I love your comment! I think that this improvement took place this year because some of my works were messy or disproportioned but I feel really happy that you like it!Thanks for leaving such a great comment. Compared to that my reply seems a little bit short, doesn't it?
Whitey One Bite (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/25/12 | Reply
The other one was very cute and girly, while this one is very mature and womanly. I love how elegant and sleek this one is. :)
The buttons on the front combined with the stripes on sleeves reminds me of formal military dress...only made very cute and elegant by the fancy little details on the buttons. I think my favorite part about both your works I've seen is the attention you give to the accents. (Also faces; for some reason I really love the way you draw faces. :3)
I guess the whole point of this comment is to say that it looks gorgeous and keep up the amazing work! :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/17/13 | Reply
very gogeous

Her overall ?looks very fine espacially the details in golden
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/26/12 | Reply
I love your comment! I think that this improvement took place this year because some of my works were messy or disproportioned but I feel really happy that you like it!Thanks for leaving such a great comment. Compared to that my reply seems a little bit short, doesn't it?
Whitey One Bite (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/25/12 | Reply
The other one was very cute and girly, while this one is very mature and womanly. I love how elegant and sleek this one is. :)
The buttons on the front combined with the stripes on sleeves reminds me of formal military dress...only made very cute and elegant by the fancy little details on the buttons. I think my favorite part about both your works I've seen is the attention you give to the accents. (Also faces; for some reason I really love the way you draw faces. :3)
I guess the whole point of this comment is to say that it looks gorgeous and keep up the amazing work! :D