Lol I walked outside today for the first time in a few days to get the mail and it felt weird like I was in some sort of dream world. I was like "The sun..."
That sounds like it would be a great job!
Ugh I know what you mean! I get in that mode all the time and my mom nags me to do my hair and everything xP I just went through that last week... after my busy weekend, I pretty much lazed around for the rest of the week xD
It's definitely not fair that summer is so short!! >_<
lol thanks. Me and my friend want to work at Michael's since it's close to us. Yep summer! And I've had the bum look for a week. I haven't done my hair in awhile. I've been getting to the gym though. Now that I have time to exercise and get ready for swim season. I think we should have at least 3 months off school. My brain's still winding down.
Last edited by byakuyarox1 at 11:23:44 AM EDT on May 30, 2012.
Ah you're in your summer break? My siblings don't get off schooll till another month and then we have two months... it just doesn't seem long enough eh?
ACK I hate when time just flies like that!
Man thats sad about not being able to get birthday money :( I hope you can get enough $ to buy a tablet soon though :D
You're so super nice though, I bet it'll all come back to bless you! :) and you'll get a great job!
YES! I agree! I hate going on the lifts!! And actually now that I think of it, I haven't skied for so long that I'd probably have some trouble all-round with it now xD
Ugh that sounds scary! I always used to mis-time it too! And when I fell off, I had to sit behind with a random person who had just seen me fall off and stop the whole lift O_o' lol
Really haha. And thanks about the paintings. I was gonna ask for money to go towards it on my birthday but my dad said I have to pay for it on my own sadly. I have a hundred dollars saved up. I spent 30 dollars on christmas presents last year for my friends. I can't afford gifts. Yeah you can do so much with digital. I'm working on a traditional pic now. I don't know if I'm gonna color it. Whenever I color I seem to mess it up. My summer is passing so quickly. Before I knew it, five hours had passed and my pencil still hadn't hit the paper. :)
OMG Chair lifts are SO scary! I never never timed it right so I would wind up falling a few feet, missing the ramp thingy that supposed to help you come off the chair... *shakes head* And then I thought a couple times "That's a long way down..." O_o;
AH you're gonna get a tablet too?! Yay, same! I wanna get one asap :D I think it'll be a neat thing to use and get into more digital with. I like traditional but digital looks so neat! :D I can't wait for you to save up and get a tablet too, so then you can keep making great artwork! Maybe you could ask for one for your b-day? :)
OH before I forget, I saw your paintings in your world!!! I just couldn't comment on them all Dx But I loved them! thankyou for sharing^^
Thankyou, Sarah! I worked with overlaying ref pic so for a bit of the time, it was like colouring over the picture (thats why I'm not taking credit for the original image!) But I'm very happy you like the colouring and detail! I'm getting more confident about doing digital! The game is awesome, I can't believe it was only an $8 app!
LOL! I've skied a bit too and I was ok with it, my scariest memory was falling off the chair lift O_O (not from too high, fortunately!) but I don't think I could snowboard either!
Teehee!! I take it as an honor to make you fall off your chair! xD
But really, thankyou so much for your lovely comment, Ellen!
I didn't get the exact time, but the playback only records and condenses about 6 hours of work so I was under that since the whole artwork is shown! It musta been about 4 hours? I would have had a better idea had I not started and then stopped for a couple of days xD
Yep, I didn't think I'd be able to find the ref pic online but I did!! CLICKY HERE! Just one thing I better explain in more detail, I think a couple of people don't read that I worked with an over the ref pic. There's an option in the game to use ref pics on the top of the screen, as a background, or as an overlay. The overlay is shown but very lightly and that's how I worked for most of the time so some parts of this were 'traced' at the beginning and then I started to branch off when it came to colour... I'm still learning how to find my feet! But the program is really fun and easy to learn^^
its neat that you say our digital techniques are similar!! That makes me feel proud, to colour like you do^^ And I like that picture of the beach you did, its not finished though right?
