it's fine I can't even remember what I did after replying to you and I can understand about family members being nosy! XD
I can't promise anything though I'll try to do it! Xd
I'm really glad about that, I was way over thinking him then! xD
Oh its ok! I actually got offline after replying to you too... Right now I'm trying to rush though since I have to have supper soon and I don't want to leave this page open or else my family will start looking through my account! Not that I have anything to hide, but its just annoying when that happens! xD
I'll look forward to Friday or this weekend then, whenever you have time to scan all your work! I'm marking it on my calendar JKJKJK! But I really love when you post stuff^^
Ah I hope the links work! Let me know what you think whenever you are able to see them^^
Ah don't work yourself! yeah you needed a break but seriously he looks just fine!
wow you replied pretty fast so I figured you were online! I had to get off though since my sister wanted to cruse.
I haven't really discussed what the draft was about, but I messed up on the 2nd page so I'll redo that. I have a lot of stuff to scan but I think I'll be scanning over on Friday or some thing. XD
I'm saving the links and I'm going to look at them later!
lol! I'm happy you think so Toya! That makes me relieved xD I really worked myself up into some stress there, but I didn't feel like stopping to take a break either so i thought it got worse and worse xD I'm still gonna practice his style a bit more though!
Ah its cloudy here too! And humid =_= I've actually been on my laptop most of the day except for a walk with the dogs and when i did that comic. And when the laptop is available this long, I just stay on it xD
I was about to say that your Reina draft sounds so amazing, but then I see you're starting over... I still think it'll turn out amazing! I like the sound of her going through a conflict since it'll really bring out her personality!
Ah its ok then^^ I'm looking forward to seeing your new pages!!
Sure no problem, you can see it whenever^^ I thought it was neat how the style changed!
When I looked at his face he didn't seem any different and he's good looking! d\b plus each of his outfits look nice! XD
Oh my goodness I'm feeling lazy to, and it's cloudy over here so it makes me lazier! XD
Yup I'm working on some draft featuring Reina and her conflict but I might start over on it cause it doesn't make sense.
lol Yeah I lost my blue paper but it's okay since I was running out anyways and I would have to use white paper anyways! XD
I will try those links again but a little later since my sister is wanting my computer soon! @_@ I'll let yo know what I think!!!
Lol thanks! ^_^
Ok I will! Lol I think I've been concentrating so much on detail that I'm stressing myself out with his face? And since I haven't drawn him as much recently, I guess its only natural for him to 'evolve' with my style too... I just end up feeling bad that he doesn't look like how he used to look XD I should just keep doodling him! I'm really excited to show you his outfits! I did one today and it looked better then my other ones from yesterday.. I was getting lazy and tired with the doodles yesterday xD
Ah its ok! I'm sure that you'll do the outfits when you get the time to and feel like it! I actually wanted to do these outfits a while ago but I just didn't feel like it. And if you pressure yourself to get them done, an art block might come on. Those comics drafts sound really good, I can't wait to read them when you post! I seem to have lots to post right now but I'm too lazy to take pics of them xD
Lol! Now you lost your blue paper!? I think its ok if its in white though! I know that I won't mind the colour change^^
Lol I wanted to continue writing about some stuff but then I'll write too much and not have room to send you these links again!
Try these out by copying and pasting: Oldest-
There's a difference in lines and eyes I think! Let me know if those work!
I want to continue reaading Gokusen and see what happens in the story and her style! :D I haven't read it recently since I've been busy xD
It's okay I don't mind waiting! I know that you are sharing your laptop all over the place! XD
It sounds exciting that you have drawn Kaji and I can't wait to see all his outfit changes! Don't stress to much on his looks. You need to stay calm and relax as you draw or else you'll hit an art block! @_@ Just do quick doodles?
I haven't been able to draw either Reina or Andres in outfits, I've been working on s couple of comic drafts for them. I need to get back on track though before I get lazy or forget!
