Lol Thats so awesome, Elric-chan!! Thankyou!!
Ooo that is an interesting way to think of it!! Cuz as a dog, he is just like that! but I never even thought about that when I was designing him... Makes sense tho!
Teehee Thankyou, I'm so glad you think so^^ Kyaaa! Oooooo Alphonse plushie! *U* awesome!!
Brody! Second-favorite (I believe I've mentioned how much I love Eddie) of your dog OCs. His hat-and-glasses-combo makes him a more interesting character, since when I think of the hat I think sporty, but when I think of the glasses I think intelligent and relaxed.
Have to agree with Key... Brody and the bear is the cutest thing I've seen all day. I can't believe they're cuter than the Alphonse plushie I got in the mail... but they are!
Heh heh For once I'm the first to comment on your art. I feel inordinately proud of myself x3
I LOVE all the details you put into this! From the eyes to the accessories and personality infos this whole thing was so much fun to look at! You've done a great job Manga-chan ^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/07/13 | Reply
You're welcome! ^^
I guess your subconscious added that to his design without your realizing it, haha :)
Thanks ^w^ I practically squealed when I first opened the box.
Vanilla Cupcake
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/07/13 | Reply
You are so awesome~! Makes me envy your talent xD
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/07/13 | Reply
@Vanilla Cupcake :
Yay!!! Thanks, Cupcake-chan!! I feel like drawing him again now xD As a doggy, he's also cute without even trying xD haha
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/07/13 | Reply
Lol Thats so awesome, Elric-chan!! Thankyou!!
Ooo that is an interesting way to think of it!! Cuz as a dog, he is just like that! but I never even thought about that when I was designing him... Makes sense tho!
Teehee Thankyou, I'm so glad you think so^^ Kyaaa! Oooooo Alphonse plushie! *U* awesome!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/07/13 | Reply
Thanks, Alex! Haha! Yay *cheers* ^________^
Vanilla Cupcake
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/06/13 | Reply
Oh my cupcakes!!
Brody is sooooo cute!! You drew him so well!! 
Great job, Manga-Chan!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/05/13 | Reply
Brody! Second-favorite (I believe I've mentioned how much I love Eddie) of your dog OCs. His hat-and-glasses-combo makes him a more interesting character, since when I think of the hat I think sporty, but when I think of the glasses I think intelligent and relaxed.
Have to agree with Key... Brody and the bear is the cutest thing I've seen all day. I can't believe they're cuter than the Alphonse plushie I got in the mail... but they are!
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/05/13 | Reply
Haha!!! *big smile* That made my day, I'm so glad and honored to get ur comment ^______________^ Thankyou, Silver!! I'm so happy about that <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/05/13 | Reply
Heh heh For once I'm the first to comment on your art. I feel inordinately proud of myself x3
I LOVE all the details you put into this! From the eyes to the accessories and personality infos this whole thing was so much fun to look at! You've done a great job Manga-chan ^^