And yes, its a program on my Nintendo 3DS but you can also get it on an iPod touch or iPhone! its a bit older though.
Thankyou so much, Ellen! I'm working on recreating a picture from Studio Ghibli's Nausicaa next, with less dependence on a ref pic x3
I know!!! I do the same thing!!! GAH! thats JUST like me!
usually I just shake my head so the though goes away, or I just pray instead... I don't listen to those bad thoughts! but its like my imagination runs away and suddenly I actually think the bad things are happening but it was just in my head. Terrible!!
one thing I always think about is what I'd do if a robber came into my house O_o And I always wonder if I could knock him out him with a pot of something xD And then I'm like... wait a second, I don't want any of that to happen D8 lol
You're welcome. As soon as I get a job I'm saving up for a tablet! I really wanna practice digital work once I get mine because using the mouse is tiresome.
Thankyou so much N!!! I'm glad you like it! I worked off a ref pic and also overlayed the pic so I can't claim totally credit^^' But I'm really glad to know you like it, I believe I'm improving in digital (at least the colouring part of it since I haven't done many original ideas yet x3)
xD Lol! That means a lot to me cuz I seriously used to be terrible at digital and not so good at drawing in general (especially landscapes) and I can barely believe I'm getting such nice comments now like yours! Sure, go right ahead^^ thankyou!
Lea-chan, I give you an award for best-comment!!! I'm so happy after reading it, thankyou so much!!!! :D
Lol I know what you mean, I watched some other playbacks from better artists and I was amazed to see that the details kept coming! And I was stunned myself! 8D so I'm really honored to hear you say that!!!
wow, I never heard the one of crows O.o but it's right! XD
just.. it's weird sometimes! for example.. seeing a train passing by and suddenly think "what would happen if I go in front of it and die?" O____o wtf!! so so so weird!! DX o.o *starts flailing arms to the sky* fly away damn crows!! get out of my corn field!! D8<
Ah I will go check out your reply! My mom just took the laptop for a bit T_T but I'm back.
I know! I hate that too! My mind does the same thing... I heard its like crows over a corn field. You can't stop them from flying but you can scare them away from roosting^^ so just don't let those bad thoughts stay!
Yeah!! I really want you to see it in 3D :D And I was to make something special for you to see in 3D^^ At first, the 3D was confusing but now I'm getting the hang of it!
I hope you get it next week too!! I'm so excited for you!
Ok great! And its good cuz you get this charging dock with the wire that holds the 3DS securely and conveniently so you can just put it in there to be charged^^
Thankyou Rose!! Yeah and when you look at it on the 3DS, it looks better too >3< It turned kinda dark here and the smudges in the snow show more xD I'm very glad you like it! I want to do some more landscape pictures like this but limit my ref pic use. I do hope you can get the game sometime in the future :D
Lol *highfives* Yay a winter fan!!! Thankyou so much for the awesome comment!
Yes, its a download game on this console! its quite amazing^^
I'm really glad you like this! The ref pic seriously helped but next time, I'm gonna limit my ref pic use!
don't worry, it really really looks awesome!! even if darker XD
and thanks again XD XD
ah, I really wish we were!! XD and don't worry about complaining for the hot weather :) everyone has their little personal problems XD I don't really mind :) oh, and I replied back in my post too! and I should be ok, unless another strong quake comes right in my town!! which I REALLY hope not!!!! O____o wtf brain?! what do you make me think???'s scary sometimes when brain thinks by itself about horrid things and such :/
At first it is hard >3< especially if you don't do much digital colouring. But I found it easy to get the hang of quite quickly! Plus watching playbacks from other artists can help give technique ideas :D But usually I just put down some general colours and shades and then just keep building layers on it. It gets addicting actually and before you know it, you have a detailed artwork!
And as for 3D layers, those actually took a bit longer to get used to since I got really confused with them and messed up quite a bit Dx But thats probably cuz i forgot to read the instructions first xD I hope you get this game!!
