Little Sayu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/30/11 | Reply
I'm sooo sorry for the lateness of this comment!! >.< My gosh I've been SO irresponsible lately...
I LOVE the amount of color that is popping out of this pic!! @__@ It's so so bright and fun, I just love pictures with a light atmosphere like this! ^^ Something about the coloring makes it seem like it came right out of a children's book or a diary or something<3 I'd love to have this as a cover for a journal!
But yeah, I love the fun pose, and all of the details in the buildings! The Eiffel Tower looks great!<3 And the pink word bubble is just perfecttt!~ Waahhh and the outfit is so cute too T__T I need to work on having more fun outfit designs..Tomato looks great in it!<3
Thank you SO much for the lovely dedication!!<3 This is MORE than enough for a birthday gift, silly Akioh-chan! =P Love you SO SO much and thank you again!!<33
Aww, but I like the colours~! But I do know what you mean by your scanner being a meany...XD I really love the colouring on the skin! It almost looks as if you coloured it on SAI! *.*
The colours are FANTASTIC! The combinations are inspiring! I really like the green with the red and the blue and that striped shirt! *.*
Even though the Eiffel Tower looks like it's in the middle of nowhere, it goes well with this picture!
Ahaha always turn to green!
Oh wow he is indeed very tomato-ish. Living up to his name.
I bet his fangirls would love that.
You're welcome! :D
Ohh okay. That works too haha, good stuff.
Thanks!! :)
I wasn't sure what to do with the pants, so I made them green. xD; I was kind of worried about how it would look. I was going to make them pink... He almost always seems to have red and green in his color scheme when I draw him. :o Tomato is very tomato-ish.
Thanks again!! :DDD I'll try rescanning it later on a different scanner.
Last edited by moonlit dream at 5:08:58 PM CDT on October 15, 2011.
Whoaaa man
This looks amazing!
I am in love with Tomato's pose! I think he looks so cute and his expression too.
I knew something was off haha. I like how he's actually wearing his sunglasses in this. And his outfiiitt. Such a unique colour for his pants ahaha. Fitting for To-mah-toe, yes?
And and andddd those shops in the background are so cute. I particularly love that yellow one with the blue and white awning.
It's such a shame the scanner messed with your colours but I still think they look great!
"Pretty and a Little Strange" is a lovely quote too.
Amazing job! I hope you get tons of extra credit hahaha
Oh, scanners. They can be so troublesome. :P
But even so, I like the colours in this picture. I really like how you coloured Tomato's hair.
The title made me think it was a picture of Shinitsu. xD
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/04/11 | Reply
@AngelBest Dream:
Haha, Tomato likes to wear those kinds of clothes. I've never seen a guy in heels like these, but I wouldn't consider it improbable. :d
AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/04/11 | Reply
O wow can't belive you drew Tomato on those shoes!
Well he will really look tall althou I never seen a gyu wear them XD.
It must be weird O_o.
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/30/11 | Reply
No, it's fine! :D Don't worry. And thank you so much!!! ;w; I'm really glad you like it. Happy late birthday!!!
Little Sayu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/30/11 | Reply
I'm sooo sorry for the lateness of this comment!! >.< My gosh I've been SO irresponsible lately...
I LOVE the amount of color that is popping out of this pic!! @__@ It's so so bright and fun, I just love pictures with a light atmosphere like this! ^^ Something about the coloring makes it seem like it came right out of a children's book or a diary or something<3 I'd love to have this as a cover for a journal!
But yeah, I love the fun pose, and all of the details in the buildings! The Eiffel Tower looks great!<3 And the pink word bubble is just perfecttt!~ Waahhh and the outfit is so cute too T__T I need to work on having more fun outfit designs..Tomato looks great in it!<3
Thank you SO much for the lovely dedication!!<3 This is MORE than enough for a birthday gift, silly Akioh-chan! =P Love you SO SO much and thank you again!!<33
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/21/11 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
Thanks a lot! :) But still... I want the picture to be accurate on the computer. xD;
I wish I could color skin on SAI... ;u; Oh, digital art...
Thanks again! :D I like stripes. Hoho.
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/21/11 | Reply
Aww, but I like the colours~! But I do know what you mean by your scanner being a meany...XD I really love the colouring on the skin! It almost looks as if you coloured it on SAI! *.*
The colours are FANTASTIC! The combinations are inspiring! I really like the green with the red and the blue and that striped shirt! *.*
Even though the Eiffel Tower looks like it's in the middle of nowhere, it goes well with this picture!
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/18/11 | Reply
@imouto chan:
That dang-nabbed scanner.
Thanks! :)
imouto chan
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/18/11 | Reply
GET A GRIP SCANNER. Haha, I can understand the scanner frustration. Scanners, out to get us *shakes fist*
I love how colorful it is~ It's happy and bright and stylish, like Tomato :D
Eternal Scout (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/16/11 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
I'm like... ALMOST fluent. I can understand it when other people speak it, but I have some issues when I speak it (with grammar and whatnot).
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/15/11 | Reply
Thanks! :) But I still want to, the colors are inaccurate. xD;
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/15/11 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Ahaha always turn to green!
Oh wow he is indeed very tomato-ish. Living up to his name.
I bet his fangirls would love that.
You're welcome! :D
Ohh okay. That works too haha, good stuff.
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/15/11 | Reply
Thanks!! :)
I wasn't sure what to do with the pants, so I made them green. xD; I was kind of worried about how it would look. I was going to make them pink... He almost always seems to have red and green in his color scheme when I draw him. :o Tomato is very tomato-ish.
Thanks again!! :DDD I'll try rescanning it later on a different scanner.
Last edited by moonlit dream at 5:08:58 PM CDT on October 15, 2011.
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/15/11 | Reply
Haha, I don't speak any French... >3>; (except things like ciao and oui. xD;) Are you fluent in French, or are you learning it?
Thanks a lot! :,D Now that you mention it, the title would work for Shinitsu. xD Haha.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/15/11 | Reply
Whoaaa man
This looks amazing!
I am in love with Tomato's pose! I think he looks so cute and his expression too.
I knew something was off haha. I like how he's actually wearing his sunglasses in this. And his outfiiitt. Such a unique colour for his pants ahaha. Fitting for To-mah-toe, yes?
And and andddd those shops in the background are so cute. I particularly love that yellow one with the blue and white awning.
It's such a shame the scanner messed with your colours but I still think they look great!
"Pretty and a Little Strange" is a lovely quote too.
Amazing job! I hope you get tons of extra credit hahaha
Eternal Scout (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/15/11 | Reply
Oh, scanners. They can be so troublesome. :P
But even so, I like the colours in this picture. I really like how you coloured Tomato's hair.
The title made me think it was a picture of Shinitsu. xD