My library actually has a website that I can look up the movie or book and put it on hold! Its really convenient! I hope you can find it too!
^_^ I'm glad to be friends with you! Teehee, sometimes I do get distracted though^^' Oh cool! You're definitely a better painter then me, I love your paintings!
Were did you find the movie, at the library? If I find it I'll watch it sometime. Haha, well I'm glad you think I'm nice I'll try my best to keep that way. Ah, I see, you got in the habit of drawing while watching movies, wow, your so fast. I'm so slow except at painting, I've found I can paint faster than I can draw, which isn't fast at all. Your welcome, if you read it I hope you enjoy it.
Oooo you should watch it sometime!! And you're right, thats a good reason... I'm the same way, I love movies that mean something! This one definitely does!
Teehee thanks, Hannah! Aw you're so nice!!! Haha I don't know why, but I just don't like watching a movie without a sketchbook and paper xD I think I started drawing while watching movies cuz I had too much art to get done so I used the movie time to catch up... and then it became kinda relaxing without being relaxing xD
I'm glad you like this though!
Btw, just found the Boy at the End of the Worl book on my library website so I have it on hold! Thanks again for telling me about it!!
I've heard of Grave of the fireflies but never seen it, I'm sure I'd love it if I could watch it, not because it's sad but because I like seeing movies that mean something. Also, this is a good drawing, and I don't know how you can draw anything while watching a movie 'cause I know I sure can't unless it's one I've seen a hundred times and I'm not really watching it anyway.
Yeah I understand^^ Its a good thing they're being received well over here now though^^
Totally!! x3
Ah I can't wait!! Yeah.. movies that are memorable are much stronger, but I'm still sure I'll enjoy Arrietty anyway!
Thanks^^ yeah my library has the more popular stuff... I'm so happy they at least had Grave of the Fireflies!
Ah I see!! Makes it worth it to wait then^^ The trailer gave off that aura as well^^
Well it is usually of course the newer ones or the ones that were mostly featured, like for example many of older Ghibli movies never hit the Western world (until DVD releases but that was some years later), so that's why many people miss them.
Haha, well I guess you can call me a walking encyclopedia. :P
Secret World of Arrietty is also good. It is not very memorable, but it has that certain touch that might get you very interested.^^
Aw, I kinda guesses that your library might not have it. :| Well you will get a chance one day and then you will enjoy it. :D
Maybe it is even better for later, because that movie is made to not only be entertaining for the viewer, but also to awake his inner emotions and memories. :)
Aww, that's nice.^^
Ah that is interesting! Ya see, over here I never ever heard of it and on all these youtube vids of Ghibli anime compilations, I rarely see it mentioned! I'm glad I got to see it... I happened to stumble on it on my library website after talking with you.
Thats so neat! I guess its more popular then I thought then! Lol you're like a history book on Ghibli xD You know almost everything about the films and all^^
Oh yeah! I think I noticed that now, I just didn't know what the difference was! Maybe thats why I'm thinking its separated from the other Ghibli films?
Talking about Ghibli spirit, I'm waiting for the Secret World of Arrietty to come in and I was watching the trailer today... I'm very interested in watching the feature!!
I just looked up the trailer for Only Yesterday and it sounds so nice! But my library doesn't have it T-T One day, I'll see it though! Thanks for recommending it!!
I will!! I will tell him right now^^ Thanks! So true!!
Teehee I just told my bro and you've got him smiling^^
Hm, I am not too sure. When I started watching Studio Ghibli movies, Grave of the fireflies was one of the first ones that I did because I heard a lot of it.