AH BONNIE!! *hugs* thankyou so much for your sweet comment ^///^ I'm so happy to read it!! That means more to me then you know!
Thankyou for your PM too, I loved reading it and I shall reply back asap :D
YAY! I'm glad you like it, Sera!! Its funny, it turned out a bit different when I uploaded it.. like more dark? On the 3DS, its a bit better quality but I'm glad you like it anyway ;D
No problem at all! I wanted to dedicate it to you right when we started talking about it, but at that time I hadn't done much work on it. So I got inspired to finish it^^
We should just imagine that we're both playing in snow like this >u< lol This hot weather isn't fair!!
And I read your Earthquake update, I'm very sorry to hear that.. And here I am complaining about heat! >_< I hope you're gonna be ok!!
Wow! Can't believe you did this on the 3DS. You're really coming along! With this piece, the colors you chose work really well to create a lot of light and dark contrast and lighting effect.
You know, I tried skiing once and it scared me half to death. I imagine snowboarding would do the same... :D
Seriously Jen. This is fantastic. On the drawing site you said that it didn't take you that long, but how long was it? And can I see the reference? This really reminds me of the drawing I did a long long time ago: click.
Amazing coloring, watching you color actually makes me think that our coloring styles are very similar (at least digitally). I don't like markers grumble. Haha. Btw question about the site, or is it actually an app for your DS or smartphone??
Crazy details and amazing shading ofc. Makes me want to see more realism artwork from you (which I already knew you were good at by reading your old commics :P)
Jen, you're getting so much better with each drawing- your talent scares me! in a good way, hahaha xD
When I went to watch you draw it, I went to watch your avatar one, and everytime I thought "it can't get any better", YOU MADE IT LOOK EVEN BETTER.
Last edited by Aria Sky at 10:06:03 PM EDT on May 28, 2012.
Oh you can see this in 3d!!! ah man I can't wait to get the DS!!! I just hope that I get to buy it next week!!! this will look so cool to look at!!!
lol don't worry to much about the original ideas, it good to use references for beginning! I think I might do the same since you are inspiring me to do a digital drawing! XD
Oh that is very good to know! I don't that is a problem, I also have my electrical stuff on low anyways, but it's very good that you told me about it!
when you don't see it up class it looks like a real picture O.O great improved it! i should really try to get this 3DS artwork! :D ♥ i really love the background to this ♥
Oh, I'm sure the undo button makes for easier coloring :D But I just wish I knew how to shade properly/layer colors to make it look right >_< Is it hard?
Wow Jen. You are seriously one of the most talented people I have ever met! Your works are always impressive and breathtaking to look at! :D Keep up the amazing work and I look forward to more ^__^
Take cares~~
as imagined... this looks absolutely awesome!!!!! ^w^ thanks a lot for the dedication!!
I really really love the shading, the shining white of the snow compared to the dark of the mountain!! I would never think it's done with a 3DS, to me it looks like a painting!! :D and the clouds looks so soft... I really love it, all the effects you used are awesome!!! and the perdpective is really stunning :3 Thanks again!! ^w^
aw, I'm sorry it's hot there XD here we're having very weird weather O.o someday it's cold, others are hot... I dunno XD
Thanks, Toya! ^_^ When you get your 3DS, you can see this in 3D and also make your own artwork too!! :DD I'm glad you like this! I'm learning, but I think I'll be lost if I did an original idea like this? xD I drew Kaji on it and a couple other original things but I got impatient with them xD I can't wait to see what you draw when you get a dS!
Oh I remembered something I should warn you about! The 3DS doesn't have the best battery power. If you play with it on the highest screen-light and 3D all the time, it doesn't last very long til it needs to be charged. But I usually keep the levels of power lower and it lasts longer, just thought you should know! I don't find it a problem but some reviewers really hated that >3<
^_^ Thankyou, Stormy!! I'm happy you think so! I've been trying to catch up on my art after that busy weekend, so I'm glad to know that I'm not dipping in quality! ^///^
Thankyou Sushi!! Glad you like it :D
There are tutorials on how to use the game but not on tips/techniques of drawing. So I guess I taught myself? >///< But I'm still learning! it actually isn't too different from markers, its easier too cuz there's the undo button and an eraser for my mistakes! xD
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/19/12 | Reply
Thankyou so much!
