This is just gorgeous! Steampunk & Sci-Fi are amazing and you mashed them into a beautiful piece of art!
Thank you for taking the time to enter my challenge! Your art is amazing! ^-^
AH You're never late to comment!! I love seeing your comments anytime that you do~ Thankyou sososo much, Quorra! ^^
Oh no, I'm sorry!! You should enter tho, and do ur bestest... I bet you'd make something epic. And I'd love it!!! You are so nice for saying so though, I'm so pleased that u like this!
Lol of course, I actually got more interested in steam punk because of you, after I did the Gauche drawing for you! I hope to make more art like this too, and I hope u do too!! You're brilliant with detail!<3
Oh my this is freaking amazing! Am I late in commenting? But wow this is crazy awesome!!! I am jealous I was planning on entering this challenge but now I can only hope for 2nd... Haha I want you to win this is just too cool, let's be honest. Course you already know that I love steampunk though which could explain why I'm in awe and amazed by this incredible art made by a dearest friend who apparently refuses to stop impressing me.
YES You got it!!! Thats exactly the case xD And also just the fact that we have to erase if we ink is annoying >3< Yup the coloured pencils give off a cool effect so there's no need to erase!
OH I have one of those blues... non-photo blue? I barely use it tho since its not the best and my scanner is wacky anyway xP
Lol believe me, I'm super lazy too xD I find that I have to take huge rests between art before getting revved up again, especially if I do a big background on one.
Thats awesome!! >///< I actually don't know much about it except the details/fashion but I'm gonna do more research!
Lately, the pencils I used are troublesome because they get too dark and I had to erase them and they leave marks. Then it's a big mess...
So I could understand why colored mechanical pencils and they are probably nice to look at too, since they are colorful. There's this blue pencil, where you could draw with it and then when you go over it with a pen it leaves no mark after you scanned it to the computer! All you would see is the pen marks. It's pretty neat
Ah, the "extra time" is the key to make an awesome background...hmmm...I would like to make a legit background, but the lazy artist in me keeps taking over... :D
Steam punk is pretty cool, ever since I learned about them in my english class I see them everywhere! The concept is so neat and the things that people do these days for it is crazy cool!
Thankyou, Ramen!!!
Gah I'm not always good with backgrounds, but I thank Toyotami kun for getting me to start doing them. Cuz after u get in the mode to take extra time and put a background in, it pays off xD
I'm so glad!!! And yeah, usually I don't like Sci-FI either but I found myself intrigued by SciFi-ish art/concepts recently xD WAH Hooray!!!! Thats what I wished to do ^_^ I might try doing some similar things again soon... I think the steampunk is something I enjoy more tho.
Lol Idk, I've just been feeling like my ordinary pencil is giving me too much work... or really, I have no clue Dx But I'm just addicted to using the coloured pencils instead. But it makes no sense cuz I just change the lines back to black digitally after, like I did with this character. I just think the coloured pencils are more fun and easier to use x3
Thankyou so much, Toya!!! I'm so happy right now!! I made sure I didn't rush this art since usually I'm just wanting to finish my work xD The background gave me some trouble but it came together after I tried some different things!
HAHAHA Yeah, I just made him a separate character now! I didn't really want to make him separate then Judah at first cuz it would have given me more work and distracted me from my ideas, but now he's gonna be a new OC called Lucian Jade (Chipolvee and liveeverysecond helped me with the name!!)
Thankyou! I want to do my entry for Panou's challenge soon, but I'm chickening out at the digital lineart xD I usually do my lines traditionally xD
Thanks, Rose!!! Yeah, I made sure not to rush it! At one point, I didn't think my colouring style was working so I had to redo part of it... I'm very happy that u like it tho!
Red Monkey (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/15/13 | Reply
This looks absolutely amazing! ^_^ Everything looks so realistic with the way you did the shading and coloring. I love the sky in this picture; it’s so pretty! You just keep getting better and better. =]
^ ^ Welcome <3
I'd like to, but I gotta work on my digital drawing skills. And thanks x)
Ah really 8) haha, yeah I thought of that movie when I saw your drawing. Yeah I wanna watch it again now too X) Oh, haha, that's funny.
