lol thank you, it was fun to do and Manga did an awesome job! XD Poor Mascotte he has to kiss a dog! XD
I'm just tired of getting up at 5am to go to work! XD
The meme was awesome!!! I would get rid of that stuff too..except for the 5am thing I'm cool with that. Also funny, poor boy got a mad dog to kiss...oh well pucker up!(evil laugh) You two did a great job on the meme's hugs and favs all!
It's a little hard to explain what a meme is! It's just something with questions that you fill out for fun.
This double meme was something I asked Manga to fill out, there were some questions on it and we just filled it out!
I hope I was a little help?!! XD If not sorry!
one quick question -_- please dont laugh at me lol but what is meme...or double meme??? ive been wandering that for the longest :p and i love your picture :3
Last edited by nezumi kurosaki at 9:28:45 AM CST on February 25, 2012.
xD Thats so funny, Mascotte and Cerberus!!
I wonder what I would have said for something silly... I can't even think of anything right now! xD
OOO *3* I'd love to see it all together on DA :D Thanks so much!!!
XD Mascotte thought he was going to get a girl, but he got a mad dog instead! XD it's a funny crack pairing!
For the deathnote part I just went with the silly little things that bothers me, I also didn't want to go with anything serious cause it would of been a list!
I'll put it together later then send you a link so you can see it all together! I should have no problem with that. I see if I do that tomorrow!
LOL I laughed at it too xD It was so funny what Mascot said!! xD I'm glad you liked it! I wanted to do something funny!
Yeah I couldn't think of anything so I just went with what ultimately bothers me!! xD
Wow that is so cool!! Now I'm really honored that you asked me! And funny thing, its one of the very first projects I've ever completely finished xD Thankyou so much!! <3
Oh no problem!! I guess you can copy it full size by going onto high resolution but if you need to me email the parts to you, I can do that as well :D
lol I don't know this part came out strange? XD when I first saw what you did for the kissing pose it made me crack up! It's so funny what you drew!!!
Ah yes he's a character I drew a while ago, his name is Mascotte, which is french for Mascot. XD yeah he was the victim for this, but he'd kiss Cereberus anyways! XD
you wne t serious so I went silly, to lighten up the mood, but it was kind of hard picking!
No problem, I always wanted to fill this out but never knew who to ask and that has been a over a year now!
I think I might put this together and post on DA if that is okay with you?!! ^_^
Super work here too!! I thought it was so funny seeing the kissing pose xD Is that one of your OCs? he's really cool! Poor him... has to kiss Cereberus LOL
Haha I laughed at our Deathnotes too!! xD I love your little doodles :D I was so un-creative there hahaha! I really love your side and all the work you put into it! Thanks again SO MUCH for asking me to do this with you!!! *HUGS*
Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/26/12 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Ohh okay. lol
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/26/12 | Reply
@ACL Production:
thanks! ^_^
ACL Production
Otakuite++ | Posted 02/25/12 | Reply
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/25/12 | Reply
oh never mind, that was part of the meme then, sorry I wasn't looking at that! XD
Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/25/12 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
It was like right after the writing at the top, the little thing at the end. It was like a face with an evil smirk.
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/25/12 | Reply
lol it was fun! It was nice to work with someone else on this! XD
Question Cafér (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/25/12 | Reply
Ohmygosh! >u< You two seemed like you guys had soooo much fun! Hilarious~~~ This is so awesome~! I love double memes like this~~
nezumi kurosaki
Babybunn (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/25/12 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
ok thanks!! :D
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/25/12 | Reply
Are you refering to Manga's part? XD she drew the mad dog from Eyesheild 21! XD
Last edited by toyotami kun at 7:05:46 PM CST on February 25, 2012.
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/25/12 | Reply
@nezumi kurosaki:
lol okay, I thought I might of explain it in a confusing way! XD If you want to fill some meme out, they can be found on DA! ^_^
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/25/12 | Reply
lol thank you, it was fun to do and Manga did an awesome job! XD Poor Mascotte he has to kiss a dog! XD
I'm just tired of getting up at 5am to go to work! XD
nezumi kurosaki
Babybunn (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/25/12 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
lol thanks it makes sense
Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/25/12 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Lol not that the thing under the paragraph. The other one was cute.
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/25/12 | Reply
The meme was awesome!!!
I would get rid of that stuff too..except for the 5am thing I'm cool with that. Also funny, poor boy got a mad dog to kiss...oh well pucker up!(evil laugh) You two did a great job on the meme's hugs and favs all!
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/25/12 | Reply
lol thank you! He's not really evil, he's more of a goofball who thought he was going to kiss a cute girl! XD
Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/25/12 | Reply
Rofl I love the evil lookin character at the top.
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/25/12 | Reply
@nezumi kurosaki:
It's a little hard to explain what a meme is! It's just something with questions that you fill out for fun.
This double meme was something I asked Manga to fill out, there were some questions on it and we just filled it out!
I hope I was a little help?!! XD If not sorry!
nezumi kurosaki
Babybunn (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/25/12 | Reply
one quick question -_- please dont laugh at me lol but what is meme...or double meme??? ive been wandering that for the longest :p and i love your picture :3
Last edited by nezumi kurosaki at 9:28:45 AM CST on February 25, 2012.
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/24/12 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
xD Thats so funny, Mascotte and Cerberus!!
I wonder what I would have said for something silly... I can't even think of anything right now! xD
OOO *3* I'd love to see it all together on DA :D Thanks so much!!!
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/24/12 | Reply
XD Mascotte thought he was going to get a girl, but he got a mad dog instead! XD it's a funny crack pairing!
For the deathnote part I just went with the silly little things that bothers me, I also didn't want to go with anything serious cause it would of been a list!
I'll put it together later then send you a link so you can see it all together! I should have no problem with that. I see if I do that tomorrow!
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/24/12 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
LOL I laughed at it too xD It was so funny what Mascot said!! xD I'm glad you liked it! I wanted to do something funny!
Yeah I couldn't think of anything so I just went with what ultimately bothers me!! xD
Wow that is so cool!! Now I'm really honored that you asked me! And funny thing, its one of the very first projects I've ever completely finished xD Thankyou so much!! <3
Oh no problem!! I guess you can copy it full size by going onto high resolution but if you need to me email the parts to you, I can do that as well :D
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/24/12 | Reply
lol I don't know this part came out strange? XD when I first saw what you did for the kissing pose it made me crack up! It's so funny what you drew!!!
Ah yes he's a character I drew a while ago, his name is Mascotte, which is french for Mascot. XD yeah he was the victim for this, but he'd kiss Cereberus anyways! XD
you wne t serious so I went silly, to lighten up the mood, but it was kind of hard picking!
No problem, I always wanted to fill this out but never knew who to ask and that has been a over a year now!
I think I might put this together and post on DA if that is okay with you?!! ^_^
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/24/12 | Reply
Super work here too!! I thought it was so funny seeing the kissing pose xD Is that one of your OCs? he's really cool! Poor him... has to kiss Cereberus LOL
Haha I laughed at our Deathnotes too!! xD I love your little doodles :D I was so un-creative there hahaha! I really love your side and all the work you put into it! Thanks again SO MUCH for asking me to do this with you!!! *HUGS*