It seems like that happened tome a lot at first. Then when my sister started watching it on amazon prime, i watched it too. One word...'fantastic!' I would highly recommend watching more of it! I have grown into a huge fan in a short amount of time, now that's power! Thank you so much for the comment, i really do appriciate it. It's people like you that keep me uploading pictures.
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/28/13 | Reply
Nice job; I like this :D It's cool seeing live action rendered in anime/manga form :D She looks like she's ready to defend the earth.
I may not be a Whovian, but I've certainly seen an episode or two... oddly enough, the first (and so far only) episode I've seen with Rose Tyler was the last half (or so) of Doomsday... why is it I can't seem to watch a whole episode? XD Either I tune in too late and miss the beginning or someone comes home and I miss the end (I've only seen one whole episode before and that was Dinosaurs on a Spaceship XD)
Still, despite not being a Whovian, I do enjoy seeing Doctor Who memes :D
Last edited by CelestialSushi at 11:20:21 PM EST on February 28, 2013.
kamichama karin s
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/01/13 | Reply
It seems like that happened tome a lot at first. Then when my sister started watching it on amazon prime, i watched it too. One word...'fantastic!' I would highly recommend watching more of it! I have grown into a huge fan in a short amount of time, now that's power! Thank you so much for the comment, i really do appriciate it. It's people like you that keep me uploading pictures.
kamichama karin s
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/01/13 | Reply
@aesha eiz Louel:
Thank you very much. Comments like yous make my day.
aesha eiz Louel
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/01/13 | Reply
great job! I love her eyes and your shading as well

keep up the good work
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/28/13 | Reply
Nice job; I like this :D It's cool seeing live action rendered in anime/manga form :D She looks like she's ready to defend the earth.
I may not be a Whovian, but I've certainly seen an episode or two... oddly enough, the first (and so far only) episode I've seen with Rose Tyler was the last half (or so) of Doomsday... why is it I can't seem to watch a whole episode? XD Either I tune in too late and miss the beginning or someone comes home and I miss the end (I've only seen one whole episode before and that was Dinosaurs on a Spaceship XD)
Still, despite not being a Whovian, I do enjoy seeing Doctor Who memes :D
Last edited by CelestialSushi at 11:20:21 PM EST on February 28, 2013.