Oh god this is gorgeous ♥ I love how you protrayed the roots and how they're colored like the veins of a person. This is really beautiful - the concept and everything just speaks volumes. I especially loved seeing both of the pieces put together xD <33
They fit each other so perfectly to form an amazing piece c':
Daydreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/26/12 | Reply
Oh god this is gorgeous ♥ I love how you protrayed the roots and how they're colored like the veins of a person. This is really beautiful - the concept and everything just speaks volumes. I especially loved seeing both of the pieces put together xD <33
They fit each other so perfectly to form an amazing piece c':
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Sleeping Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/23/12 | Reply
I love the gradient on those roots.
Bandage that defies gravity! O: