lol it's fresh in my mind, I used to watch the series when it aired on TV in the states years ago, then when I had a resurgence in interest in the zoids franchise I decided to look it up again and watch it all the way through this time (I had until then only seen the 13 episodes that appeared on TV) and yeah I did a little digging to try and find out just why it was so low-grade compared to the previous couple of series. Not that New Century Zero (the one that Liger Zero first appeared in) was the pinnacle of anime quality either, but it was better than fuzors in a lot of ways, namely the zoid animation.
That was fairly long, but not painful. Haha I'll have to see how Fuzors changed from the original Zoids plot and whatnot. Very interesting! You really did your homework, huh?? :D
lol *Warning: long decription to follow* well if you like and remember the first couple series, Fuzors might come as a bit of a shock, and probably not in a good way. It was the third out of the four zoids anime series (not related story-wise with either of the first two) and it took place when zoids was facing a decline in popularity (at least in the US), the animation for the zoids was shipped off to a new studio that didn't really know what they were doing, the budget was low, and the voice acting was below subpar often with an equally subpar script (and on an odd note, the show aired in America before it aired in Japan).
It didn't fair well because of all this and was canceled in the US after 13 episodes, but completed it's run in Japan and Australia.
And while its basic plot concepts had a ton of potential, generally fuzors appears to have suffered from a severe case of apathy on the part of the staff creating it, and that good plot concept never made it to near what it could have been, in the later part of the 26 episodes of the series, things did get better, but it never made it out of the "B rated" bracket for anime.
...and somehow I still managed to enjoy it XD...probably because I'm a hopeless zoid freak. anyways if my less than favorable description hasn't put you off and you're still curious, you can find all the episodes for Zoids Fuzors online if you search for them.
SG Creations
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/14/12 | Reply
@twilight samurai:
lol it's fresh in my mind, I used to watch the series when it aired on TV in the states years ago, then when I had a resurgence in interest in the zoids franchise I decided to look it up again and watch it all the way through this time (I had until then only seen the 13 episodes that appeared on TV) and yeah I did a little digging to try and find out just why it was so low-grade compared to the previous couple of series. Not that New Century Zero (the one that Liger Zero first appeared in) was the pinnacle of anime quality either, but it was better than fuzors in a lot of ways, namely the zoid animation.
twilight samurai
Redeemed (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/14/12 | Reply
@SG Creations:
That was fairly long, but not painful. Haha I'll have to see how Fuzors changed from the original Zoids plot and whatnot. Very interesting! You really did your homework, huh?? :D
SG Creations
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/14/12 | Reply
@twilight samurai:
lol *Warning: long decription to follow* well if you like and remember the first couple series, Fuzors might come as a bit of a shock, and probably not in a good way. It was the third out of the four zoids anime series (not related story-wise with either of the first two) and it took place when zoids was facing a decline in popularity (at least in the US), the animation for the zoids was shipped off to a new studio that didn't really know what they were doing, the budget was low, and the voice acting was below subpar often with an equally subpar script (and on an odd note, the show aired in America before it aired in Japan).
It didn't fair well because of all this and was canceled in the US after 13 episodes, but completed it's run in Japan and Australia.
And while its basic plot concepts had a ton of potential, generally fuzors appears to have suffered from a severe case of apathy on the part of the staff creating it, and that good plot concept never made it to near what it could have been, in the later part of the 26 episodes of the series, things did get better, but it never made it out of the "B rated" bracket for anime.
...and somehow I still managed to enjoy it XD...probably because I'm a hopeless zoid freak. anyways if my less than favorable description hasn't put you off and you're still curious, you can find all the episodes for Zoids Fuzors online if you search for them.
twilight samurai
Redeemed (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/13/12 | Reply
@SG Creations:
I think Zoids. I actually don't recall the Fuzors... Hmm... :P
SG Creations
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/13/12 | Reply
@twilight samurai:
which show, zoids in general or fuzors specifically? just curious XD and thanks :)
twilight samurai
Redeemed (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/13/12 | Reply
I miss this show so much... You did a great job!