... XD; There's nothing homo-esque in this pic! XD; It's "Fanservice" they're not even looking at each other XD; All three of thems is straight as an arrow X3 Though that doesn't always stop us from subjecting them to homoerotic situations XD Now if they were all over each other, I could understand X3;
Yes, I still use the site =3 I found the site by something of a "sign" from who knows where, so I love this site and I have nice friends here =3 Plus, I have a higher popularity ranking than on dA XD lolz Also, this site has "fancomics," so it's easier to upload manga pages than on dA, but I still keep both =3
Shit, been awhile. Can't believe you still use this site. For some reason your art work has always given off a slightly homo erotic feel to it, I can't exactly put my finger on it, but it has. You have gotten better though.
lol I still think it's a cool idea even if I end up giggling! I think It's Lux that making me giggle the most! XD
I think your version Of Rai will have the "Surprise I have Abs!!!" while my version has "Hey where are my Abs?" XD
Raimundo:?!!! * So Embarassed he releases Static from his cheeks*
Ahaha, thank you~! X3 Lol, they seem to want to make everyone laugh XD No one can take loincloths seriously X3;
I know~! *squees* I call them Rai's "Secret Abs" =eue= Like, you won't know until he takes off his shirt... KYAA! *glomps Rai* You're so hawt, Rai-kuuun~<3
You don't need pants here, Rai =eue= They keep this room plenty warm X3 *rubs cheek on Rai's*
Aberius: You realize how huge of a creeper you are right now...?
Me: Shut up =>3>;= Oh, no prob, Toyocchi~! =^_^= Thank you for joining the club when you did~! X3 *hugs*
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/06/12 | Reply
Oh You finally got done!!! This looks so good! I really like the coloring you did and how you changed the skin tone too!!! The effects looks so awesome!!!
All three of them look so good even though the loincloths keep making me giggle!!!
Omg Rai has abs? I almost didn't notice! He looks so cute!!! They all look so good!!!
Raimundo: Eh?!!! W-where are my pants!!! This is so embrassing!!!
Thanks X3 Those spotlights were tricky =/ I'm still not entirely sure they're the way I want them, but actually, I think I see what the issue is XD So if I ever use spotlights again, I'll use the technique I see in my head, now X3
Lol XD Not my choices, it was decided by legitimate poll X3 I'm simply drawing the results X3 I'm surprised (yet pleasantly so) by 3rd place because I wasn't sure how many people would have picked Rai, but he's just so awesomelyfantasticyo~! X3 *nuzzles Rai*
Ahaha, loincloths seem to make people laugh a lot XD I suppose you can't really take them all seriously X3 if they wer just wearing pants, maybe people would be more like "Omg, I want their babies!" XD Lol j/k But yeah, loincloths are funny X3
hahahahhahahahahhaahahahahahahha COOL! hahahahaha I love the way you colored this and off course the poses are great too hahahah I cant stop smiling!!! nice choices for PGR's sexiest men... AWESOME kitty-chan!!
Last edited by krokun at 3:51:36 PM CST on February 6, 2012.
Ahaha, me too X3 It's now my desktop background =eue=
Ahaha, yes, much like every human, we're all a bit different even the similar ones X3 So I like to put a bit of difference between characters... unless they have the same skin tone X3
*ç* wow... simply.. wow!! mwahahaah!! this is really awesome!! XD I feel like watching at it all the evening XD
I love the shading and that you used 3 different skin tones X3
Lmao XD I would think you'd invite many a cold closer doing all that X3 Ohoho But a cold will turn burning hot when it get close enough to you, Lux-kun~ X3
Aberius: *in a corner puking*
Raine: *face is neon red and a stream of blood falls from her nose* O///////O
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/16/12 | Reply
Thank you thank you =^_^=
Traditional Artist (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/16/12 | Reply
Hehe awesome colouring and nice idea..I love the poses and the expressions..You did a great job as always..Keep it up..
Good things comes 2 those who wait, The things you lost will always replace something better..
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/11/12 | Reply
Lol, thank you X3
The Trichomona (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/11/12 | Reply
Hahaha Great idea!!! i love it!
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/09/12 | Reply
@I Am Manga:
... XD; There's nothing homo-esque in this pic! XD; It's "Fanservice" they're not even looking at each other XD; All three of thems is straight as an arrow X3 Though that doesn't always stop us from subjecting them to homoerotic situations XD Now if they were all over each other, I could understand X3;
Yes, I still use the site =3 I found the site by something of a "sign" from who knows where, so I love this site and I have nice friends here =3 Plus, I have a higher popularity ranking than on dA XD lolz Also, this site has "fancomics," so it's easier to upload manga pages than on dA, but I still keep both =3
Thank you =^_^= I intend to keep doing so =3
I Am Manga
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/09/12 | Reply
Shit, been awhile. Can't believe you still use this site. For some reason your art work has always given off a slightly homo erotic feel to it, I can't exactly put my finger on it, but it has. You have gotten better though.
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/09/12 | Reply
@Team Plasma N:
Eh?!! B-But it was that pose and the Loincloth that me giggle!!!*nervous* XD
Team Plasma N
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/09/12 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Lux: I make you giggle??? *grins* Just wait till we get alone!!! 8D
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/08/12 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Ahaha good luck with those, then X3
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/08/12 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
lol I think you're right! XD Maybe after I get done with gag comics I just got inspired with!!! XD
Last edited by toyotami kun at 4:46:25 PM CST on February 8, 2012.