Oh, X) Yeah I like his hair like that, I think it looks better silver then it would black. And yeah, his hair has like a shiny colorful tint to it xD
It has goggles too 8) lol
I would've commented on this sooner but I was so overwhelmed by how stunning this was that I just had to stare at it for awhile.
I don't even know what word would suit best to describe this piece....fantastic....stunning....gorgeous....fabulous....original....wonderful....amazing....this is just beyond worlds and has stunned me in pure awe. This is such indescribably glorious artwork you've created, I wish you good luck in the challenge! :D
No wonder it took you two days to do this piece, it has a lot of details and I really like the feel of this picture with the steam punk and sci-fi (i see that what the challenge is for). I hope you get something for this challenge you did an amazing job! ♥
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/14/13 | Reply
My goodness Jen this is absolutely amazing!!! That background is so gorgeous, but looks so difficult at the same time it's just plan out epic!!! and that's a word I almost never say!!!! XD
The character is also awesome! I really like his design, and since you said he started off as Judah, it's burned in my mind. OTL.
This is a really amazing piece of art! I can't wait to see what you do next!!! XD
Thanks, Maji-chan!!!
AH I was watching some movies while doing the background so it was easier that way, I think x) I also rushed some of my previous bg work so I figured I should stop being lazy ^^"
I'm so glad!! I experimented afterwards with the lighting/colours on Photoshop!
ashfkalhsdf thankyou again, my friend!!
AH I'm so happy you like it, Hannah!!! Thankyou for the great comment <3 And you should definitely do some work like this, I bet you'll do amazing!!
Oh oh! I did see Treasure Planet!! I saw it quite a long time ago too and I wanna watch it again, now that you've mentioned it... I remember my parents thought the aliens/monster people in it were scary tho hahaha
Hooray!! Thankyou!! and that makes me glad, I was so close to giving him different coloured hair until I got too lazy to change it, and the edits made it look better in silver xD
Ahaha yes, his hat is like ur hat! ;) Thankyou Han-chan!!
Wow just . . . wow. When I think how far your backgrounds have come from your 'boy and his bug' picture I'm just like It really is a gorgeous background. I hope your poor OC isn't feeling neglected for all the love being show to it haha
The entire feel of this wallie is just perfect from the background to our favorite foreground OC. The feel just, ah, flows for lack of a better description. *goes and puts on computer background*
The background is breath taking! How do you draw backgrounds so well? :D
I could see the mixed of steam punk and sci-fi, the details of the boots and gun is amazing. Man, you make me want to like sci fi stuff.... It's not my thing, but this drawing makes the genre so cool!!!
What do you mean when you said you have issues with mechanical pencils? But that's still cool that you were able to used your colored one for this's so cool *3* It's even better then I imagined it...I so want to do some drawings like this. Have you ever seen the movie (and it's a kids movie) treasure planet? I saw that movie a long time ago, but I really loved it when I saw it.
The background is really cool, the sky, the city, the gear X) the coloring matches it all perfectly too, and I'm glad you didn't give him black hair, haha, he looks sci-fish with grayish hair. Also I like his hat xD
STAR-CHAN!!! Omigoodness, I was thinking of you today!!! I'm so happy to get a comment from ya <3 and I'm so glad u like this!
Ah man, I'm so shdfjklahfjdsla right now >U< LOL now ur making me laugh!! I'm still learning lots, but I'm excited to be experimenting more with digital now! Awww my autograph ashfjfalhf >U< idk if I even have one XD hahahaa We'll have to meet for sure tho!
You are just the sweetest!!!!
AH it sounds so cool, I'll have to check it out!!
Tahnkyou again, my friend!! And that makes me really glad, I'll use this watermark more often now!!
*hugs back*
Hmmm dunno mayybee you advancing to a digital artess godness?! HOLY MOTHER OF CHICKENS, what happened?! Sooooo fantastically FLIPPING amazing JENO. Just gonna ask you now before there's a lineup, but CAN I HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPH?! And maybe one day shake your hand 8D
Macross frontier is a sci-fi anime with a love triangle and epic music and characters. I loved the anime. Its only 25 episodes unfortunately but it is really good. It revolves mostly around Sheryl Nome,Ranka Lee,and Alto. It was the music that drew me in. it reminded me somewhat of Star Trek Voyager.
