OMGOODNESS!!!AHHHHHHHHHHH!(sorry for the racket) But this is really good I can't believe you drew Ren...I mean who Ren really is Koun. He looks awesome everything looks good, form the details to the coloring. I do hope he and Kyoko get together reallll soon. Or at least one of them knows the other one likes them. Hmmm I think I want it to be Kyoko to find out he likes her that would be great.( sorry I made a story here my bad)Good work, hugs and favs
Otakuite | Posted 01/10/12 | Reply
Oh chiz nuts! Kuon looks so pretty! This looks amazing!
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/09/11 | Reply
OMGOODNESS!!!AHHHHHHHHHHH!(sorry for the racket
) But this is really good I can't believe you drew Ren...I mean who Ren really is Koun.
He looks awesome everything looks good, form the details to the coloring.
I do hope he and Kyoko get together reallll soon. Or at least one of them knows the other one likes them. Hmmm I think I want it to be Kyoko to find out he likes her that would be great.( sorry I made a story here my bad
)Good work, hugs and favs
Otakuite | Posted 08/09/11 | Reply
Thank you! Use a pencil, a scanner & PhotoShop. Here is a sketch:
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/08/11 | Reply
This is cool! I like how you coloured this and the texture~! What program did you use?