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/07/12 | Reply
Oh no *sees them without loincloths and has a massive nosebleed explosion* XD;
If Rai knew you stole his loincloth, he'd die of embarrassment X3; Poor guy <3
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/07/12 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
True this X3
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/07/12 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Haha, thank you X3 Because he's so silly X3
Lolz XD That'd be a funny comparison to put in a comic X3
*puts on a rubber suit and hugs Rai* X3
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/07/12 | Reply
-Steals loincloths.-
Now THATS better!
nezumi kurosaki
Babybunn (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/07/12 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
lol your welcome
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/07/12 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
Ah, that's the great thing about art. You can quickly learn from your mistakes and find a new option.
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/07/12 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
lol I still think it's a cool idea even if I end up giggling! I think It's Lux that making me giggle the most! XD
I think your version Of Rai will have the "Surprise I have Abs!!!" while my version has "Hey where are my Abs?" XD
Raimundo:?!!! * So Embarassed he releases Static from his cheeks*
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/07/12 | Reply
Haha! XD Thank you 10x over, then! =^_^=
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/07/12 | Reply
Ahaha XD Thank you a lot! =D
CAOS (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/07/12 | Reply
BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! XD HELL YEAH!! now THAT'S what im talking about! hahaha xD NICE PIC!!! LUV tha poses and expressions hahaha
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/06/12 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Ahaha, thank you~! X3 Lol, they seem to want to make everyone laugh XD No one can take loincloths seriously X3;
I know~! *squees* I call them Rai's "Secret Abs" =eue= Like, you won't know until he takes off his shirt... KYAA! *glomps Rai* You're so hawt, Rai-kuuun~<3
You don't need pants here, Rai =eue= They keep this room plenty warm X3 *rubs cheek on Rai's*
Aberius: You realize how huge of a creeper you are right now...?
Me: Shut up =>3>;= Oh, no prob, Toyocchi~! =^_^= Thank you for joining the club when you did~! X3 *hugs*
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/06/12 | Reply
Oh You finally got done!!! This looks so good! I really like the coloring you did and how you changed the skin tone too!!! The effects looks so awesome!!!
They all look so good!!!
All three of them look so good even though the loincloths keep making me giggle!!!
Omg Rai has abs? I almost didn't notice! He looks so cute!!!
Raimundo: Eh?!!! W-where are my pants!!! This is so embrassing!!!
Ah also thank you for dedicating this to me!!! XD
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/06/12 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
Thanks X3 Those spotlights were tricky =/ I'm still not entirely sure they're the way I want them, but actually, I think I see what the issue is XD So if I ever use spotlights again, I'll use the technique I see in my head, now X3
Thank you~! =D
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/06/12 | Reply
I love how you did the lights and the popping out words! It makes it seems so more intense~! >:D
I like their poses, too~! XD
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/06/12 | Reply
Lol XD Not my choices, it was decided by legitimate poll X3 I'm simply drawing the results X3 I'm surprised (yet pleasantly so) by 3rd place because I wasn't sure how many people would have picked Rai, but he's just so awesomelyfantasticyo~! X3 *nuzzles Rai*
Ahaha, loincloths seem to make people laugh a lot XD I suppose you can't really take them all seriously X3 if they wer just wearing pants, maybe people would be more like "Omg, I want their babies!" XD Lol j/k But yeah, loincloths are funny X3
Thank you, Kro-chan~! =D
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/06/12 | Reply
hahahahhahahahahhaahahahahahahha COOL! hahahahaha I love the way you colored this and off course the poses are great too hahahah I cant stop smiling!!! nice choices for PGR's sexiest men... AWESOME kitty-chan!!
Last edited by krokun at 3:51:36 PM CST on February 6, 2012.
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/06/12 | Reply
Ahaha, me too X3 It's now my desktop background =eue=
Ahaha, yes, much like every human, we're all a bit different even the similar ones X3 So I like to put a bit of difference between characters... unless they have the same skin tone X3
Thank you~!
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/06/12 | Reply
*ç* wow... simply.. wow!! mwahahaah!! this is really awesome!! XD I feel like watching at it all the evening XD
I love the shading and that you used 3 different skin tones X3
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/06/12 | Reply
Thank you~! =^_^= They are indeed =eue= *huggles Rai*
ETERNITY (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/06/12 | Reply
This is awesome! Your digital coloring is beautiful :D
Love the details of the muscles. Their all so hot and sexy!
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/06/12 | Reply
@nezumi kurosaki:
Ohohohohohoho, indeed it is =eUe= Thank you~ X3
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/06/12 | Reply
@Team Plasma N:
Lmao XD I would think you'd invite many a cold closer doing all that X3 Ohoho But a cold will turn burning hot when it get close enough to you, Lux-kun~ X3
Aberius: *in a corner puking*
Raine: *face is neon red and a stream of blood falls from her nose* O///////O
nezumi kurosaki
Babybunn (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/06/12 | Reply
lol this is soo pervy lol
Team Plasma N
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/06/12 | Reply
Lux: Catch a cold?! HA! That will never happen!!! I will scare them away with this thing on....HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *does sexy poses*
Me: Oh dear me >////w///<
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/06/12 | Reply
Lol X3 Thankees~! X3
Val's chibi kitty (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/06/12 | Reply
WHOOOOOOOOO!!!! *loves the fanservice*
It came out so well! I love it >//////w//////<
like a BOSS.