Yeah you did good on the art. It was epic. Love that cityscape. So epic. Love the watermark too and that isn't something I say often.
You're welcome Jesse~ *hugs*
AH I'm so glad u like it!! This is what I was working on the other day when we were Rping :D
I'm really happy u like the watermark too, it took me a while to create, but it was worth it! I haven't heard of Macross Frontier before, thats interesting!
Thankyou dear!
This is epic~ Too epic for words *O*
Barely even notice the watermark. Blends in. That's good. Looks good too. Epic art is epic. Reminds me of Macross Frontier. Great art Jess. Keep up the epic art.
PM me and I can totally help you~ Plus I really want to know about him~ New OCs excite me so much~ <3
I would like to see that picture~ It could have a banner that says like "Steampunk Power Unite~"
I love you RAWR!!
asdhfjalfhsa I don't know what to say, thankyou doesn't express it!! xD If u do get a printer, let me know and I can give u a better copy of this to use ^_^
Haha I don't know what it is then... We just like old fashioned pencil lines xD
OH me too, I feel like I have to draw before going to bed, but then I stay up too late! I didn't even think of our time differences tho O_o' Sorry for keeping u up!
Ooo yes!!! I wanna see how you do Kyte!! When u draw the design and post, I'm gonna comment for sure *U* Looking forward to it!!
OH that would be so awesome to do <3 I really have no idea about him except for this design... He stemmed off my previous dog OC. I have a personality for him tho~ So yeah, we should talk about this!!
WAH so true!!! I've been wanting to draw Gabriella and Isaiah in their steampunk outfits too!! Now we can have all three together <3
I love your MOAR!! XD
I'm happy you are thrilled! I'M thrilled, I get to see your wonderful art! If I could, I would print this out and use it as a bookmark or something. Shame I have no printer T.T
Yeah I tend to set that stability tool quite high XD
Why do I get the urge to draw so late at night? Have to go and sleep... Ugh. I'm so distractable.
I'm working on designing Kyte's outfit. I keep changing my mind about it, but I haven't really got any details down on paper yet... So slow XD
I can help you if you need help~ You can RP with me to figure him out if you want~ You know, like to help design him~ And I'm sure Live would be up for that too~ And this new boy looks so Steampunk~ <3 Gabriella and Isaiah have a friend with similar taste~
I love you too~ <3 I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!
Thankyou sososo much, Bonnie!!! I'm really happy that you like this, it was so much fun to do!! which helped keep me focused instead of getting bored and rushing xD
I'm so glad, thanks dear!!
Thankyou so much Anna!!! I'm so thrilled right now!!!
Hooray, I feel like cheering, I'm so glad u like this ^_^
Oh me too, I used to only use the pen tool, and not I'm using the Brush and exploring the different settings.
AH thankyou!!! Yeah, steampunk is so awesome! I have to drawn more of it :3
Ugh, its so hard isn't it? I think there is a setting for stabilization of the tool, Temi told me about it. But I'm still so shaky xD
Thanks again, Anna!
Waaaaah! So amazing *O* You just keep stunning me with your artwork!! The lighting and the details are superb! And yeah, the whole this is epic T^T (crying with joy). ;)
Good luck in the challenge Jenna~ You should be so so proud of yourself<3
ashfdjlahsf ur making me excited too!!! xD Wah i've never been so excited to get a new OC going, thankyou Chivee!!! (Lol that grumpy Kaji!)
Thankyou!!!! I love you!!!!
I-i-i-i-i-... Have just stared at this for a good few minutes. This is one of my favourites from you! That background, the scenery <3 I love how it looks painted, (I need to learn how to alter the brushes on Sai so they do what I want XD). The lighting is beautiful.
I would love this as just a scenery picture, but your new OC looks great too! Well, you know I love steampunk stuff anyway hehe.