BMC is being slowly worked on, I'm inking them and coloring them, but it will be a little strange since the new pages will be white and not blue! I lost my blue paper?!! XD
I tried to use the links you gave me, but they don't work so I can't see them, but I'll check them out on a different site if they are not blocked off. I think that's interesting and I would love to see her change!
It's making me thing of Gokusen! In that one you can see the BIG sudden improvement in her art! XD
I'm finally replying to your comments! I guess its not been too long, but I haven't been on my laptop for a while again T_T
I've done quite a few sketches of Kaji dressed up! I can't wait to upload them, but I did have some trouble as well >3< Thankyou for the email yesterday, reminding me not to stress out over it! Lol That was exactly what I started doing as Kaji started to look different in my sketches and it was annoying to not be able to be consistent! He still looks too old in some sketches, but I just need to suck it up and keep working on him^^
Oooo I'd love to see sketches of Andres and Reina together and in different outfits! :D I'll look forward to what you draw!
I'm realy happy that you got some more pages of BMC done! My sister Abbey will be looking forward to reading them too since she read BMC last couple weeks ago and loved it! But no pressure on posting them if you're busy! ^^
AH I wanted to tell you that I continued reading Dengeki Daisy now that its finally being updated, and I think her style has changed!! It almost looks digital for some reason @_@ And she does eyes differently now too. OLDER, OLD, and NOW... Do you see a difference between those pictures of Teru? The first two are from early chapters and the last one is from the latest chapter. I'm sure the creator has improved her style, but the latest chapters look so different!
ACK! Sorry for writing soo much >_<
Oh Kaji in other outfits sounds exciting! I want to actually take a small break from Raimundo, which is why I don't want to draw him, I might try drawing Andres instead with Reina just to get me some more practice on them?
lol I was drawing some new pages for BMC but I got distracted, I'll finish them tomorrow though!
I agree with you there, I like her girls cause they are not to girly and she always makes different girl characters, they all have their own style and I like that.XD
Its so neat that we're thinking of the same thing! :D I had some ideas too... I wanted to try drawing him in suits and school uniforms x3 It's gonna be really fun to draw them and see your drawings too if you post them! Ooo I'd like to see Rai in different outfits too!
AH BMC!!!!! I'm so excited for this, I'm really looking forward to seeing them 8D I'm so glad you're continuing it!
There's so much of your art I can't wait to see x3 I'm getting so inspired too :D
Yes I agree! The style of Beast Master is the best^^ I like how her girls don't look overly girly and they have really fun expressions too :D
oh my gosh that's funny cause I was thinking of drawing Raimundo in other outfits too, but I'm trying to stay away from him....XD
Kaji already looks cool, so seeing him in new outfits sounds neat! I bet he'll look even cooler! I can't wait to see him!!!
I haven't worrk on Reina or the new gijinka yet though cause I'm drawing some new pages for BMC, I finally know how to continue it! XD But I'll be posting everything soon if I'm not feeling lazy. XD
I love Beast Master's style and I look at her work all the time! XD I like HS debut style too, and Maid sama is okay, but I think Beast Master's the best? XD
AH THATS SO COOL! Did I tell you that I'm going to practice drawing Kaji in some new outfits? I can't wait to see Reina dressed up^^ I think drawing a character in different outfits is really good for practicing all types of things without getting bored x3
AH a new gijinka!? Please post her and your doodles!!! I'm so happy you're excited, its making me all excited too xD I'm trying to work on some entries so its slowed me down, but I'm going to get back to working on my one-shots!
Yeah I think its a good idea! I like the style from Beast Master, Highschool Debut, and even Maid sama though I never read that one. I think it'll give us more ideas on how to draw them? :)
I'm actually going to start drawing Reina in some outfits I researched yesterday! XD I think that's a good way to get started, and I also designed a girl gijinka to get me even more interested! XD I'm excited!
I should also look at some manga like you to see how to draw girls too!
