I agree, the circumstances weren't good :/ And Gabby is alright now, don't worry!! ;D I think Kaji is punching himself over this still tho.. Haha and he should be huh!
LOL yup, he's staying with Katara. And Katara knew what happened but she loves him so much that she gave him time to work it out and trusted him.
Ah!! Yeah Kaji kissed Gabby, but not lips on lips >P> I don't support what he did tho, even tho GabbyxKaji would of been so cute too <3
Lolz I'm thinking the same thing, but he's trying to defend himself now that he has his feelings sorted out... His relationship with Gabriella was one of sympathy, I believe :/ And he accidentally misjudged what would happen when he tried to open up to help Gabriella O_O""
Yay!! Thanks Han! Yeah, I've been doing this more recently, with traditional art and then digital colour and changes... Sometimes I have no clue what I'm doing xD Its good that it turned out ok tho this time cuz I almost didn't get it to work >3<
Yeah definitely, there's always that point where I wanna give up but then it works out if I keep going xD
Ah, sounds cool the way you drew this. Drawing them the same size and then colored and pasted them digitally, that's neat. I've trying doing that before with a drawing but it didn't quite turn out right, but then again I didn't stick with it, otherwise it might would've. The background is neat :3 it looks like a dream or a storybook cover x)
Thankyou, Anna!!! I thought I rushed it at the end^^" I'm glad u like it tho, I was hoping to get the right emotion and colours. Thankyou dear!!! ^___^ *so happy*
asdhfjalf thankyou Temi-chan!!! I'm glad u like it! I'm experimenting with different tools and techniques on SAI <3
Your work inspired me to try colouring different ways ^^
Hahahaha so true >U<
ermahgerd did i just miss this one klasdhjklakjakaaa
gaaahh rainbows everywhere *v*! great job on the colors and and everything! xD
awww, the burden of being Kaji *pats*
Thankyou, Rose dear!!! I'm so glad u like this! I rushed at the end, but it was good to do an art again after a week break >u<
Yay! I can't wait to see u do more digital, I bet u'll be a pro at it!! :)
Yes we must talk soon! I'm gonna try to get on skype more often <3
Wah thanks Bonnie!!! <3
Thankyou so much!! I'm feeling proud after reading ur comment, I was still bothered about rushing the end tho >u< Teehee thanks for understading too! I hadn't really done any artwork all week long so when I was colouring, I got so focused on it xD
LOL I'm honored that u looked at the RP too! Ikr? Poor OCs Q-Q
OH YAY!!! I'll check my email asap and let u know what I think (I know I'll love it a ton!!)
OOoo nice choices! I love finding those perfect mechanical pencils <3
Gah thats like me, I wanted to colour something the other day but I didn't want to draw xD That reminds me I have to colour my dog OCs sometime!
Ah thankyou!! I was so bugged about it, I've been trying to make sure I do everything right recently... I looked at my old art and realized I'd never concentrate on everything, only the colour or the anatomy, but not both things at the same time xD So I'm trying to not rush and take my time to get it right!
Lol its a log RP but I hope u enjoy it if u look through it! <3
GAH ur praising me too much, I'm gonna be so smiley again XD Thankyou, Gabby! And yeah, I think thats the plan, since it would be good to have a Katara/Kaji hospital scene. (oooo I never thought of Tara as Katara's nickname, so cute! Kaji might get ahold of that one ;)
Red Monkey (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/11/13 | Reply
You’ve captured so much emotion in this picture. Forbidden loves are so tragic, but are often the sweetest. ;A; I’m a sucker for those type of romances. I don’t know why, they break my heart. lol
I really like how you did the coloring for this picture. It adds more to the emotion. Plus the colors are so gorgeous! You are so talented! :]
This looks lovely, I really like the paint-like feeling it has, the way you mixed and blended colours, it works so well! I love the colours on Kaji's jeans, and also in the sky. It is fun watching you experiment with digital painting ^^ keep it up!