Also, I can't draw neat lineart on Sai either... Even with all the tools to help XD but your method seems to work well ^^
YES!! I can't wait to meet him!! Oh I'm getting really excited about this~ My OCs will love him~ (minus Kaji)
Thank you love~ My OCs love you too~
It was well worth the work~ It looks amazing! I can't say that enough! I love the whole picture~
LOL Ur making me laugh XD Ok I will! <3 I'll start working on a background/profile for him and draw him again~ Lol so much to do! xD
You persuade me so quickly o3o
Wahaha yes, ur OCs are awesome and I'm glad u have so many of them!
Thankyou again and again, Chivee!!! I'm really happy!! The background actually stumped me at first, but I kept working on it... and its all worth it after getting such nice comments from u!! ^u^
OH MY GOODNESS!! Name this man and bring him to OCU!! We'll accept him with open arms~ All of us will~ <3 And then you can see what it's like to be more that Kaji~ :3 I think it's fun to have more than one~ As you know~
I always want you to smile~ But you did an amazing job on this, backgrounds kill me... I could never make something this amazing! You're amazing! I LOVE YOU!!
Thankyou so much, Chivee!!!! I had to look up so many ref pics on google to finally get my brain working xD I'm not much of a mecha/gun artist either O_O It gives me so much troubles >3<
Wah your too awesome, Chi!! >//U//< Thankyou for always making me happy!
Ooo I was thinking of designing him further and then I could maybe bring him into some RPs? I've never RPed with anyone but Kaji tho xD
I love the background! It's so beautiful and the gun is impressive too! Ican'tdrawguns You're still something else Mangy love~ <3 I love this style, you should make more Sci-Fi thing~ This rocks~ Also, where is this kid going?? If he's a new OC~
Last edited by ChiPolVee at 6:38:53 PM EDT on May 13, 2013.
WAH Thankyou, Sera!!! I'm so glad u like it!! Ah the light was giving me some issues since I made it too dark at first, so I'm really proud that u like how it turned out ^U^ *hugs*
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
You are so welcome! ^-^
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/21/13 | Reply
@Black Crow:
WAH You've made me smile so much!!!!! I'm really glad you like this, thankyou for your kind comment!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/21/13 | Reply
OH thankyou so much!!!!!! I'm really glad u liked this <3 No problem at all, it was a pleasure and a very fun challenge to enter so thank you!
Black Crow
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/18/13 | Reply
OMG! i LOVE it! :D Congrats! You deserve the first place! I'm tatoly entering into the world you create in this Fan Art! you're good, omg! :D
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
This is just gorgeous! Steampunk & Sci-Fi are amazing and you mashed them into a beautiful piece of art!
Thank you for taking the time to enter my challenge! Your art is amazing! ^-^
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/01/13 | Reply
>//////< *blush* Gah yeah... It looks harder to do then it actually is tho. The background was a lot of scribbling, like usual ^^"
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/01/13 | Reply
AH You're never late to comment!! I love seeing your comments anytime that you do~ Thankyou sososo much, Quorra! ^^
Oh no, I'm sorry!! You should enter tho, and do ur bestest... I bet you'd make something epic. And I'd love it!!! You are so nice for saying so though, I'm so pleased that u like this!
Lol of course, I actually got more interested in steam punk because of you, after I did the Gauche drawing for you! I hope to make more art like this too, and I hope u do too!! You're brilliant with detail!<3
Grand Otaku | Posted 05/30/13 | Reply
Wait this took you ONLY 2 days!?! Oh my goodness...
Grand Otaku | Posted 05/30/13 | Reply
Oh my this is freaking amazing! Am I late in commenting? But wow this is crazy awesome!!! I am jealous I was planning on entering this challenge but now I can only hope for 2nd... Haha I want you to win this is just too cool, let's be honest. Course you already know that I love steampunk though which could explain why I'm in awe and amazed by this incredible art made by a dearest friend who apparently refuses to stop impressing me.
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/16/13 | Reply
YES You got it!!! Thats exactly the case xD And also just the fact that we have to erase if we ink is annoying >3< Yup the coloured pencils give off a cool effect so there's no need to erase!
OH I have one of those blues... non-photo blue? I barely use it tho since its not the best and my scanner is wacky anyway xP
Lol believe me, I'm super lazy too xD I find that I have to take huge rests between art before getting revved up again, especially if I do a big background on one.
Thats awesome!! >///< I actually don't know much about it except the details/fashion but I'm gonna do more research!
Enigmatic Turk
Red Monkey (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/16/13 | Reply
No problem.Your art is amazing! I meant every word I said. ^_^ I look forward to seeing your future works.
Isn't violence against hair a crime, Your Honor?
Agent Ramen (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/16/13 | Reply
I think I understand your "pencil drama" :D
Lately, the pencils I used are troublesome because they get too dark and I had to erase them and they leave marks. Then it's a big mess...
So I could understand why colored mechanical pencils and they are probably nice to look at too, since they are colorful. There's this blue pencil, where you could draw with it and then when you go over it with a pen it leaves no mark after you scanned it to the computer! All you would see is the pen marks. It's pretty neat
Ah, the "extra time" is the key to make an awesome background...hmmm...I would like to make a legit background, but the lazy artist in me keeps taking over... :D
Steam punk is pretty cool, ever since I learned about them in my english class I see them everywhere! The concept is so neat and the things that people do these days for it is crazy cool!
Later Jen
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/16/13 | Reply
Thankyou, Panou-chan!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/16/13 | Reply
Thankyou, Ramen!!!
Gah I'm not always good with backgrounds, but I thank Toyotami kun for getting me to start doing them. Cuz after u get in the mode to take extra time and put a background in, it pays off xD
I'm so glad!!! And yeah, usually I don't like Sci-FI either but I found myself intrigued by SciFi-ish art/concepts recently xD WAH Hooray!!!! Thats what I wished to do ^_^ I might try doing some similar things again soon... I think the steampunk is something I enjoy more tho.
Lol Idk, I've just been feeling like my ordinary pencil is giving me too much work... or really, I have no clue Dx But I'm just addicted to using the coloured pencils instead. But it makes no sense cuz I just change the lines back to black digitally after, like I did with this character. I just think the coloured pencils are more fun and easier to use x3
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/15/13 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Thankyou so much, Toya!!! I'm so happy right now!! I made sure I didn't rush this art since usually I'm just wanting to finish my work xD The background gave me some trouble but it came together after I tried some different things!
HAHAHA Yeah, I just made him a separate character now! I didn't really want to make him separate then Judah at first cuz it would have given me more work and distracted me from my ideas, but now he's gonna be a new OC called Lucian Jade (Chipolvee and liveeverysecond helped me with the name!!)
Thankyou! I want to do my entry for Panou's challenge soon, but I'm chickening out at the digital lineart xD I usually do my lines traditionally xD
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/15/13 | Reply
Thanks, Rose!!! Yeah, I made sure not to rush it! At one point, I didn't think my colouring style was working so I had to redo part of it... I'm very happy that u like it tho!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/15/13 | Reply
@Enigmatic Turk:
WAH thankyou so much!!!! I appreciate ur compliments always, you keep me wanting to improve!! <3
Thanks as always! ^_^
Enigmatic Turk
Red Monkey (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/15/13 | Reply
This looks absolutely amazing! ^_^ Everything looks so realistic with the way you did the shading and coloring. I love the sky in this picture; it’s so pretty! You just keep getting better and better. =]
Good luck with the contest! ^o^
Isn't violence against hair a crime, Your Honor?
Grand Otaku | Posted 05/14/13 | Reply
It's still cool looking XD
Grand Otaku | Posted 05/14/13 | Reply
^ ^ Welcome <3
I'd like to, but I gotta work on my digital drawing skills. And thanks x)
Ah really 8) haha, yeah I thought of that movie when I saw your drawing. Yeah I wanna watch it again now too X) Oh, haha, that's funny.
Oh, X) Yeah I like his hair like that, I think it looks better silver then it would black. And yeah, his hair has like a shiny colorful tint to it xD
It has goggles too 8) lol
Senior Otaku | Posted 05/14/13 | Reply
I would've commented on this sooner but I was so overwhelmed by how stunning this was that I just had to stare at it for awhile.
