YAY!!! I'm really happy about that :D Art blocks are horrible >3< And I'm glad you had fun drawing these two! Thanks again so much!!! Its such a nice surprise
AH SO COOL!!!! *u* You're right, no one has drawn me Judah AND Kaji in the same pic before!! I really love this, Narie-chan! Thanks so much already... You are SO sweet for drawing me this, you're a great friend! And Lovely work too. I really like Kaji and Judah in your style *highfives* I can't wait to see it coloured!
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/31/12 | Reply
YAY!!! I'm really happy about that :D Art blocks are horrible >3< And I'm glad you had fun drawing these two! Thanks again so much!!! Its such a nice surprise

Senior Otaku | Posted 07/31/12 | Reply
So glad you like them
It's been in the back of my mind and I fiiiinally got it done! You broke my art block too
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/31/12 | Reply
AH SO COOL!!!! *u* You're right, no one has drawn me Judah AND Kaji in the same pic before!! I really love this, Narie-chan! Thanks so much already... You are SO sweet for drawing me this, you're a great friend! And Lovely work too. I really like Kaji and Judah in your style *highfives* I can't wait to see it coloured!