ok...i realy hope that u find this...i can't get to my site because of a block...and i can't get to ne1 elt's site ither...so i won't be commenting on ur stuff for a while...i just talked to the persion who dose the blocking...and i gave him my plea...but i don't know how long it will take till i can actuaily get to it...THIS IS FOR EVERY ONE ELTS 2!!!
i have no way of posting my story or ne thing elts...i'm so sad right now that i think i may cry!!!
i truely hope that all of you don't get upset at me because i can't post ne more...i don't know if i can get up my art...i will try...but everything elts is out of the question for god knows how long...AND I WAS JUST STARTING TO UNDERSTAND IT 2!!!
i'm so sad now...that i have actuaily begun to cry!...the only way that i can talk to you is threw comments on art!!! so when you all find this comment pass the word on...and i pray that this dosn't happen to you!!!
and for those of you who are wondering...i can't get on to this site from my house because my foster parents are totaly agenst it...and they don't even let me go on the computer at all because i may do something bad...as they say...but regardless of all of this...i will still try and figure a way out of it!!!
i love you all
and i hope that you understand this!
i've never been so sad in my life...
...i feal like running and hideing and i just want to be back!!!
i realy hope that u all get this in time!!!
for i feal i may go back to my old habbits if something is not done soon...
*tears flowing quite strong now*
people are actuaily starting to stare at me because i'm crying and typing so fast...but i don't care
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/27/05 | Reply
Senior Otaku | Posted 03/16/05 | Reply