LOL! I think I might not look exactly like that, but inside I'd definitely feel like that hahaha! AHAHA I couldn't figure out how to draw it all xD jk! Its actually a bit shorter in pig-tail braids, but thankyou for mentioning it^^
Lol same here! XD Thanks, its good encouraging each other^^ I don't know exactly how I'm going to get started, but I really want to study/sketch some girls from my favourite shoujo manga styles! That might help^^ I'm sure you won't have much problem either because the gijinka girls you've drawn look so cute! And you've drawn great girls before so you'll probably pick it up again fast!
Cute, I hope you won't actually look like that when someone does ask you out though. . . I hope I won't look like that If someone asks me out, lol! (your hair's waaay longer than that)
I know, it is! We seem to be having the same troubles at the same time xD
Lol same! I'm going to really have to work on girl eyes for the face and the chest and shoulders are my problem too =_= I'm sure we'll get over it though!
wow I didn't notice that, isn't that funny? XD I'm practicing a little on girls, but I'm having trouble with faces and the chest, I can't seem to get that right?
Thanks a billion, Klassic-chan! You always make my day more brighter with your super sweet comments^^ I'm really glad you like this little sketch! its awkward to draw but worth it to know that you enjoyed it xD Thanks again!
Hey no prob, I'm of the same mind as you... I'm not totally against romance as I read lots of shoujo manga BUT I myself am not a romantic person in my own life, by no means. So I understand^^
Yay!! I'm really excited! I think I'm able to draw guys well enough, but i still feel like I need more practice on girls. But I'm really happy that its looking more shoujo-ish! :D Thanks, Toya!
Yeah your recent sketches are looking different then your older sketches, to me they are looking more like shoujo. I think you'll be ready for your one shot! XD
Ahaha! Thankyou, Ramen! I'm trying to work on expression now... You inspired me with your expression drawing! I'm trying to work in some practice with different faces, and comics are going to help me with that too... I might do one of those expression memes as well!
I'm really looking forward to posting some of my comics soon! They aren't the shoujo idea yet though, they're just little stories for practice^^
I wonder why you both thought of Tohru! ^u^
I'm really glad you like this, my friend!
Yeah I know what you mean >_< I almost missed this time around! Its sometimes tough being obligated to enter, but when I do have the time it is really fun^^
Ah! Thankyou, N!! Haha thats funny that I look like Tohru! I went a bit overboard on my expression xD I'm glad you like it though!!
Oh yeah, I used to think Kurosaki automatically meant Ichigo xD But this is the other Kurosaki x3
Thankyou, Toya! I'm glad you think so!
Oh thats interesting you mentioned that.. Yeah I guess I'm focusing more on shoujo these days and its starting to come out in my style? there was one point where i was having trouble with that so I'm glad to hear that its looking more like shoujo style!! It'll be ready for my one-shot^^
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/01/12 | Reply
Whoops, N beat me to it... I was going to say you reminded me of Tohru XD Still, nice pic! ^_^ Seems like a fun challenge, but I'm not sure if I should enter because I don't know if I like the idea of being committed to all the other challenges after this one ._.
your art is has been getting cuter these days! I think that you finally have a style developed and it's starting to show more. You're getting that shoujo vibe and it doesn't look so shonen? Nice job!
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/01/12 | Reply
LOL You look like Tohru Honda xD And when I saw Kurosaki I was going to say, HECK YES ICHIGO!!! xD Then I failed and saw someone else ;D Love the way you drew this super cute!!!
Ahahaha thats so funny! xD I'm happy you like it, Toya! Lol you're saying my art is cute so much these days, thankyou! I've been focused on doing more cuter drawings so I'm glad they look that way!
I'm glad you like the pose and expression! I love drawing blush ^///^ and the pose was done without reference! I'm trying to practice for that shoujo manga x3
Oh and I have to email you back, I need to tell you something!
