You're super welcome, dear! >u< I'm so glad you had so much fun on your birthday! You truly deserve it~!
Love ya too, girly! Yep, anytime I can mail it to you then~ Well probably around Sept whenever I get some extra cash again~ xDD LOL! Just tell me! ;D
This is cool. I love the colors and the overall design. It looks very neat and lovely. Your characters are great and I just love it. great job, really great job.
Aw this is so wonderful! I absolutely love the colors and the artwork is amazing! Jen-chan looks wonderful and so does Kaji. The lighting of the candles on her face is amazing! Great job Panou your artwork is beautiful!
PANOU-CHAN... THIS IS TOTALLY asdfhjakslhfdskjalfhdskja... AMAZING!!! I saw it on wifi yesterday, right after you posted it late at night, and I couldn't sleep xD I SO wanted to get on my laptop and say thankyou thankyou thankyou!!! I love it so much, kyaaaa my b-day was so much fun! Thank YOU so much!!
I just love the drawing and the way you coloured this, I feel unworthy of such brilliance!!! Amazing work on me and Kaji and I really love that candle light glow! MMMM THAT CAKE *3*
You are so skilled and talented, I'm super happy to receive this artwork from you! Thankyou so much for this and for being my friend, I luv ya!! <333
And that would be awesome to receive this in the mail, I'm gonna have to work on my parents for that xD Thanks so much again Panou!!
Last edited by MangaKid at 4:55:31 PM EDT on July 11, 2012.
Wow! The words are so neat! It's almost as if you'd used a stencil or something. :O
And your coloring is fantastic! Love the way you made the glow of the candles show on their clothes and Jen's face. ^^ And I love the cake's design!!
I'm sure Jen loves this present from you. :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/12/12 | Reply
Eeee thankyou again!! I really love this drawing!! ^_^
Kyaaa thanks again, Panou!! I'll let you know! Ah so exciting!!! ^_^
Question Cafér (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/12/12 | Reply
You're super welcome, dear! >u< I'm so glad you had so much fun on your birthday! You truly deserve it~!
Love ya too, girly! Yep, anytime I can mail it to you then~ Well probably around Sept whenever I get some extra cash again~ xDD LOL! Just tell me! ;D
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/11/12 | Reply
This is cool. I love the colors and the overall design. It looks very neat and lovely. Your characters are great and I just love it. great job, really great job.

Rainbow Dragon
☠Eastsider✰Pirate☠ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/11/12 | Reply
Aw this is so wonderful! I absolutely love the colors and the artwork is amazing! Jen-chan looks wonderful and so does Kaji. The lighting of the candles on her face is amazing! Great job Panou your artwork is beautiful!
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/11/12 | Reply
PANOU-CHAN... THIS IS TOTALLY asdfhjakslhfdskjalfhdskja... AMAZING!!!
I saw it on wifi yesterday, right after you posted it late at night, and I couldn't sleep xD I SO wanted to get on my laptop and say thankyou thankyou thankyou!!! I love it so much, kyaaaa my b-day was so much fun! Thank YOU so much!!
I just love the drawing and the way you coloured this, I feel unworthy of such brilliance!!! Amazing work on me and Kaji and I really love that candle light glow! MMMM THAT CAKE *3*
You are so skilled and talented, I'm super happy to receive this artwork from you! Thankyou so much for this and for being my friend, I luv ya!! <333
And that would be awesome to receive this in the mail, I'm gonna have to work on my parents for that xD Thanks so much again Panou!!
Last edited by MangaKid at 4:55:31 PM EDT on July 11, 2012.
Question Cafér (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/11/12 | Reply
@Aria Sky:
Thanks! If only I did have stencils~ D: I'd make my life so much easier~ xDDD Haha!
Aria Sky
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/10/12 | Reply
Wow! The words are so neat! It's almost as if you'd used a stencil or something. :O
And your coloring is fantastic! Love the way you made the glow of the candles show on their clothes and Jen's face. ^^ And I love the cake's design!!
I'm sure Jen loves this present from you. :D