This is totally awesome, Audrey!! <3 They are so cute!! Finally Clide and Kaji are hanging out, its really awesome! I love how you drew them too, awesome work!
Kaji: O///O I'm cute... woah Clide's cute too! *tries to hide his blushing face*
xD Thankyou so much for entering my challenge!!! ^_^ I'm so happy!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/14/12 | Reply
haha that's my job (to make people blush XD)
Clide: *smiles* my job is done :)
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/14/12 | Reply
YES they really are!!!
Kaji: O////Ob
Me: *laughing so much at Clide and Kaji*
Audrey! You got Kaji to blush! 8D xD
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/13/12 | Reply
TEEHEE im glad that you think that they are cute =^..^=
Clide: *tries to pull Kaji back out* "show yourself and be proud that you can be cute mah man!!"
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/13/12 | Reply
Kaji: O///O I'm cute... woah Clide's cute too! *tries to hide his blushing face*
xD Thankyou so much for entering my challenge!!! ^_^ I'm so happy!