Ah thankyou for mentioning that, Bonnie! I hate when it does that =_=
And I'm really glad you like this! Thankyou so much <3
Edit: Ok just fixed it and I also wanted to let you know I was stumped on an idea for my next wallie entry to your challenge, but I have one now and I'm going to try my best to get it done by this weekend^^
Last edited by MangaKid at 8:34:37 PM EDT on May 1, 2012.
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/01/12 | Reply
lol Teru better watch out or else you might steal Kurisaki from her Manga! XD
This is cute, the pose is nice and your blushing face is just cute! lolXD
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/09/12 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Its ok, whenever you post something, I'll see it!! :D
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/12 | Reply
it's fine I can't even remember what I did after replying to you and I can understand about family members being nosy! XD
I can't promise anything though I'll try to do it! Xd
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/09/12 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
I'm really glad about that, I was way over thinking him then! xD
Oh its ok! I actually got offline after replying to you too... Right now I'm trying to rush though since I have to have supper soon and I don't want to leave this page open or else my family will start looking through my account! Not that I have anything to hide, but its just annoying when that happens! xD
I'll look forward to Friday or this weekend then, whenever you have time to scan all your work!
I'm marking it on my calendarJKJKJK! But I really love when you post stuff^^Ah I hope the links work! Let me know what you think whenever you are able to see them^^
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/12 | Reply
Ah don't work yourself! yeah you needed a break but seriously he looks just fine!
wow you replied pretty fast so I figured you were online! I had to get off though since my sister wanted to cruse.
I haven't really discussed what the draft was about, but I messed up on the 2nd page so I'll redo that. I have a lot of stuff to scan but I think I'll be scanning over on Friday or some thing. XD
I'm saving the links and I'm going to look at them later!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/08/12 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
lol! I'm happy you think so Toya! That makes me relieved xD I really worked myself up into some stress there, but I didn't feel like stopping to take a break either so i thought it got worse and worse xD I'm still gonna practice his style a bit more though!
Ah its cloudy here too! And humid =_= I've actually been on my laptop most of the day except for a walk with the dogs and when i did that comic. And when the laptop is available this long, I just stay on it xD
I was about to say that your Reina draft sounds so amazing, but then I see you're starting over... I still think it'll turn out amazing! I like the sound of her going through a conflict since it'll really bring out her personality!
Ah its ok then^^ I'm looking forward to seeing your new pages!!
Sure no problem, you can see it whenever^^ I thought it was neat how the style changed!
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/12 | Reply
When I looked at his face he didn't seem any different and he's good looking! d\b plus each of his outfits look nice! XD
Oh my goodness I'm feeling lazy to, and it's cloudy over here so it makes me lazier! XD
Yup I'm working on some draft featuring Reina and her conflict but I might start over on it cause it doesn't make sense.
lol Yeah I lost my blue paper but it's okay since I was running out anyways and I would have to use white paper anyways! XD
I will try those links again but a little later since my sister is wanting my computer soon! @_@ I'll let yo know what I think!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/07/12 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Lol thanks! ^_^
Ok I will! Lol I think I've been concentrating so much on detail that I'm stressing myself out with his face? And since I haven't drawn him as much recently, I guess its only natural for him to 'evolve' with my style too... I just end up feeling bad that he doesn't look like how he used to look XD I should just keep doodling him! I'm really excited to show you his outfits! I did one today and it looked better then my other ones from yesterday.. I was getting lazy and tired with the doodles yesterday xD
Ah its ok! I'm sure that you'll do the outfits when you get the time to and feel like it! I actually wanted to do these outfits a while ago but I just didn't feel like it. And if you pressure yourself to get them done, an art block might come on. Those comics drafts sound really good, I can't wait to read them when you post! I seem to have lots to post right now but I'm too lazy to take pics of them xD
Lol! Now you lost your blue paper!? I think its ok if its in white though! I know that I won't mind the colour change^^
Lol I wanted to continue writing about some stuff but then I'll write too much and not have room to send you these links again!
Try these out by copying and pasting: Oldest-
There's a difference in lines and eyes I think! Let me know if those work!