I love the background and the colors are beautiful ♥ You did a wonderful job and hopefully I will beginning to do digital art too! :) Also I hope you are doing well and we should be able to talk more too. I will see you around my friend! ♥
Hahaha, of course I like it! ^O^ Your colouring and drawing skills are indeed epic. ;)
It looks like a lot of work, but a very nice finish, you should be proud of yourself! >D LOL that’s totally fine! I know that feeling where you’re just so into working that it’s just art focus >3 Yup I did (it was like 400+ comments when I read it D=) but very sweet [AND SAD ;O;].
I’m working on stuff now. I’m just about to send you the commission I was working on. It looks better as a poster :3
Not really. I only had like $5 on me, so I bought a super comfy mechanical pencil and a good eraser (cause I need lots of those! XD)
AH thankyou Bonnie!! U like it? I feel like I rushed the end and I see some mistakes that are making me go BLAH >3< BUt i'm so happy you enjoyed it!! Yes!! I actually sketched the characters at night, and then yesterday I was cleaning up the sketch digitally and colouring it x) SO sorry for not being a good texter, I was working on this on and off ^^"
Weeeeee~ I'm super proud that you say u can sense the emotion!! Wahahaha u read some of the RP? >//< Isn't it crazy!? Oh I know, Gabby is such a cutie <3
Thankyou, Bonnie!! I can't wait to see some of your work soon!
OH thats so awesome!!! did u buy anything good? :3
Thankyou, Judai!!!
Haha Ikr? I can't believe the drama~ Oooo You'll have to wait and see! Kaji still has to talk to Katara, but he's deep in thought about how he feels.
I'm so glad, you've made me very happy with u comment! Chi is so fun, and you are awesome to RP with too!! Katy and Johan are so cute <3 I can RP anytime today I think... I slept on the floor so I ended up having a real slow morning, but I'm here now^^"
Yup, of course! I have lots of besties here, and I am so thankful for every one of them ^_^
Thankyou, Bic-chan!! I started to learn some techniques recently to bring in colour from the background to the characters, and vice versa. I'm glad u like it!!
Well it takes a little bit to get the OCs bonding, it was first just me and Live RPing for the longest time before Kaji started getting more outgoing and I was able to fit into other RPs too! But I'm really glad Kai is around, he is an awesome character! Do u have a drawing of him?
Wow really gorgeous! Was this the sketch you said you were working on when you texted me? :D It's really stunning!<3 You can just sense the emotions between the two characters! I was reading some of the drama (and man, it's intense and sad in a way)...I was cheering for Gabby >O<
Keep up the great work Jenna<3
Take cares!
Haha, I was thinking of you when I went to Curry's shopping today XD
I love this...beautiful work.
The story is nice and dramatic. Who will Kaji end up with? I'm curious to find out.
I love the art,its beautiful and I love the details on Kaji and I love Gabriella too. You two are so fun to rp with. I love this. Its too beautiful for words~ also when do you want to rp next? Also aren't I one of your best friends too?
I CAN'T WAIT!! I love you so much!! *huggles* You're just the best human ever! <3 <3 I just wanna hug you and tell you all the ways I think you're awesome!! I KNOW YOU'RE AWESOME!! I love you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so MUCH!!! I LOVE YOU!!! I can't wait to talk to you on Skype so I can tell you how much I LOVE YOU!!
Kai is still mostly out of the loop with yours, live's, and Chi's OC's though, he just is trying to be the person to make people smile even if they are having a ruff day.
