Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/03/13 | Reply
Hand-embroidered?? That's crazy amazing! :D It looks so good, especially the Japanese lettering! :D
(Note: the above usage of the word "crazy" is just an adjective to increase the meaning of "amazing". It does not mean that this work is crazy at all. In fact, it is very cool :D The only thing crazy here is my paranoia for having me feel the need to explain it.)
Raving Lunatic (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/03/13 | Reply
Thank You!

Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/03/13 | Reply
Hand-embroidered?? That's crazy amazing! :D It looks so good, especially the Japanese lettering! :D
(Note: the above usage of the word "crazy" is just an adjective to increase the meaning of "amazing". It does not mean that this work is crazy at all. In fact, it is very cool :D The only thing crazy here is my paranoia for having me feel the need to explain it.)
Raving Lunatic (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/06/12 | Reply
@Pleiades Rising:
Thank you ^^
Pleiades Rising
Otaku Idol (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/06/12 | Reply
With that kind of skill, I'd say it definitely counts as a form of fanart! It's art you can wear, which makes it doubly cool and original.