I want to continue reaading Gokusen and see what happens in the story and her style! :D I haven't read it recently since I've been busy xD
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/07/12 | Reply
It's okay I don't mind waiting! I know that you are sharing your laptop all over the place! XD
It sounds exciting that you have drawn Kaji and I can't wait to see all his outfit changes! Don't stress to much on his looks. You need to stay calm and relax as you draw or else you'll hit an art block! @_@ Just do quick doodles?
I haven't been able to draw either Reina or Andres in outfits, I've been working on s couple of comic drafts for them. I need to get back on track though before I get lazy or forget!
BMC is being slowly worked on, I'm inking them and coloring them, but it will be a little strange since the new pages will be white and not blue! I lost my blue paper?!! XD
I tried to use the links you gave me, but they don't work so I can't see them, but I'll check them out on a different site if they are not blocked off. I think that's interesting and I would love to see her change!
It's making me thing of Gokusen! In that one you can see the BIG sudden improvement in her art! XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/07/12 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
I'm finally replying to your comments! I guess its not been too long, but I haven't been on my laptop for a while again T_T
I've done quite a few sketches of Kaji dressed up! I can't wait to upload them, but I did have some trouble as well >3< Thankyou for the email yesterday, reminding me not to stress out over it! Lol That was exactly what I started doing as Kaji started to look different in my sketches and it was annoying to not be able to be consistent! He still looks too old in some sketches, but I just need to suck it up and keep working on him^^
Oooo I'd love to see sketches of Andres and Reina together and in different outfits! :D I'll look forward to what you draw!
I'm realy happy that you got some more pages of BMC done! My sister Abbey will be looking forward to reading them too since she read BMC last couple weeks ago and loved it! But no pressure on posting them if you're busy! ^^
AH I wanted to tell you that I continued reading Dengeki Daisy now that its finally being updated, and I think her style has changed!! It almost looks digital for some reason @_@ And she does eyes differently now too. OLDER, OLD, and NOW... Do you see a difference between those pictures of Teru? The first two are from early chapters and the last one is from the latest chapter. I'm sure the creator has improved her style, but the latest chapters look so different!
ACK! Sorry for writing soo much >_<
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/05/12 | Reply
Oh Kaji in other outfits sounds exciting! I want to actually take a small break from Raimundo, which is why I don't want to draw him, I might try drawing Andres instead with Reina just to get me some more practice on them?
lol I was drawing some new pages for BMC but I got distracted, I'll finish them tomorrow though!
I agree with you there, I like her girls cause they are not to girly and she always makes different girl characters, they all have their own style and I like that.XD
Grand Otaku | Posted 05/05/12 | Reply
Haha, yeah I would probably feel that way inside too^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/05/12 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Its so neat that we're thinking of the same thing! :D I had some ideas too... I wanted to try drawing him in suits and school uniforms x3 It's gonna be really fun to draw them and see your drawings too if you post them! Ooo I'd like to see Rai in different outfits too!
AH BMC!!!!! I'm so excited for this, I'm really looking forward to seeing them 8D I'm so glad you're continuing it!
There's so much of your art I can't wait to see x3 I'm getting so inspired too :D
Yes I agree! The style of Beast Master is the best^^ I like how her girls don't look overly girly and they have really fun expressions too :D
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/05/12 | Reply
oh my gosh that's funny cause I was thinking of drawing Raimundo in other outfits too, but I'm trying to stay away from him....XD
Kaji already looks cool, so seeing him in new outfits sounds neat! I bet he'll look even cooler! I can't wait to see him!!!
I haven't worrk on Reina or the new gijinka yet though cause I'm drawing some new pages for BMC, I finally know how to continue it! XD But I'll be posting everything soon if I'm not feeling lazy. XD
I love Beast Master's style and I look at her work all the time! XD I like HS debut style too, and Maid sama is okay, but I think Beast Master's the best? XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/05/12 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
AH THATS SO COOL! Did I tell you that I'm going to practice drawing Kaji in some new outfits? I can't wait to see Reina dressed up^^ I think drawing a character in different outfits is really good for practicing all types of things without getting bored x3
AH a new gijinka!? Please post her and your doodles!!! I'm so happy you're excited, its making me all excited too xD I'm trying to work on some entries so its slowed me down, but I'm going to get back to working on my one-shots!
