Oh my goodness, I don't think I've seen that one! Once I get playing with it again, I was thinking of going for Amano just for fun~ Haha! I'll have to get that CG~~! :OOO
Ah, yes, I will do a tutorial of it soon~ I've been asked to make a tut of it already by some people in fact. ^^ Please look forward to it then! ^u^ Thanks!
LOL amanohashi XD you totally captured all of his hilarious moments!! have you seen the cg where you meet him on the streets and his caretaker wasn't around so he wasn't wearing a suit and his hair was not combed back? he has such bad taste normally! he looks so handsome without his normal getup ><!
hehe thank you for the dedication!
P.S. would you consider doing a tutorial on drawing roses sometime? cuz you said in Into the Night, you drew them without guidelines and they turned out really well!!
Question Cafér (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/06/11 | Reply
Oh my goodness, I don't think I've seen that one! Once I get playing with it again, I was thinking of going for Amano just for fun~ Haha! I'll have to get that CG~~! :OOO
Ah, yes, I will do a tutorial of it soon~ I've been asked to make a tut of it already by some people in fact. ^^ Please look forward to it then! ^u^ Thanks!
Grand Otaku | Posted 08/06/11 | Reply
LOL amanohashi XD you totally captured all of his hilarious moments!! have you seen the cg where you meet him on the streets and his caretaker wasn't around so he wasn't wearing a suit and his hair was not combed back? he has such bad taste normally! he looks so handsome without his normal getup ><!
hehe thank you for the dedication!
P.S. would you consider doing a tutorial on drawing roses sometime? cuz you said in Into the Night, you drew them without guidelines and they turned out really well!!