Then again that might be for a more dedicated audience and yes, since it is old and different, it might be somehow overlooked by casual anime watchers. But it is one of the best rated Studio Ghibli films by both Rotten tomato and Imbd. The best rated one is of course Spirited Away, closely followed by Howl's Moving castle, Castle in the sky, Princess Mononoke and of course Grave of the fireflies.^^
You did well at noticing the differences though. That movie was directed by Isao Takahata, while all good and loving Ghibli movies are done by Hayao Miyazaki. Other ones of Isao Takahata are not as sad, but there are a little different than other ones, but still hold the Ghibli spirit. :)
One movie that is definitely overlooked and that is very good in my opinion (also directed by Isao Takahata) is Only yesterday. It is a little bit weird in one animation thing. It is the only anime that I know that put visible muscle cheeks on characters. That just doesn't go well with anime characters. XD
Yay, I am glad to hear that!! :D Your brother is awesome, you should tell him that one more time. ^_^ He will always remember that movie and the memories that he had will be left as nostalgia to him which will also remain as something that will always bind you two. :)
I hadn't even heard of it til recently myself so don't feel bad!! Its like pretty old! You should watch it!! Its really beautiful but so sad... I would have cried if I paid more attention instead of doodling xP let me know if you watch it, Ike! <3
Ah i understand! I bet it was troublesome watching it cuz of that =_= At least you saw it! I noticed that the DVD I watched had language choices too but I was able to watch the English dub without any problems^^ its amazing how Grave of the Fireflies is overlooked as a Ghibli film sometimes... I mean its not as popular, of course. At least, thats my opinion! I never heard of it myself til recently but its a great film that really contrasts and balances out the rest of the happy-go-lucky Ghibli movies!
OH MAN!! My bro is a fanboy of it!! We just watched it for a 3rd time today XD He LOVES Totoro!!! ^_^
Yeah... That was sad!!!
Aw, yes.. that does sound sad.. When I watched this movie I had some problems with switching languages, so I couldn't switch to Japanese and I had built in subtitles. So they were speaking English, but translation was of Japanese and made by different people, so it was very awkward reading it and hearing at the same time. xD
Glad to hear that you liked that one as well!! :D Has your brother enjoyed watching it? I remember that he liked drawing Totoro.^^
That's true.. It was also always so just sad whenever her sister was asking for that candy and that made her happy and he knew that sooner or later it will be gone. ;w;
Yeah thats right, but he doesn't even beg... He just looks like he's given up and then he falls over. And the janitor throws the bottle he had out into the grass where fireflies come up, as well as his sister's spirit. THAT was a sad part right away >u<
YES!!! I also posted my Totoro sketch along with this one^^ I watched it twice over the weekend with my siblings and then only with my bro. It was really awesome, loved it!!!
Yeah so sad >3< Its sorta beautiful though too... As you said, they stayed together and loved each other so much.
Ahaha! xD Thats awesome! Thanks Fyki, you're so sweet!!! ^_^
AH yes! Its unspeakably sad!!! I think I'll definitely cry if I watch it over again >3<'
I agree about the Ghibli films having deep themes, thats what makes them so much more the just an anime/cartoon.. It makes them come alive even more and have more meaning^^
I'm really glad you like this sketch^^ Thanks, Silver-chan! And LOL good thing I have friends like you! ^_^
Me too!! ^_^ By the way, in the beginning, was there a part where he like begs for money and after that he dies? Something like that, I can't clearly remember...
Also did you watch Totoro or you plan to do it soon? :3
Awww... Well it sure was sad in the end. How she loved her brother and especially how he cared for her enduring all that just to make her comfortable.. The ending reminds me on the ending of the movie Godfather 3 where when he on similar looses his daughter in the end and you can see him really old, lost in thoughts, dying in a lonely way..
I am serious! :D If you walked up to me and showed it and was all like "Look what I have here, the original concept art!" I would be a little suspicious about how you got it, but then later I would be amazed at it.^^
And those eraser and pencil marks only add to that effect. :)
Wow really? Understandable, cuz the movie was very successful in showing war! And in such an endearing way too with the sad story of brother+sister. I couldn't wait to tell you I watched it, I'm glad you commented so we can chat about it^^
Haha! Well my siblings liked it, but they were sad about how it turned out. And it really showed them a different life-style so that was interesting and a good lesson for them I think.
