Ahah, it's a sign woman! :'D If I actually went on DevArt, I would favorite it too! And not just cause it was dedicated to me or has anything to do with Highest Life and my copyrighted character! xD
IT'S TIME FOR DIY COMPUTER SYMBOLS! To learn how to do this fancy symbol, take these easy but necessary steps! 1) Hold down the option key! 2) Hold the 'G' key!
And there is your fancy copyright symbol.
I really didn't think it was that good, and honestly think it looks like crap, but right after I uploaded it onto DeviantART, it got three favorites in a row. I was like WTF people. Are you blind?
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/21/11 | Reply
ISN'T IT?!Ahaha sureeee... I need to make a HL folder in my gallery soon :'D
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 08/21/11 | Reply
OHMAHGAWD. IT'S MAGIC.Ahah, it's a sign woman! :'D If I actually went on DevArt, I would favorite it too! And not just cause it was dedicated to me or has anything to do with Highest Life and my
copyrightedcharacter! xDHUZZAH.
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/21/11 | Reply
IT'S TIME FOR DIY COMPUTER SYMBOLS! To learn how to do this fancy symbol, take these easy but necessary steps!1) Hold down the option key!2) Hold the 'G' key!And there is your fancy copyright symbol.I really didn't think it was that good, and honestly think it looks like crap, but right after I uploaded it onto DeviantART, it got three favorites in a row. I was like WTF people. Are you blind?
YES. I'm typing up the post as we speak!
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 08/21/11 | Reply
Look at that fancy copyright symbol. *British laugh*Frivolities aside, AYRE. I love this drawing! :3 Especially teh hair, hehe. Thanks for the dedication! :'D All I need now is... GRAYRE. *shot*