-ish. LOL
Ah those things were so freackin' hard to draw so I gave up and change the hands' position so I could "cheat". As much as I tried they just wouldn't work out so this was the best way I could do. Sorry about that.
Your input always helps, you know that. :)
Last edited by ShadowLight at 7:28:11 PM CDT on July 1, 2011.
The crazy bubbly shadow
Canadian Liaison (Team) | Posted 06/28/11 | Reply
Is that officially the most violent thing you've ever drawn? Nothing else really comes to mind right now.
I kinda wish we could see more of the tonfa just because from only seeing the ends sticking out it's hard to say what it is exactly. Still, no real complaints from my end.
Not that my input is especially helpful anyway, right? Hehe.
Lady-Blackwings (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/28/11 | Reply
You have improved so much Shadow-Chan! Its wonderful to see! Makes me want one too.
The ladies look great!