I don't even know what word would suit best to describe this piece....fantastic....stunning....gorgeous....fabulous....original....wonderful....amazing....this is just beyond worlds and has stunned me in pure awe. This is such indescribably glorious artwork you've created, I wish you good luck in the challenge! :D
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/14/13 | Reply
No wonder it took you two days to do this piece, it has a lot of details and I really like the feel of this picture with the steam punk and sci-fi (i see that what the challenge is for). I hope you get something for this challenge you did an amazing job! ♥
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/14/13 | Reply
My goodness Jen this is absolutely amazing!!! That background is so gorgeous, but looks so difficult at the same time it's just plan out epic!!! and that's a word I almost never say!!!! XD
The character is also awesome! I really like his design, and since you said he started off as Judah, it's burned in my mind. OTL.
This is a really amazing piece of art! I can't wait to see what you do next!!! XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/14/13 | Reply
asdhfja Thankies, Bic-chan!!
I usually just scribble my bgs tho..MangaKid
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/14/13 | Reply
Thanks, Maji-chan!!!
AH I was watching some movies while doing the background so it was easier that way, I think x) I also rushed some of my previous bg work so I figured I should stop being lazy ^^"
I'm so glad!! I experimented afterwards with the lighting/colours on Photoshop!
ashfkalhsdf thankyou again, my friend!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/14/13 | Reply
@Vanilla Cupcake :
Cupcake-chan!! Yes, I did >U< I'm so giggly at ur comments, u make me always happy!!!! And you make me wanna keep drawing as soon as I can!!!!! <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/14/13 | Reply
Thanks, Yo-kun!! I decided I should take the time to put in more detail and not rush, so I'm glad it worked ok!! <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/14/13 | Reply
AH I'm so happy you like it, Hannah!!! Thankyou for the great comment <3 And you should definitely do some work like this, I bet you'll do amazing!!
Oh oh! I did see Treasure Planet!! I saw it quite a long time ago too and I wanna watch it again, now that you've mentioned it... I remember my parents thought the aliens/monster people in it were scary tho hahaha
Hooray!! Thankyou!! and that makes me glad, I was so close to giving him different coloured hair until I got too lazy to change it, and the edits made it look better in silver xD
Ahaha yes, his hat is like ur hat! ;) Thankyou Han-chan!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/14/13 | Reply
Wow just . . . wow. When I think how far your backgrounds have come from your 'boy and his bug' picture I'm just like
It really is a gorgeous background. I hope your poor OC isn't feeling neglected for all the love being show to it haha
The entire feel of this wallie is just perfect from the background to our favorite foreground OC. The feel just, ah, flows for lack of a better description. *goes and puts on computer background*
Question Cafér (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/14/13 | Reply
Your work always amazes me, Jen!
Agent Ramen (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/14/13 | Reply
The background is breath taking! How do you draw backgrounds so well? :D
I could see the mixed of steam punk and sci-fi, the details of the boots and gun is amazing. Man, you make me want to like sci fi stuff.... It's not my thing, but this drawing makes the genre so cool!!!
What do you mean when you said you have issues with mechanical pencils? But that's still cool that you were able to used your colored one for this
Have a good one Jen
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/14/13 | Reply
i seriously envy ur backgrounds =A=!
very cool looking
Vanilla Cupcake
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/14/13 | Reply
You DREW this?!?!?!?!?
Y U SO AMAH-ZING?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!
Hylian Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
O.O Amazing! Love the detail and texture, and the bg! omg dat Bggg!Uber fantastic Jen-Jen ^_^
Grand Otaku | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply's so cool *3* It's even better then I imagined it...I so want to do some drawings like this. Have you ever seen the movie (and it's a kids movie) treasure planet? I saw that movie a long time ago, but I really loved it when I saw it.
The background is really cool, the sky, the city, the gear X) the coloring matches it all perfectly too, and I'm glad you didn't give him black hair, haha, he looks sci-fish with grayish hair. Also I like his hat xD
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
STAR-CHAN!!! Omigoodness, I was thinking of you today!!! I'm so happy to get a comment from ya <3 and I'm so glad u like this!
Ah man, I'm so shdfjklahfjdsla right now >U< LOL now ur making me laugh!! I'm still learning lots, but I'm excited to be experimenting more with digital now! Awww my autograph ashfjfalhf >U<
idk if I even have oneXD hahahaa We'll have to meet for sure tho!You are just the sweetest!!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
@Rainbow Dragon:
AH it sounds so cool, I'll have to check it out!!