Yeah I think its a good idea! I like the style from Beast Master, Highschool Debut, and even Maid sama though I never read that one. I think it'll give us more ideas on how to draw them? :)
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/05/12 | Reply
I'm actually going to start drawing Reina in some outfits I researched yesterday! XD I think that's a good way to get started, and I also designed a girl gijinka to get me even more interested! XD I'm excited!
I should also look at some manga like you to see how to draw girls too!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/05/12 | Reply
LOL! I think I might not look exactly like that, but inside I'd definitely feel like that hahaha! AHAHA I couldn't figure out how to draw it all xD jk! Its actually a bit shorter in pig-tail braids, but thankyou for mentioning it^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/05/12 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Lol same here! XD Thanks, its good encouraging each other^^ I don't know exactly how I'm going to get started, but I really want to study/sketch some girls from my favourite shoujo manga styles! That might help^^ I'm sure you won't have much problem either because the gijinka girls you've drawn look so cute! And you've drawn great girls before so you'll probably pick it up again fast!
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/04/12 | Reply
XD I think it's my own fault, I drew to many guys for a while now so it's hard but I think we'll both do fine if we just practice! XD
Grand Otaku | Posted 05/04/12 | Reply
Cute, I hope you won't actually look like that when someone does ask you out though. . . I hope I won't look like that If someone asks me out, lol! (your hair's waaay longer than that)
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/03/12 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
I know, it is! We seem to be having the same troubles at the same time xD
Lol same! I'm going to really have to work on girl eyes for the face and the chest and shoulders are my problem too =_= I'm sure we'll get over it though!
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/03/12 | Reply
wow I didn't notice that, isn't that funny? XD I'm practicing a little on girls, but I'm having trouble with faces and the chest, I can't seem to get that right?
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/03/12 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Ah thats weird! We seem to get art blocks at the same time too @_@ We can inspire each other to draw girls more xD I'm going to do some practice soon!
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/03/12 | Reply
Xd I think both of us do, I'm having trouble drawing girls too?!! O_o'
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/03/12 | Reply
@Rainbow Dragon:
Thanks a billion, Klassic-chan! You always make my day more brighter with your super sweet comments^^ I'm really glad you like this little sketch! its awkward to draw but worth it to know that you enjoyed it xD Thanks again!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/03/12 | Reply
@ACL Production:
Hey no prob, I'm of the same mind as you... I'm not totally against romance as I read
lots ofshoujo manga BUT I myself am not a romantic person in my own life, by no means. So I understand^^MangaKid
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/03/12 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Yay!! I'm really excited! I think I'm able to draw guys well enough, but i still feel like I need more practice on girls. But I'm really happy that its looking more shoujo-ish! :D Thanks, Toya!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/03/12 | Reply
xD Ah I remember her making some faces like this! Yeah, I bet we have the same personality lol xD
but I'm not as cute as herxDMangaKid
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/03/12 | Reply
Thankyou so much, Sera!! ^_^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/02/12 | Reply
this is awesome Jen! i love the nervous facial expression that u did for urself! it's very adorable and it captures the moment :)
Rainbow Dragon
☠Eastsider✰Pirate☠ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/02/12 | Reply
Last edited by Klassic at 8:47:00 AM EDT on May 3, 2012.
ACL Production
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/02/12 | Reply
Ha ha ha ya people and ya love! O.o *hurls on the floor* sorry that L*** stuff makes me sick.