Lol first off, I just laughed out loud, I'm so happy when I saw your comment!!! I am so happy that you love it!! I had fun and worked on it for a while, I wanted to do mah best ^_^
ashdfjklahjsfldhafa Now I'm speechless, so thankful to you too for being so awesome to me!! <3 I'm so happy to have met u and RPed with u, u are such a lovely friend ^_^
Wah I'm sososo happy that you like it so much, it makes me just so very happy!! XD GAH wow too too TOO much kindness!!! >////< You're much too nice to me, Chivee! *hugs* Thank YOU!! <3
I'm also gonna draw a picture of Kaji and the two girls soon too ^_^
Thankyou so much, Clue!!! Wah ur comment has made me so happy ^_^
For sure, thats words of wisdom that Kai had for them there <3 Kaji is younger then Katara and Gabriella so he's really unsure about himself in both relationships but I think after Kai's words, he's coming around to know what he needs to do. I'm glad you are RPing with us now too, Kai is a great addition to the friend group :D
I LOVE THIS BEYOND WORDS!! It's absolutely beautiful! Gabriella looks just prefect and I love the way it's set up! It's heartbreaking and beautiful and amazing!! I love you so much!! Thank you! Thank you! THANK YOU times like a million!! You're the best and your art is wonderful! I love it!! I LOVE IT!! <3 Thank you!! I can't say it enough! I can't even express in words how wonderful this is and how much I love it and how thankful I am to you Mangy! You're just the best!
It's so prefect and it captures them just amazingly! I CAN'T GET OVER IT!! It's better than beautiful. And I love the background with all my heart! It's just amazing! THANK YOU JENNA!! YOU'RE THE BEST HUMAN ALIVE EVER!!! SAflksgnkalaweg!!! AAAHHHHH!!!
This looks really good. I like it a lot. With all the drama going on between Kaji, Katara, and Gabriella they just needed someone to tell them all to take a step back and breath. Thank goodness Kai has a pretty good mediator when it come's to things like relationships. And he has never been in a relationship in his life XD *Shot*
WAH I'm so glad you like it, Toya!!! I've been looking a lot on DA and seeing all the different art and styles, and have wanted to try new things x) Thankyou!!
Yay!! I was bothered with some things once I took a picture of the sketches >3< But I couldn't really fix it, so I'm just glad u like it anyhow! <3
Ah I can link you! Its right here, but we also had other separate RPs leading up to it. Its so dramatic, I can't believe O_O
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/21/13 | Reply
You got that right :P
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/21/13 | Reply
I agree, the circumstances weren't good :/ And Gabby is alright now, don't worry!! ;D
I think Kaji is punching himself over this still tho..Haha and he should be huh!MangaKid
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/21/13 | Reply
LOL yup, he's staying with Katara. And Katara knew what happened but she loves him so much that she gave him time to work it out and trusted him.
Ah!! Yeah Kaji kissed Gabby, but not lips on lips >P> I don't support what he did tho, even tho GabbyxKaji would of been so cute too <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/20/13 | Reply
Lolz I'm thinking the same thing, but he's trying to defend himself now that he has his feelings sorted out... His relationship with Gabriella was one of sympathy, I believe :/ And he accidentally misjudged what would happen when he tried to open up to help Gabriella O_O""
Grand Otaku | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
^ ^
Ah, well cool o3o ...lol x)
Yeah, it turned out good, glad you got it to work X)
Ah :) Yeah I suppose that's true with me too.