KYAAAAA serious? >//u//< I'm so glad you like it and think that! You can probably see some lines and eraser marks that aren't supposed to be there cuz its a bit rough^^' But with you approving it, I'm happy! ;D
Thanks Fyki!!
I'm not gonna cry I'm not gonna cry I'm not gonna . . . waaaaaaaah!!
It truly is a beautiful film that I both love and hate to watch. It's a sadder ending than most Ghibli films, but I think that just makes us appreciate the happier endings more. I find that most of their films have pretty deep themes woven through them and this is probably one of the most poignant.
Arigatou MangaKid-sempai!! I really do like it even if it does make me teary-eyed X'D And I'm glad our warnings sufficiently prepared you. Don't worry. You can count on us to let you know when the zombie apocalypse happens too
Grave of the fireflies was even voted as the best movie describing horrors of war (among movies in general) by some sites! (not only in terms of showing the horrors of it of course, but focusing on single characters and warping you with love that it gives).
How did your brother and sisters found the movie?^^ It must be interesting and different watching a movie with siblings about siblings. :)
But enough about the movie and more about your drawing.. It looks amazing!! The details, the... You know, I could just keep praising like this or only say that this could easily be mistaken for an original concept art for this movie. 8D
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/11/12 | Reply
My library actually has a website that I can look up the movie or book and put it on hold! Its really convenient! I hope you can find it too!
^_^ I'm glad to be friends with you! Teehee, sometimes I do get distracted though^^' Oh cool! You're definitely a better painter then me, I love your paintings!
Grand Otaku | Posted 07/10/12 | Reply
Were did you find the movie, at the library? If I find it I'll watch it sometime. Haha, well I'm glad you think I'm nice I'll try my best to keep that way. Ah, I see, you got in the habit of drawing while watching movies, wow, your so fast. I'm so slow except at painting, I've found I can paint faster than I can draw, which isn't fast at all. Your welcome, if you read it I hope you enjoy it.
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/07/12 | Reply
Oooo you should watch it sometime!! And you're right, thats a good reason... I'm the same way, I love movies that mean something! This one definitely does!
Teehee thanks, Hannah! Aw you're so nice!!! Haha I don't know why, but I just don't like watching a movie without a sketchbook and paper xD I think I started drawing while watching movies cuz I had too much art to get done so I used the movie time to catch up... and then it became kinda relaxing without being relaxing xD
I'm glad you like this though!
Btw, just found the Boy at the End of the Worl book on my library website so I have it on hold! Thanks again for telling me about it!!
Grand Otaku | Posted 07/06/12 | Reply
I've heard of Grave of the fireflies but never seen it, I'm sure I'd love it if I could watch it, not because it's sad but because I like seeing movies that mean something. Also, this is a good drawing, and I don't know how you can draw anything while watching a movie 'cause I know I sure can't unless it's one I've seen a hundred times and I'm not really watching it anyway.
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/03/12 | Reply
Yeah I understand^^ Its a good thing they're being received well over here now though^^
Totally!! x3
Ah I can't wait!! Yeah.. movies that are memorable are much stronger, but I'm still sure I'll enjoy Arrietty anyway!
Thanks^^ yeah my library has the more popular stuff... I'm so happy they at least had Grave of the Fireflies!
Ah I see!! Makes it worth it to wait then^^ The trailer gave off that aura as well^^
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/03/12 | Reply
Well it is usually of course the newer ones or the ones that were mostly featured, like for example many of older Ghibli movies never hit the Western world (until DVD releases but that was some years later), so that's why many people miss them.