Tahnkyou again, my friend!! And that makes me really glad, I'll use this watermark more often now!!
*hugs back*
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
Hmmm dunno mayybee you advancing to a digital artess godness?! HOLY MOTHER OF CHICKENS, what happened?! Sooooo fantastically FLIPPING amazing JENO. Just gonna ask you now before there's a lineup, but CAN I HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPH?!
And maybe one day shake your hand 8DRainbow Dragon
☠Eastsider✰Pirate☠ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
Macross frontier is a sci-fi anime with a love triangle and epic music and characters. I loved the anime. Its only 25 episodes unfortunately but it is really good. It revolves mostly around Sheryl Nome,Ranka Lee,and Alto. It was the music that drew me in. it reminded me somewhat of Star Trek Voyager.
Yeah you did good on the art. It was epic. Love that cityscape. So epic. Love the watermark too and that isn't something I say often.
You're welcome Jesse~ *hugs*
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
@Rainbow Dragon:
AH I'm so glad u like it!! This is what I was working on the other day when we were Rping :D
I'm really happy u like the watermark too, it took me a while to create, but it was worth it! I haven't heard of Macross Frontier before, thats interesting!
Thankyou dear!
Rainbow Dragon
☠Eastsider✰Pirate☠ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
This is epic~ Too epic for words *O*
Barely even notice the watermark. Blends in. That's good. Looks good too. Epic art is epic. Reminds me of Macross Frontier. Great art Jess. Keep up the epic art.
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
Anything is fine with me~ <3 If I can help in any way I'm happy~
RAWR RAWR RAWR!! LOVE RAWR!! (That we are~ But we're fun~ <3)
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
Lol its not gonna be much, but we can work!! xD
Rawr!!! Love you too!!! (we are so funny XD)
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
I LOVE YOU!! I'm so excited!! <3
I can't wait to see this~
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
OK lets do this!! Thanks Chi, I'll PM u asap and also reply to ur other emails!
Hahaha that would be so epic! ^U^
RAWR is the best, RAWR LOVE!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
PM me and I can totally help you~ Plus I really want to know about him~ New OCs excite me so much~ <3
I would like to see that picture~ It could have a banner that says like "Steampunk Power Unite~"
I love you RAWR!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
asdhfjalfhsa I don't know what to say, thankyou doesn't express it!! xD If u do get a printer, let me know and I can give u a better copy of this to use ^_^
Haha I don't know what it is then... We just like old fashioned pencil lines xD
OH me too, I feel like I have to draw before going to bed, but then I stay up too late! I didn't even think of our time differences tho O_o' Sorry for keeping u up!
Ooo yes!!! I wanna see how you do Kyte!! When u draw the design and post, I'm gonna comment for sure *U* Looking forward to it!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
OH that would be so awesome to do <3 I really have no idea about him except for this design... He stemmed off my previous dog OC. I have a personality for him tho~ So yeah, we should talk about this!!
WAH so true!!! I've been wanting to draw Gabriella and Isaiah in their steampunk outfits too!! Now we can have all three together <3
I love your MOAR!! XD
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
I'm happy you are thrilled! I'M thrilled, I get to see your wonderful art! If I could, I would print this out and use it as a bookmark or something. Shame I have no printer T.T
Yeah I tend to set that stability tool quite high XD
Why do I get the urge to draw so late at night? Have to go and sleep... Ugh. I'm so distractable.
I'm working on designing Kyte's outfit. I keep changing my mind about it, but I haven't really got any details down on paper yet... So slow XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
I can help you if you need help~ You can RP with me to figure him out if you want~ You know, like to help design him~ And I'm sure Live would be up for that too~ And this new boy looks so Steampunk~ <3 Gabriella and Isaiah have a friend with similar taste~
I love you too~ <3 I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
Thankyou sososo much, Bonnie!!! I'm really happy that you like this, it was so much fun to do!! which helped keep me focused instead of getting bored and rushing xD
I'm so glad, thanks dear!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
Thankyou so much Anna!!! I'm so thrilled right now!!!