Ah I missed you :D Thankyou again for your nice comments ^_^
The Trichomona (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/19/12 | Reply
God! this one looks awesome!!! Really great! Keep it up!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/01/12 | Reply
LOL!! Thats funny!! xD
Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/31/12 | Reply
Lol I walked outside today for the first time in a few days to get the mail and it felt weird like I was in some sort of dream world. I was like "The sun..."
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/31/12 | Reply
That sounds like it would be a great job!
Ugh I know what you mean! I get in that mode all the time and my mom nags me to do my hair and everything xP I just went through that last week... after my busy weekend, I pretty much lazed around for the rest of the week xD
It's definitely not fair that summer is so short!! >_<
Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/30/12 | Reply
lol thanks. Me and my friend want to work at Michael's since it's close to us. Yep summer! And I've had the bum look for a week. I haven't done my hair in awhile. I've been getting to the gym though. Now that I have time to exercise and get ready for swim season. I think we should have at least 3 months off school. My brain's still winding down.
Last edited by byakuyarox1 at 11:23:44 AM EDT on May 30, 2012.
Aria Sky
Senior Otaku | Posted 05/29/12 | Reply
*huggles you back* :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/29/12 | Reply
Ah you're in your summer break? My siblings don't get off schooll till another month and then we have two months... it just doesn't seem long enough eh?
ACK I hate when time just flies like that!
Man thats sad about not being able to get birthday money :( I hope you can get enough $ to buy a tablet soon though :D
You're so super nice though, I bet it'll all come back to bless you! :) and you'll get a great job!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/29/12 | Reply
@twilight samurai:
YES! I agree! I hate going on the lifts!! And actually now that I think of it, I haven't skied for so long that I'd probably have some trouble all-round with it now xD
Ugh that sounds scary! I always used to mis-time it too! And when I fell off, I had to sit behind with a random person who had just seen me fall off and stop the whole lift O_o' lol
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/29/12 | Reply
@Aria Sky:
xD Well I really REALLY appreciate all your comments all the time :DDDD Thankyou Lea!!! *hugs*
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/29/12 | Reply
Thankyou, Hannah!! :D Yes I agree, practice really makes perfect and the sky is the limit!
Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/29/12 | Reply
Really haha. And thanks about the paintings. I was gonna ask for money to go towards it on my birthday but my dad said I have to pay for it on my own sadly. I have a hundred dollars saved up. I spent 30 dollars on christmas presents last year for my friends. I can't afford gifts. Yeah you can do so much with digital. I'm working on a traditional pic now. I don't know if I'm gonna color it. Whenever I color I seem to mess it up. My summer is passing so quickly. Before I knew it, five hours had passed and my pencil still hadn't hit the paper. :)
twilight samurai
Redeemed (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/29/12 | Reply
OMG Chair lifts are SO scary! I never never timed it right so I would wind up falling a few feet, missing the ramp thingy that supposed to help you come off the chair... *shakes head* And then I thought a couple times "That's a long way down..." O_o;
Aria Sky
Senior Otaku | Posted 05/29/12 | Reply
*bows and takes award*
Why, I feel so honored! It's like I just won an Oscar award! hahahaah :D
Well, I'm glad you think so!
Grand Otaku | Posted 05/29/12 | Reply
You are improving, not that you were ever bad at drawing, but practice makes perfect; that goes for anyone.
