oh i love this show! its so creepy..they could do more with the story but they make up for it with all the crazy ways of seeking vengence. your pic is awesome!
Oh yeah, I suppose I could give it a shot ahah :)
I used to traditionally colour my drawings years ago, but they didn't turn out as well ahah :P I guess because I'm shocking at colouring ahah ^_^"
But I might give it a shot on the computer if I have some time :)
coloring traditionally is always as amazing a digital coloring. if you dont want to color this directly you can always trace the drawing on another sheet of paper and color that.
I did that all the time. usually took me like two or three tries until i got the hang of it.
even though someone else might love to color this, i'd still love to see you color it. i mean it is your art!^_^
Thankyou for your comment! It made my day! ahah
Thankyou! I'm kinda new to this, so I'm not as good as some artists on this site, so please bear with me ahah
But I do appriciate it, Thankyou!
And yes, it is kinda creepy isn't it? ahah D:
especially the eyes O.o
Try drawing this all hours of the morning and have those eyes glaring at you D: ahahah
Yes, I am not not very good at colouring on the computer, I just draw them ahah, but if you know anyone who is good at it, by all means, please, I would like to see it myself ahah
Magic Peach (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/18/12 | Reply
Thankyou! I love Hell Girl! Ai is so cute, but creepy at the same time!
But I love Ichimokuren, he is to die for!
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/18/12 | Reply
oh i love this show! its so creepy..they could do more with the story but they make up for it with all the crazy ways of seeking vengence. your pic is awesome!
Magic Peach (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/08/11 | Reply
Oh yeah, I suppose I could give it a shot ahah :)
I used to traditionally colour my drawings years ago, but they didn't turn out as well ahah :P I guess because I'm shocking at colouring ahah ^_^"
But I might give it a shot on the computer if I have some time :)
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/08/11 | Reply
coloring traditionally is always as amazing a digital coloring. if you dont want to color this directly you can always trace the drawing on another sheet of paper and color that.
I did that all the time. usually took me like two or three tries until i got the hang of it.
even though someone else might love to color this, i'd still love to see you color it. i mean it is your art!^_^
Magic Peach (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/07/11 | Reply
Thankyou for your comment! It made my day! ahah
Thankyou! I'm kinda new to this, so I'm not as good as some artists on this site, so please bear with me ahah
But I do appriciate it, Thankyou!
And yes, it is kinda creepy isn't it? ahah D:
especially the eyes O.o
Try drawing this all hours of the morning and have those eyes glaring at you D: ahahah
But thanks anyway!
Magic Peach (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/07/11 | Reply
but if you know anyone who is good at it, by all means, please, I would like to see it myself ahah 
Yes, I am not not very good at colouring on the computer, I just draw them ahah,
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/07/11 | Reply
This picture is really creepy but enchanting at the same time, nice work! :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/07/11 | Reply
i seriously want to see this colored! ^_^