I really love how you drew her skirt! WOW! O.O How do you do that!?
The clothing detail is really nice on these! They both look adorable!
I have yet to read that manga, also, but I heard it's really good and my best friend is very much in love with it (I hear about it every day of school! XD).
EEEEEEE !!!!!! I LOVE this, Panou-chan!!!!!!!! Amazing work, you drew them so kawaiiiii <3 I can't stop looking Perfect expressions on these two^^ Your pencil lines and shading are so neat too! Thankyou SO much, dear!!!
And definitely check out this manga later! ^__^
Thanks again!!!
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/01/12 | Reply
AWWW! they're so cute! I HIGHLY recommend that manga. It's one of my absolute favorites!
Question Cafér (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/30/12 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
Gahhh, pleated skirts are such a pain xDDD I end up drawing the zig-zag bottom part first and work my way up~ Haha!
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/30/12 | Reply
I really love how you drew her skirt! WOW! O.O How do you do that!?
The clothing detail is really nice on these! They both look adorable!
I have yet to read that manga, also, but I heard it's really good and my best friend is very much in love with it (I hear about it every day of school! XD).
Question Cafér (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/29/12 | Reply
Glad you like it, Jen! 8D
Yeah, I'll definitely have to read this one soon~ I started reading just a bit a long time ago, but forgotten LOL!
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/29/12 | Reply
EEEEEEE !!!!!! I LOVE this, Panou-chan!!!!!!!! Amazing work, you drew them so kawaiiiii <3 I can't stop looking Perfect expressions on these two^^ Your pencil lines and shading are so neat too! Thankyou SO much, dear!!!
And definitely check out this manga later! ^__^
Thanks again!!!