Hooray, I feel like cheering, I'm so glad u like this ^_^
Oh me too, I used to only use the pen tool, and not I'm using the Brush and exploring the different settings.
AH thankyou!!! Yeah, steampunk is so awesome! I have to drawn more of it :3
Ugh, its so hard isn't it? I think there is a setting for stabilization of the tool, Temi told me about it. But I'm still so shaky xD
Thanks again, Anna!
Administrator | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
Waaaaah! So amazing *O* You just keep stunning me with your artwork!! The lighting and the details are superb! And yeah, the whole this is epic T^T (crying with joy). ;)
Good luck in the challenge Jenna~ You should be so so proud of yourself<3
Find a reason to smile
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
ashfdjlahsf ur making me excited too!!! xD Wah i've never been so excited to get a new OC going, thankyou Chivee!!! (Lol that grumpy Kaji!)
Thankyou!!!! I love you!!!!
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
I-i-i-i-i-... Have just stared at this for a good few minutes. This is one of my favourites from you! That background, the scenery <3 I love how it looks painted, (I need to learn how to alter the brushes on Sai so they do what I want XD). The lighting is beautiful.
I would love this as just a scenery picture, but your new OC looks great too! Well, you know I love steampunk stuff anyway hehe.
Also, I can't draw neat lineart on Sai either... Even with all the tools to help XD but your method seems to work well ^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
YES!! I can't wait to meet him!! Oh I'm getting really excited about this~ My OCs will love him~ (minus Kaji)
Thank you love~ My OCs love you too~
It was well worth the work~ It looks amazing! I can't say that enough! I love the whole picture~
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
LOL Ur making me laugh XD Ok I will! <3 I'll start working on a background/profile for him and draw him again~ Lol so much to do! xD
You persuade me so quickly o3o
Wahaha yes, ur OCs are awesome and I'm glad u have so many of them!
Thankyou again and again, Chivee!!! I'm really happy!! The background actually stumped me at first, but I kept working on it... and its all worth it after getting such nice comments from u!! ^u^
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
OH MY GOODNESS!! Name this man and bring him to OCU!! We'll accept him with open arms~ All of us will~ <3 And then you can see what it's like to be more that Kaji~ :3 I think it's fun to have more than one~ As you know~
I always want you to smile~ But you did an amazing job on this, backgrounds kill me... I could never make something this amazing! You're amazing! I LOVE YOU!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
Thankyou so much, Chivee!!!! I had to look up so many ref pics on google to finally get my brain working xD I'm not much of a mecha/gun artist either O_O It gives me so much troubles >3<
Wah your too awesome, Chi!! >//U//< Thankyou for always making me happy!
Ooo I was thinking of designing him further and then I could maybe bring him into some RPs? I've never RPed with anyone but Kaji tho xD
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
I love the background! It's so beautiful and the gun is impressive too!
Ican'tdrawgunsYou're still something else Mangy love~ <3 I love this style, you should make more Sci-Fi thing~ This rocks~ Also, where is this kid going?? If he's a new OC~Last edited by ChiPolVee at 6:38:53 PM EDT on May 13, 2013.
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
Thankyou, Sindar-chan!! I'm so honored to always get comments from ya <3 I'm happy u like this, Thanks!!
The Wandering Elf (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
Wow, this is awesome! I love the steampunk/sci-fi mix, and that background is amazing! O.O Great character design, too. You always impress me!
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
just saying the truth, darling <3 X3
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
asfhjdaldfhas >U< Your way too nice to me!!! <3
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
*hugs back* I'm sure it would have been amazing even with the "wrong" light, because all your works are amazing XD
kita mikichi
Chibi Artist Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
You're welcome! ^^b
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
@kita mikichi:
Thankyou so much, Kita!! :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
WAH Thankyou, Sera!!! I'm so glad u like it!! Ah the light was giving me some issues since I made it too dark at first, so I'm really proud that u like how it turned out ^U^ *hugs*
kita mikichi
Chibi Artist Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
Wow, this is really amazing! Love that lighting!!
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/13/13 | Reply
this is awesome, Jen!! I absolutley love the background, it's AMAZING!!! also the light you used is perfect :3