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/29/12 | Reply
AH you're gonna get a tablet too?! Yay, same! I wanna get one asap :D I think it'll be a neat thing to use and get into more digital with. I like traditional but digital looks so neat! :D I can't wait for you to save up and get a tablet too, so then you can keep making great artwork! Maybe you could ask for one for your b-day? :)
OH before I forget, I saw your paintings in your world!!! I just couldn't comment on them all Dx But I loved them! thankyou for sharing^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/29/12 | Reply
@twilight samurai:
Thankyou, Sarah! I worked with overlaying ref pic so for a bit of the time, it was like colouring over the picture (thats why I'm not taking credit for the original image!) But I'm very happy you like the colouring and detail! I'm getting more confident about doing digital! The game is awesome, I can't believe it was only an $8 app!
LOL! I've skied a bit too and I was ok with it, my scariest memory was falling off the chair lift O_O (not from too high, fortunately!) but I don't think I could snowboard either!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/29/12 | Reply
Teehee!! I take it as an honor to make you fall off your chair! xD
But really, thankyou so much for your lovely comment, Ellen!
I didn't get the exact time, but the playback only records and condenses about 6 hours of work so I was under that since the whole artwork is shown! It musta been about 4 hours? I would have had a better idea had I not started and then stopped for a couple of days xD
Yep, I didn't think I'd be able to find the ref pic online but I did!! CLICKY HERE! Just one thing I better explain in more detail, I think a couple of people don't read that I worked with an over the ref pic. There's an option in the game to use ref pics on the top of the screen, as a background, or as an overlay. The overlay is shown but very lightly and that's how I worked for most of the time so some parts of this were 'traced' at the beginning and then I started to branch off when it came to colour... I'm still learning how to find my feet! But the program is really fun and easy to learn^^
its neat that you say our digital techniques are similar!! That makes me feel proud, to colour like you do^^ And I like that picture of the beach you did, its not finished though right?
And yes, its a program on my Nintendo 3DS but you can also get it on an iPod touch or iPhone! its a bit older though.
Thankyou so much, Ellen! I'm working on recreating a picture from Studio Ghibli's Nausicaa next, with less dependence on a ref pic x3
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/29/12 | Reply
I know!!! I do the same thing!!! GAH! thats JUST like me!
usually I just shake my head so the though goes away, or I just pray instead... I don't listen to those bad thoughts! but its like my imagination runs away and suddenly I actually think the bad things are happening but it was just in my head. Terrible!!
one thing I always think about is what I'd do if a robber came into my house O_o And I always wonder if I could knock him out him with a pot of something xD And then I'm like... wait a second, I don't want any of that to happen D8 lol
Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/29/12 | Reply
You're welcome. As soon as I get a job I'm saving up for a tablet! I really wanna practice digital work once I get mine because using the mouse is tiresome.
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/29/12 | Reply
@Team Plasma N:
Thankyou so much N!!! I'm glad you like it! I worked off a ref pic and also overlayed the pic so I can't claim totally credit^^' But I'm really glad to know you like it, I believe I'm improving in digital (at least the colouring part of it since I haven't done many original ideas yet x3)
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/29/12 | Reply
xD Lol! That means a lot to me cuz I seriously used to be terrible at digital and not so good at drawing in general (especially landscapes) and I can barely believe I'm getting such nice comments now like yours! Sure, go right ahead^^ thankyou!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/29/12 | Reply
@Aria Sky:
Lea-chan, I give you an award for best-comment!!! I'm so happy after reading it, thankyou so much!!!! :D
Lol I know what you mean, I watched some other playbacks from better artists and I was amazed to see that the details kept coming! And I was stunned myself! 8D so I'm really honored to hear you say that!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/29/12 | Reply
Thankyou, my friend!! Its actually a really fun game! :D
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/29/12 | Reply
wow, I never heard the one of crows O.o but it's right! XD
just.. it's weird sometimes! for example.. seeing a train passing by and suddenly think "what would happen if I go in front of it and die?" O____o wtf!! so so so weird!! DX o.o *starts flailing arms to the sky* fly away damn crows!! get out of my corn field!! D8<
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/29/12 | Reply
^_^ I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
Ah I will go check out your reply! My mom just took the laptop for a bit T_T but I'm back.