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/02/12 | Reply
Yeah your recent sketches are looking different then your older sketches, to me they are looking more like shoujo. I think you'll be ready for your one shot! XD
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/02/12 | Reply
I'd say it's the face... yep, gotta be the face. And the flustered expression :D
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/02/12 | Reply
ahah! this looks cute! X3 awesome job like always, Jen! ^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/02/12 | Reply
Lol Glad you think so! Thankyou very much, Ryu-kun!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/02/12 | Reply
Ahaha! Thankyou, Ramen! I'm trying to work on expression now... You inspired me with your expression drawing! I'm trying to work in some practice with different faces, and comics are going to help me with that too... I might do one of those expression memes as well!
I'm really looking forward to posting some of my comics soon! They aren't the shoujo idea yet though, they're just little stories for practice^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/02/12 | Reply
I wonder why you both thought of Tohru! ^u^
I'm really glad you like this, my friend!
Yeah I know what you mean >_< I almost missed this time around! Its sometimes tough being obligated to enter, but when I do have the time it is really fun^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/02/12 | Reply
@Team Plasma N:
Ah! Thankyou, N!! Haha thats funny that I look like Tohru! I went a bit overboard on my expression xD I'm glad you like it though!!
Oh yeah, I used to think Kurosaki automatically meant Ichigo xD But this is the other Kurosaki x3
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/02/12 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Thankyou, Toya! I'm glad you think so!
Oh thats interesting you mentioned that.. Yeah I guess I'm focusing more on shoujo these days and its starting to come out in my style? there was one point where i was having trouble with that so I'm glad to hear that its looking more like shoujo style!! It'll be ready for my one-shot^^
zip skyblue (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/02/12 | Reply
LoL your expression is funny, i love this.
Agent Ramen (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/01/12 | Reply
Your facial expression is priceless :D Nice job!
And I'm happy to hear that you are working on your comics, awesome.
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/01/12 | Reply
Whoops, N beat me to it... I was going to say you reminded me of Tohru XD Still, nice pic! ^_^ Seems like a fun challenge, but I'm not sure if I should enter because I don't know if I like the idea of being committed to all the other challenges after this one ._.
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/01/12 | Reply
your art is has been getting cuter these days! I think that you finally have a style developed and it's starting to show more. You're getting that shoujo vibe and it doesn't look so shonen? Nice job!
Team Plasma N
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/01/12 | Reply
LOL You look like Tohru Honda xD And when I saw Kurosaki I was going to say, HECK YES ICHIGO!!! xD Then I failed and saw someone else ;D Love the way you drew this super cute!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/01/12 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Ahahaha thats so funny! xD I'm happy you like it, Toya! Lol you're saying my art is cute so much these days, thankyou! I've been focused on doing more cuter drawings so I'm glad they look that way!
I'm glad you like the pose and expression! I love drawing blush ^///^ and the pose was done without reference! I'm trying to practice for that shoujo manga x3
Oh and I have to email you back, I need to tell you something!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/01/12 | Reply
Thankyou, Hana-chan!! Glad you think this is cute!! I'm trying to practuce emotion and shoujo-y scenes x3 Thankyou for your sweet comment :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/01/12 | Reply
Lolz! This is probably what I'd really look like... At least on the inside if not on the outside >//3//<
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/01/12 | Reply
Ah thankyou for mentioning that, Bonnie! I hate when it does that =_=
And I'm really glad you like this! Thankyou so much <3
Edit: Ok just fixed it and I also wanted to let you know I was stumped on an idea for my next wallie entry to your challenge, but I have one now and I'm going to try my best to get it done by this weekend^^
Last edited by MangaKid at 8:34:37 PM EDT on May 1, 2012.
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/01/12 | Reply
lol Teru better watch out or else you might steal Kurisaki from her Manga! XD
This is cute, the pose is nice and your blushing face is just cute! lolXD
Grand Otaku | Posted 05/01/12 | Reply
Hehe... your face... XP
Administrator | Posted 05/01/12 | Reply
Really cute! XD Good luck in the challenge Jen!
Oh, and I think you have the category wrong as '.hack' (happens to me all the time ;D)
Take cares~
Find a reason to smile