Haha, well I guess you can call me a walking encyclopedia. :P
Secret World of Arrietty is also good. It is not very memorable, but it has that certain touch that might get you very interested.^^
Aw, I kinda guesses that your library might not have it. :| Well you will get a chance one day and then you will enjoy it. :D
Maybe it is even better for later, because that movie is made to not only be entertaining for the viewer, but also to awake his inner emotions and memories. :)
Aww, that's nice.^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/03/12 | Reply
Ah that is interesting! Ya see, over here I never ever heard of it and on all these youtube vids of Ghibli anime compilations, I rarely see it mentioned! I'm glad I got to see it... I happened to stumble on it on my library website after talking with you.
Thats so neat! I guess its more popular then I thought then! Lol you're like a history book on Ghibli xD You know almost everything about the films and all^^
Oh yeah! I think I noticed that now, I just didn't know what the difference was! Maybe thats why I'm thinking its separated from the other Ghibli films?
Talking about Ghibli spirit, I'm waiting for the Secret World of Arrietty to come in and I was watching the trailer today... I'm very interested in watching the feature!!
I just looked up the trailer for Only Yesterday and it sounds so nice! But my library doesn't have it T-T One day, I'll see it though! Thanks for recommending it!!
I will!! I will tell him right now^^ Thanks! So true!!
Teehee I just told my bro and you've got him smiling^^
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/03/12 | Reply
Hm, I am not too sure. When I started watching Studio Ghibli movies, Grave of the fireflies was one of the first ones that I did because I heard a lot of it.
Then again that might be for a more dedicated audience and yes, since it is old and different, it might be somehow overlooked by casual anime watchers. But it is one of the best rated Studio Ghibli films by both Rotten tomato and Imbd. The best rated one is of course Spirited Away, closely followed by Howl's Moving castle, Castle in the sky, Princess Mononoke and of course Grave of the fireflies.^^
You did well at noticing the differences though. That movie was directed by Isao Takahata, while all good and loving Ghibli movies are done by Hayao Miyazaki. Other ones of Isao Takahata are not as sad, but there are a little different than other ones, but still hold the Ghibli spirit. :)
One movie that is definitely overlooked and that is very good in my opinion (also directed by Isao Takahata) is Only yesterday. It is a little bit weird in one animation thing. It is the only anime that I know that put visible muscle cheeks on characters. That just doesn't go well with anime characters. XD
Yay, I am glad to hear that!! :D Your brother is awesome, you should tell him that one more time. ^_^ He will always remember that movie and the memories that he had will be left as nostalgia to him which will also remain as something that will always bind you two. :)
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/03/12 | Reply
Ah thankyou so much, Sushi!! It really was a stunning movie, being so old as it is too, but so so sad >3<
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/03/12 | Reply
I hadn't even heard of it til recently myself so don't feel bad!! Its like pretty old! You should watch it!! Its really beautiful but so sad... I would have cried if I paid more attention instead of doodling xP let me know if you watch it, Ike! <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/03/12 | Reply
Ah i understand! I bet it was troublesome watching it cuz of that =_= At least you saw it! I noticed that the DVD I watched had language choices too but I was able to watch the English dub without any problems^^ its amazing how Grave of the Fireflies is overlooked as a Ghibli film sometimes... I mean its not as popular, of course. At least, thats my opinion! I never heard of it myself til recently but its a great film that really contrasts and balances out the rest of the happy-go-lucky Ghibli movies!
That was sad!!!
OH MAN!! My bro is a fanboy of it!! We just watched it for a 3rd time today XD He LOVES Totoro!!! ^_^
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/03/12 | Reply
Nice :D From what I remember with the clips and pictures I've seen regarding this movie, this looks rather close to the style.
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/03/12 | Reply
Aw, yes.. that does sound sad.. When I watched this movie I had some problems with switching languages, so I couldn't switch to Japanese and I had built in subtitles. So they were speaking English, but translation was of Japanese and made by different people, so it was very awkward reading it and hearing at the same time. xD
Glad to hear that you liked that one as well!! :D Has your brother enjoyed watching it? I remember that he liked drawing Totoro.^^
That's true.. It was also always so just sad whenever her sister was asking for that candy and that made her happy and he knew that sooner or later it will be gone. ;w;
Magic Peach (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/02/12 | Reply
Where have I been?
