Awe! I am so glad and happy to hear you say you like my drawings! I've been drawing since I was little and I never went to an art school or took classes so I have always felt a little inadequate, but I enjoy practicing. What I do relies on you enjoying yourself just as much as what I can put on a piece of paper or digital canvas. Thank you soooo much. Really appreciate it.
Last edited by SeonFeng at 4:30:55 PM EST on January 29, 2013.
Otakuite++ | Posted 01/29/13 | Reply
I am so glad and happy to hear you say you like my drawings! I've been drawing since I was little and I never went to an art school or took classes so I have always felt a little inadequate, but I enjoy practicing. What I do relies on you enjoying yourself just as much as what I can put on a piece of paper or digital canvas.
Thank you soooo much. Really appreciate it. 
Last edited by SeonFeng at 4:30:55 PM EST on January 29, 2013.
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/29/13 | Reply
I love all your art, you just have a natural talent for it :3 I'm jealous x3
Otakuite++ | Posted 01/28/13 | Reply
Mmm not sure what you mean, I am sorry
The picture has her wearing a pair of baggy green pj pants.
Otakuite++ | Posted 01/28/13 | Reply
Awe!! You are such a sweetie! I am humbled.
Thanks so much, I am very happy you like it.
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/28/13 | Reply
Youre very pretty :3 great job, as always! ♥