Welcome ^3^
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/12/13 | Reply
Yay!! Thanks Han! Yeah, I've been doing this more recently, with traditional art and then digital colour and changes... Sometimes I have no clue what I'm doing xD Its good that it turned out ok tho this time cuz I almost didn't get it to work >3<
Yeah definitely, there's always that point where I wanna give up but then it works out if I keep going xD
Grand Otaku | Posted 05/12/13 | Reply
Ah, sounds cool the way you drew this. Drawing them the same size and then colored and pasted them digitally, that's neat. I've trying doing that before with a drawing but it didn't quite turn out right, but then again I didn't stick with it, otherwise it might would've. The background is neat :3 it looks like a dream or a storybook cover x)
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/12/13 | Reply
Hooray!! I'm so glad <3 Thanks Dragon-chan!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/12/13 | Reply
Thankyou, Anna!!! I thought I rushed it at the end^^" I'm glad u like it tho, I was hoping to get the right emotion and colours. Thankyou dear!!! ^___^ *so happy*
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/12/13 | Reply
asdhfjalf thankyou Temi-chan!!! I'm glad u like it! I'm experimenting with different tools and techniques on SAI <3
Your work inspired me to try colouring different ways ^^
Hahahaha so true >U<
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/12/13 | Reply
ermahgerd did i just miss this one klasdhjklakjakaaa
gaaahh rainbows everywhere *v*! great job on the colors and and everything! xD
awww, the burden of being Kaji *pats*
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/12/13 | Reply
Thankyou, Rose dear!!! I'm so glad u like this! I rushed at the end, but it was good to do an art again after a week break >u<
Yay! I can't wait to see u do more digital, I bet u'll be a pro at it!! :)
Yes we must talk soon! I'm gonna try to get on skype more often <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/12/13 | Reply
Wah thanks Bonnie!!! <3
Thankyou so much!! I'm feeling proud after reading ur comment, I was still bothered about rushing the end tho >u< Teehee thanks for understading too! I hadn't really done any artwork all week long so when I was colouring, I got so focused on it xD
LOL I'm honored that u looked at the RP too! Ikr? Poor OCs Q-Q
OH YAY!!! I'll check my email asap and let u know what I think (I know I'll love it a ton!!)
OOoo nice choices! I love finding those perfect mechanical pencils <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/12/13 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Gah thats like me, I wanted to colour something the other day but I didn't want to draw xD That reminds me I have to colour my dog OCs sometime!
Ah thankyou!! I was so bugged about it, I've been trying to make sure I do everything right recently... I looked at my old art and realized I'd never concentrate on everything, only the colour or the anatomy, but not both things at the same time xD So I'm trying to not rush and take my time to get it right!
Lol its a log RP but I hope u enjoy it if u look through it! <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/12/13 | Reply
@Enigmatic Turk:
Tahnkyou, I'm glad!! WAH I totally know what u mean! Me too!! Its so heart-breaking right now, Kaji is trying to figure out his feelings Q-Q
Hooray, thankyou so much!!!! I'm so happy about that, I've been experimenting with digital paint recently <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/12/13 | Reply
@ACL Production:
Thankyou so much!!!
ACL Production
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/12/13 | Reply
Wow. I'm a lost for words. oh.. wait... AMAZINGLY EPIC.
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/12/13 | Reply
GAH ur praising me too much, I'm gonna be so smiley again XD Thankyou, Gabby! And yeah, I think thats the plan, since it would be good to have a Katara/Kaji hospital scene. (oooo I never thought of Tara as Katara's nickname, so cute! Kaji might get ahold of that one ;)
Enigmatic Turk
Red Monkey (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/11/13 | Reply
You’ve captured so much emotion in this picture. Forbidden loves are so tragic, but are often the sweetest. ;A; I’m a sucker for those type of romances. I don’t know why, they break my heart. lol
I really like how you did the coloring for this picture. It adds more to the emotion. Plus the colors are so gorgeous! You are so talented! :]
Isn't violence against hair a crime, Your Honor?
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/11/13 | Reply
you're motivating me to experiment with stuff, but I'm stumped on what to draw. oTL, but I'm going to explore it! XD
I don't really see anything wrong with the figures or anything, so I don't think you should worry about it! : )
thank you for the link! I shall take a look!
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/11/13 | Reply
This looks lovely, I really like the paint-like feeling it has, the way you mixed and blended colours, it works so well! I love the colours on Kaji's jeans, and also in the sky. It is fun watching you experiment with digital painting ^^ keep it up!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/11/13 | Reply
I love wide smiles too! You have a beautiful smile!! <3 <3 You have to rp with Live before we can rp again correct? Kaj needs to talk to Tara right?
