I'm in the US, and the rating isn't to bad. I think I'll will be able to handle it since I doubt there'd be anything lewd in the movie since it's a classic
I'm pretty excited about it, though I'll have to wait until Saturday to watch it! XD
Again thank you for letting me know!
Awww... well, if anything, we're pulling for Noel :) I hope things turn out good for him.
But yeah, the movie's pretty good. It's PG-13 (in the US... I'm not sure where you live) for "Brief Violent Images" (and, I'm adding, brief rear nudity, which was only in the film). But the music is what I'd say it's known for, being a musical and all *book'd* The opening theme right after they light up the chandelier in the beginning of the movie is what I'd have to say is probably my favorite piece from the musical :D
I have heard of Phantom of the Opera, but never actually seen it, I will see if I make time to the movie you mentioned! I really do want to see Phantom of the Opera! XD
My Phantom character's real name is Noel, he is a character I recycled from this drawing: link
I'm kind of building a story around this character, but I think it would lean more toward Beauty and the beast kind of, but maybe darker toned, but I'm not sure. XD
ah sorry I'm blabbering now...OTL
Yeah, kind of like that :D And here's a second recommendation for Phantom of the Opera. I've seen the movie and most of the 25th Anniversary Royal Albert Hall version, but the movie's pretty good. They do rearrange and edit a few things, and add more to the story (the black and white scenes after the opening, which was originally there). If you see it, I'd like to know what you think of it :D
Like others have commented, I feel bad for Phantom here. Was that originally his name?
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/31/13 | Reply
oh it was in 2004? that's not to bad!
I will let you know when I see it! XD
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/30/13 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Well, classic as in 2004... but it's still really good :D And you're welcome ^_^ Please let me know what you think :D
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/30/13 | Reply
I'm in the US, and the rating isn't to bad. I think I'll will be able to handle it since I doubt there'd be anything lewd in the movie since it's a classic
I'm pretty excited about it, though I'll have to wait until Saturday to watch it! XD
Again thank you for letting me know!
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/29/13 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Awww... well, if anything, we're pulling for Noel :) I hope things turn out good for him.
But yeah, the movie's pretty good. It's PG-13 (in the US... I'm not sure where you live) for "Brief Violent Images" (and, I'm adding, brief rear nudity, which was only in the film). But the music is what I'd say it's known for, being a musical and all *book'd* The opening theme right after they light up the chandelier in the beginning of the movie is what I'd have to say is probably my favorite piece from the musical :D
Otakuite++ | Posted 01/28/13 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
LOL well you did an awesome job ^^
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/28/13 | Reply
I have heard of Phantom of the Opera, but never actually seen it, I will see if I make time to the movie you mentioned! I really do want to see Phantom of the Opera! XD
My Phantom character's real name is Noel, he is a character I recycled from this drawing: link
I'm kind of building a story around this character, but I think it would lean more toward Beauty and the beast kind of, but maybe darker toned, but I'm not sure. XD
ah sorry I'm blabbering now...OTL
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/28/13 | Reply
thank you, I tried to make him a character to pity, sort of.
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/27/13 | Reply
@Captain Ronnie:
Yeah, kind of like that :D And here's a second recommendation for Phantom of the Opera. I've seen the movie and most of the 25th Anniversary Royal Albert Hall version, but the movie's pretty good. They do rearrange and edit a few things, and add more to the story (the black and white scenes after the opening, which was originally there). If you see it, I'd like to know what you think of it :D
Like others have commented, I feel bad for Phantom here. Was that originally his name?
Otakuite++ | Posted 01/26/13 | Reply
Ohmigosh...I feel so bad for him
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/26/13 | Reply
@Captain Ronnie:
I have been meaning to check out that story, but haven't yet.
He is kind of inspired but that story though. XD
Captain Ronnie
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/26/13 | Reply
This character and the story is basically the same as the Phantom of the Opera....