I know! I hate that too! My mind does the same thing... I heard its like crows over a corn field. You can't stop them from flying but you can scare them away from roosting^^ so just don't let those bad thoughts stay!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/29/12 | Reply
Thankyou again, Hannah! I'm happy you like this, I think I'm improving! :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/29/12 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Yeah!! I really want you to see it in 3D :D And I was to make something special for you to see in 3D^^ At first, the 3D was confusing but now I'm getting the hang of it!
I hope you get it next week too!! I'm so excited for you!
Ok great! And its good cuz you get this charging dock with the wire that holds the 3DS securely and conveniently so you can just put it in there to be charged^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/29/12 | Reply
Thankyou Rose!! Yeah and when you look at it on the 3DS, it looks better too >3< It turned kinda dark here and the smudges in the snow show more xD I'm very glad you like it! I want to do some more landscape pictures like this but limit my ref pic use. I do hope you can get the game sometime in the future :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/29/12 | Reply
Lol *highfives* Yay a winter fan!!! Thankyou so much for the awesome comment!
Yes, its a download game on this console! its quite amazing^^
I'm really glad you like this! The ref pic seriously helped but next time, I'm gonna limit my ref pic use!
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/29/12 | Reply
don't worry, it really really looks awesome!! even if darker XD
and thanks again XD XD
ah, I really wish we were!! XD and don't worry about complaining for the hot weather :) everyone has their little personal problems XD I don't really mind :) oh, and I replied back in my post too! and I should be ok, unless another strong quake comes right in my town!! which I REALLY hope not!!!! O____o wtf brain?! what do you make me think???'s scary sometimes when brain thinks by itself about horrid things and such :/
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/29/12 | Reply
At first it is hard >3< especially if you don't do much digital colouring. But I found it easy to get the hang of quite quickly! Plus watching playbacks from other artists can help give technique ideas :D But usually I just put down some general colours and shades and then just keep building layers on it. It gets addicting actually and before you know it, you have a detailed artwork!
And as for 3D layers, those actually took a bit longer to get used to since I got really confused with them and messed up quite a bit Dx But thats probably cuz i forgot to read the instructions first xD I hope you get this game!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/29/12 | Reply
AH BONNIE!! *hugs* thankyou so much for your sweet comment ^///^ I'm so happy to read it!! That means more to me then you know!
Thankyou for your PM too, I loved reading it and I shall reply back asap :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/29/12 | Reply
YAY! I'm glad you like it, Sera!! Its funny, it turned out a bit different when I uploaded it.. like more dark? On the 3DS, its a bit better quality but I'm glad you like it anyway ;D
No problem at all! I wanted to dedicate it to you right when we started talking about it, but at that time I hadn't done much work on it. So I got inspired to finish it^^
We should just imagine that we're both playing in snow like this >u< lol This hot weather isn't fair!!
And I read your Earthquake update, I'm very sorry to hear that.. And here I am complaining about heat! >_< I hope you're gonna be ok!!
twilight samurai
Redeemed (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/29/12 | Reply
Wow! Can't believe you did this on the 3DS. You're really coming along! With this piece, the colors you chose work really well to create a lot of light and dark contrast and lighting effect.
You know, I tried skiing once and it scared me half to death. I imagine snowboarding would do the same... :D
DragonGirl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/29/12 | Reply
*falls of chair*
Seriously Jen. This is fantastic. On the drawing site you said that it didn't take you that long, but how long was it? And can I see the reference? This really reminds me of the drawing I did a long long time ago: click.
Amazing coloring, watching you color actually makes me think that our coloring styles are very similar (at least digitally). I don't like markers grumble. Haha. Btw question about the site, or is it actually an app for your DS or smartphone??
Crazy details and amazing shading ofc. Makes me want to see more realism artwork from you (which I already knew you were good at by reading your old commics :P)
Keep it up! You''re on a roll!
Team Plasma N
Sinbad of Sindria (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/29/12 | Reply
WTH? SO COOL AND SO GOOOD!!!! 8D Amazing details and love the scenery
Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/29/12 | Reply
Why are you so good! Haha I'm gonna go sneak a peek at your other new pictures :)
Aria Sky
Senior Otaku | Posted 05/28/12 | Reply
Jen, you're getting so much better with each drawing- your talent scares me! in a good way, hahaha xD
When I went to watch you draw it, I went to watch your avatar one, and everytime I thought "it can't get any better", YOU MADE IT LOOK EVEN BETTER.
Last edited by Aria Sky at 10:06:03 PM EDT on May 28, 2012.
Otakuite | Posted 05/28/12 | Reply
WOW!! I can't believe you did this on a ds
So talented! 

Grand Otaku | Posted 05/28/12 | Reply
This is my favorite of your N 3ds drawings, it's so cool
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/28/12 | Reply
Oh you can see this in 3d!!! ah man I can't wait to get the DS!!! I just hope that I get to buy it next week!!! this will look so cool to look at!!!
lol don't worry to much about the original ideas, it good to use references for beginning! I think I might do the same since you are inspiring me to do a digital drawing! XD
Oh that is very good to know! I don't that is a problem, I also have my electrical stuff on low anyways, but it's very good that you told me about it!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/28/12 | Reply
when you don't see it up class it looks like a real picture O.O great improved it! i should really try to get this 3DS artwork! :D ♥ i really love the background to this ♥
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/28/12 | Reply
Oh, I'm sure the undo button makes for easier coloring :D But I just wish I knew how to shade properly/layer colors to make it look right >_< Is it hard?
Administrator | Posted 05/28/12 | Reply
Wow Jen. You are seriously one of the most talented people I have ever met! Your works are always impressive and breathtaking to look at! :D Keep up the amazing work and I look forward to more ^__^
Take cares~~
Find a reason to smile
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/28/12 | Reply
as imagined... this looks absolutely awesome!!!!! ^w^ thanks a lot for the dedication!!
I really really love the shading, the shining white of the snow compared to the dark of the mountain!! I would never think it's done with a 3DS, to me it looks like a painting!! :D and the clouds looks so soft... I really love it, all the effects you used are awesome!!! and the perdpective is really stunning :3 Thanks again!! ^w^
aw, I'm sorry it's hot there XD here we're having very weird weather O.o someday it's cold, others are hot... I dunno XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/28/12 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Thanks, Toya! ^_^ When you get your 3DS, you can see this in 3D and also make your own artwork too!! :DD I'm glad you like this! I'm learning, but I think I'll be lost if I did an original idea like this? xD I drew Kaji on it and a couple other original things but I got impatient with them xD I can't wait to see what you draw when you get a dS!
Oh I remembered something I should warn you about! The 3DS doesn't have the best battery power. If you play with it on the highest screen-light and 3D all the time, it doesn't last very long til it needs to be charged. But I usually keep the levels of power lower and it lasts longer, just thought you should know! I don't find it a problem but some reviewers really hated that >3<
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/28/12 | Reply
^_^ Thankyou, Stormy!! I'm happy you think so! I've been trying to catch up on my art after that busy weekend, so I'm glad to know that I'm not dipping in quality! ^///^
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/28/12 | Reply
Thankyou, Hanatan!!! <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/28/12 | Reply
Thankyou Sushi!! Glad you like it :D
There are tutorials on how to use the game but not on tips/techniques of drawing. So I guess I taught myself? >///< But I'm still learning! it actually isn't too different from markers, its easier too cuz there's the undo button and an eraser for my mistakes! xD
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/28/12 | Reply
oh my gosh that is super amazing!!! you are so good! XD I can't wait to see your original digital ideas!!! XD
Grand Otaku | Posted 05/28/12 | Reply
Your work is consistently impressive, Jen.
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/28/12 | Reply
Kyaaaaaa, this looks amazing!! :D I don't know if at this point I'd be able to create something of this magnitude!
Are there tutorials or something in the game? Or is the shading/color blending something you learned on your own?