Senior Otaku | Posted 05/11/13 | Reply
Oh, how cool! I love the colors and painting style! And the emotion in this picture is fabulous! <3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/11/13 | Reply
I love the background and the colors are beautiful ♥ You did a wonderful job and hopefully I will beginning to do digital art too! :) Also I hope you are doing well and we should be able to talk more too. I will see you around my friend! ♥
Administrator | Posted 05/11/13 | Reply
Hahaha, of course I like it! ^O^ Your colouring and drawing skills are indeed epic. ;)
It looks like a lot of work, but a very nice finish, you should be proud of yourself! >D
LOL that’s totally fine! I know that feeling where you’re just so into working that it’s just art focus >3Yup I did (it was like 400+ comments when I read it D=) but very sweet [AND SAD ;O;].I’m working on stuff now. I’m just about to send you the commission I was working on. It looks better as a poster :3
Not really. I only had like $5 on me, so I bought a super comfy mechanical pencil and a good eraser (cause I need lots of those! XD)
Find a reason to smile
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/11/13 | Reply
AH thankyou Bonnie!! U like it? I feel like I rushed the end and I see some mistakes that are making me go BLAH >3< BUt i'm so happy you enjoyed it!! Yes!! I actually sketched the characters at night, and then yesterday I was cleaning up the sketch digitally and colouring it x)
SO sorry for not being a good texter, I was working on this on and off ^^"Weeeeee~ I'm super proud that you say u can sense the emotion!! Wahahaha u read some of the RP? >//< Isn't it crazy!? Oh I know, Gabby is such a cutie <3
Thankyou, Bonnie!! I can't wait to see some of your work soon!
OH thats so awesome!!! did u buy anything good? :3
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/11/13 | Reply
@Rainbow Dragon:
Thankyou, Judai!!!
Haha Ikr? I can't believe the drama~ Oooo You'll have to wait and see! Kaji still has to talk to Katara, but he's deep in thought about how he feels.
I'm so glad, you've made me very happy with u comment! Chi is so fun, and you are awesome to RP with too!! Katy and Johan are so cute <3 I can RP anytime today I think... I slept on the floor so I ended up having a real slow morning, but I'm here now^^"
Yup, of course! I have lots of besties here, and I am so thankful for every one of them ^_^
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/11/13 | Reply
Thankyou, Bic-chan!! I started to learn some techniques recently to bring in colour from the background to the characters, and vice versa. I'm glad u like it!!
Oh i know, it is! Q_Q Its so sad.
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/11/13 | Reply
WAH omigoodness, Idk how to even reply to you OuO except to say I love love love you back!!! asdfjafsdajkf my smile is so wide right now ^//U//^
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/11/13 | Reply
Well it takes a little bit to get the OCs bonding, it was first just me and Live RPing for the longest time before Kaji started getting more outgoing and I was able to fit into other RPs too! But I'm really glad Kai is around, he is an awesome character! Do u have a drawing of him?
Administrator | Posted 05/11/13 | Reply
Wow really gorgeous! Was this the sketch you said you were working on when you texted me? :D It's really stunning!<3 You can just sense the emotions between the two characters! I was reading some of the drama (and man, it's intense and sad in a way)...I was cheering for Gabby >O<
Keep up the great work Jenna<3
Take cares!
Haha, I was thinking of you when I went to Curry's shopping today XD
Find a reason to smile
Rainbow Dragon
☠Eastsider✰Pirate☠ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/11/13 | Reply
I love this...beautiful work.
The story is nice and dramatic. Who will Kaji end up with? I'm curious to find out.
I love the art,its beautiful and I love the details on Kaji and I love Gabriella too. You two are so fun to rp with. I love this. Its too beautiful for words~ also when do you want to rp next? Also aren't I one of your best friends too?
