heh, thanks, the next thing i'm doing is moyasu and sneari sort of like reversed, so sneari is shiny and moyasu isn't, at first i was just going to do what sneari would look like shiny, but shayde reckoned that it would look funny if sneari was shiny and moyasu was normal colours
piggyback garu
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/13/11 | Reply
heh, thanks, the next thing i'm doing is moyasu and sneari sort of like reversed, so sneari is shiny and moyasu isn't, at first i was just going to do what sneari would look like shiny, but shayde reckoned that it would look funny if sneari was shiny and moyasu was normal colours
The Trichomona (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/12/11 | Reply
Aww! she looks cute in that pose!