KYAAAAAAAA I saw this on wifi last night!!! I really wanted to comment but had to wait T^T I'm here now though!
AND I LOVE THIS!!! Its such a cute, funny, sweet artwork defining love in a unique but very true way^^ Ahahaha I laughed when I saw it!!
And thankyou SO much for dedicating this to me^^ Not only because its a beautiful artwork but because you're so thoughtful and I really appreciate you as well :D I'd definitely not be this confident about my art or comics if it weren't for your help and advice! *hugs* Thankyou again!!!!! <3
I hope you win this challenge!! It looks really fun, I might check it out!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/10/12 | Reply
KYAAAAAAAA I saw this on wifi last night!!! I really wanted to comment but had to wait T^T I'm here now though!
AND I LOVE THIS!!! Its such a cute, funny, sweet artwork defining love in a unique but very true way^^ Ahahaha I laughed when I saw it!!
And thankyou SO much for dedicating this to me^^ Not only because its a beautiful artwork but because you're so thoughtful and I really appreciate you as well :D I'd definitely not be this confident about my art or comics if it weren't for your help and advice! *hugs* Thankyou again!!!!! <3
I hope you win this challenge!! It looks really fun, I might check it out!