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/11/13 | Reply
I CAN'T WAIT!! I love you so much!! *huggles* You're just the best human ever! <3 <3 I just wanna hug you and tell you all the ways I think you're awesome!! I KNOW YOU'RE AWESOME!! I love you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so MUCH!!! I LOVE YOU!!! I can't wait to talk to you on Skype so I can tell you how much I LOVE YOU!!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/11/13 | Reply
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/10/13 | Reply
i always love ur use of colours
the story sounds like a real drama ^^'
poor kaji
Keyblade Master (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/10/13 | Reply
Kai is still mostly out of the loop with yours, live's, and Chi's OC's though, he just is trying to be the person to make people smile even if they are having a ruff day.
If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/10/13 | Reply
Lol first off, I just laughed out loud, I'm so happy when I saw your comment!!! I am so happy that you love it!! I had fun and worked on it for a while, I wanted to do mah best ^_^
ashdfjklahjsfldhafa Now I'm speechless, so thankful to you too for being so awesome to me!! <3 I'm so happy to have met u and RPed with u, u are such a lovely friend ^_^
Wah I'm sososo happy that you like it so much, it makes me just so very happy!! XD GAH wow too too TOO much kindness!!! >////< You're much too nice to me, Chivee! *hugs* Thank YOU!! <3
I'm also gonna draw a picture of Kaji and the two girls soon too ^_^
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/10/13 | Reply
Thankyou so much, Clue!!! Wah ur comment has made me so happy ^_^
For sure, thats words of wisdom that Kai had for them there <3 Kaji is younger then Katara and Gabriella so he's really unsure about himself in both relationships but I think after Kai's words, he's coming around to know what he needs to do. I'm glad you are RPing with us now too, Kai is a great addition to the friend group :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/10/13 | Reply
I LOVE THIS BEYOND WORDS!! It's absolutely beautiful! Gabriella looks just prefect and I love the way it's set up! It's heartbreaking and beautiful and amazing!! I love you so much!! Thank you! Thank you! THANK YOU times like a million!! You're the best and your art is wonderful! I love it!! I LOVE IT!! <3 Thank you!! I can't say it enough! I can't even express in words how wonderful this is and how much I love it and how thankful I am to you Mangy! You're just the best!
It's so prefect and it captures them just amazingly! I CAN'T GET OVER IT!! It's better than beautiful. And I love the background with all my heart! It's just amazing! THANK YOU JENNA!! YOU'RE THE BEST HUMAN ALIVE EVER!!! SAflksgnkalaweg!!! AAAHHHHH!!!
I LOVE YOU!!! <3
Keyblade Master (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/10/13 | Reply
This looks really good. I like it a lot. With all the drama going on between Kaji, Katara, and Gabriella they just needed someone to tell them all to take a step back and breath. Thank goodness Kai has a pretty good mediator when it come's to things like relationships. And he has never been in a relationship in his life XD *Shot*
If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/10/13 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
WAH I'm so glad you like it, Toya!!! I've been looking a lot on DA and seeing all the different art and styles, and have wanted to try new things x) Thankyou!!
Yay!! I was bothered with some things once I took a picture of the sketches >3< But I couldn't really fix it, so I'm just glad u like it anyhow! <3
Ah I can link you! Its right here, but we also had other separate RPs leading up to it. Its so dramatic, I can't believe O_O
Wah thankyou!! ^U^
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/10/13 | Reply
that background is so stunning!!!! you amaze me so much JEN!!!!! I envy your skills!!!! Q u Q
This is really gorgeous!!!! You did a wonderful job with this!!!! I really like it! XD
I'll have to skim through your RP to see the story, I've been seeing it around lately I just want to know! lol it's a drama in a way! XD
plus gabby looks so pretty! and Kaji is handsome!
one more edit dang it!!! you colored this so nicley it looks like acrylic paints! or marker? it looks traditional. oTL
Last edited by toyotami kun at 10:58:00 PM EDT on May 10, 2013.