It makes me wanna watch it, I know I will cry like a little girl.
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/02/12 | Reply
Yeah thats right, but he doesn't even beg... He just looks like he's given up and then he falls over. And the janitor throws the bottle he had out into the grass where fireflies come up, as well as his sister's spirit. THAT was a sad part right away >u<
YES!!! I also posted my Totoro sketch along with this one^^ I watched it twice over the weekend with my siblings and then only with my bro. It was really awesome, loved it!!!
Yeah so sad >3< Its sorta beautiful though too... As you said, they stayed together and loved each other so much.
Ahaha! xD Thats awesome! Thanks Fyki, you're so sweet!!! ^_^
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/02/12 | Reply
AH yes! Its unspeakably sad!!! I think I'll definitely cry if I watch it over again >3<'
I agree about the Ghibli films having deep themes, thats what makes them so much more the just an anime/cartoon.. It makes them come alive even more and have more meaning^^
I'm really glad you like this sketch^^ Thanks, Silver-chan! And LOL good thing I have friends like you! ^_^
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/02/12 | Reply
Me too!! ^_^ By the way, in the beginning, was there a part where he like begs for money and after that he dies? Something like that, I can't clearly remember...
Also did you watch Totoro or you plan to do it soon? :3
Awww... Well it sure was sad in the end. How she loved her brother and especially how he cared for her enduring all that just to make her comfortable.. The ending reminds me on the ending of the movie Godfather 3 where when he on similar looses his daughter in the end and you can see him really old, lost in thoughts, dying in a lonely way..
I am serious! :D If you walked up to me and showed it and was all like "Look what I have here, the original concept art!" I would be a little suspicious about how you got it, but then later I would be amazed at it.^^
And those eraser and pencil marks only add to that effect. :)
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/02/12 | Reply
Wow really? Understandable, cuz the movie was very successful in showing war! And in such an endearing way too with the sad story of brother+sister. I couldn't wait to tell you I watched it, I'm glad you commented so we can chat about it^^
Haha! Well my siblings liked it, but they were sad about how it turned out. And it really showed them a different life-style so that was interesting and a good lesson for them I think.
KYAAAAA serious? >//u//< I'm so glad you like it and think that! You can probably see some lines and eraser marks that aren't supposed to be there cuz its a bit rough^^' But with you approving it, I'm happy! ;D
Thanks Fyki!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/02/12 | Reply
I'm not gonna cry I'm not gonna cry I'm not gonna . . . waaaaaaaah!!
It truly is a beautiful film that I both love and hate to watch. It's a sadder ending than most Ghibli films, but I think that just makes us appreciate the happier endings more. I find that most of their films have pretty deep themes woven through them and this is probably one of the most poignant.
Arigatou MangaKid-sempai!! I really do like it even if it does make me teary-eyed X'D And I'm glad our warnings sufficiently prepared you. Don't worry. You can count on us to let you know when the zombie apocalypse happens too
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/02/12 | Reply
@Star Crossed:
Ah ^//u//^ Thankyou!!
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/02/12 | Reply
Grave of the fireflies was even voted as the best movie describing horrors of war (among movies in general) by some sites! (not only in terms of showing the horrors of it of course, but focusing on single characters and warping you with love that it gives).
How did your brother and sisters found the movie?^^ It must be interesting and different watching a movie with siblings about siblings. :)
But enough about the movie and more about your drawing.. It looks amazing!! The details, the... You know, I could just keep praising like this or only say that this could easily be mistaken for an original concept art for this movie. 8D
Star Crossed
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/02/12 | Reply
My goodness you're so amazing! >3<