Thats really nice!! I know some people who just delete their old accounts and I don't get it! Maybe I'm just sentimental too xD
AH I'm sure we'll see each other lots more now... Hopefully I an just get a handle on my schedule and such^^'
Yes yes for sure!! <3
Gah thats right! It must be annoying Dx Did u delete your old account? or are you just moving onto this one?
Its ok! I've been active here but not actually hanging out as much since I've ben working on projects and have lots on the go... But I'm glad we caught each other online like this!
Lolz <3 Love ya!
Soren?? SOREN!!! Is that you?! Did you make a new account or something? So good to hear from you! Thankyou so much for the sweet comment!!! ^U^
And yup, its Teru! No worries! I'm the same^^"
Yep ^ ^ *hugs back!* x3
Ah, sowie, I was riding in a car all day today oO lol, I was pretty much bored silly, except I did get to hear a tape...and the view was cool. Yeah same >3<
Indeed, sad sad -__-
Haha, it was fun X) driving can be boring sometimes, but it can be calming too...when you're not in traffic at least x) but don't worry about it, it gets easier and less scary in time x3
Yeah, I'm sure I can ^ ^ thanks~
Haha xD Yeah I guess that's true x) an hour does seem like a long time for a driving test.
Yay you're back!! *hugs*
I was shopping all day today so I'm really tired Dx but I'm so glad to hear from you!
Ack yes... I'm glad she had fun, but its definitely sad leaving :(
LOL Thats so cool!!! Hahaha so you already thought of that xD I wish I could think of that but I'm still all nervous to drive >3<
Yay!! Thats awesome then, I know you can do it! LOL they lied XD Thats a good thing!! I'm glad its not that long!!
Indeed, I'm sure it did :)
Haha x) we'll see.
We're back from picking up Joy o3o she had a great time but she was depressed that she had to leave SW X) I know the feeling.
Ah, I was practicing parallel parking at this abandoned place and there was like an island in the parking lot with trees growing, ya know? And I started driving around and around it really fast for fun xD it reminded me of the go-karts, lol
Ah ^ ^ thanks, but don't worry, I wont be nervous, I was only worried about the parallel parking but I'm gonna make sure I got it before I take the test again X) lol but yeah! if you're on I'll definitely talk before taking the test, oh, it's not an hour either o3o they lied =3= it's like 25 minutes er somewhere around there.
OH thats crazy!!! But I'm completely sure it all worked out for the right purpose... Yes I agree!!! Lol I'm sure you're going to do really well though when you finally get this test done!! Hahaha its totally fine! Sorry for my late reply! Let me know when you're back from picking up Joy~
I just mentioned your drivers test to my mom and she said to pretend its go-karts at SW XD Idk if that will work tho :P
Ah ok! Thats good then! I wished I could talk to you before but maybe next time you schedule ur test, I'll be able to talk to you and help you not feel nervous!
Oh right, thats a good idea!!
Red Monkey (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/21/13 | Reply
This looks so realistic. You really captured the essence of the owl. The fact that you did all of this in ballpoint pen makes it even more amazing! =] The owl’s feathers look so fluffy; I just want to reach out and touch it.
Ah >3< I don't know, I went to the driving site, got in the car with the instructor, and it starts raining like cats and dogs oO, the instructor told me I should reschedule the drive. Which we have yet to do. But on the bright side, I was really nervous about it = = so I prayed in my mind about it and when I went outside it started drizzling just barely, and the thought came to mind that it might would rain too hard to take the test, sure enough x) I will be practicing until I can take the test again, sorry for leading you on a goose chase so to speak, I really didn't expect that to happen.
Ah, that's okay, I was online but I was reviewing how to parallel park xD I saw your message when I got back tho, so thanks 8)
Thanks x3
Ah, yeah, like on Sunday mornings, no ones on the road then..or at least not here o3o
hehe you have the potentail to get even better in your art jen..Look at how much you've grown in your art since the day you joined^^
I'm so glad my art inspires you^^ It really means alot since i can relate..To me you are a way better artist then I am..Especially around "Pen art"..And Animals of course..
Good things comes 2 those who wait, The things you lost will always replace something better..
AH thankyou, Werner!!! I don't know though, that challenge is getting a ton of great entries ^U^ I'm glad u like this though!
Oh that means a lot to me!! But I definitely have to get better, there's a lot to learn.. and I think your art is amazing!!! You inspire me when you post ^^
Traditional Artist (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/19/13 | Reply
Hehe amazing art Jen^^ Looks like its another gold medal for you since I'm pretty sure you're gonna win this one..I love the owl the detail in his feathers and eyes are so professionally done..Keep it up..
YOu really know your way around a pen that's for sure..I don't get jealous easily but I have to be honest, I wish I could draw like you..
Good things comes 2 those who wait, The things you lost will always replace something better..
Ah its over now!!! Its 5:48pm~ DID U PASS?
I'm so sorry I did't get on ooVoo before your test!! Dx I restarted my laptop earlier and then exited ooVoo but I didn't know and I should have stayed on!
GO HAN GO!!! <3 I bet you did awesome!
Thankyou!! I will! My dad wants me to do that... I just don't like how its busy a lot, but maybe I can do it when its quieter~
Thanks x)
So am I...and it's an
Oh, yeah me too, that's really quick, they must run through it. Ah, good for him, hope mine is too.
Oh, sorry x) I recommend driving around where you live a lot, like places you're used too where there's not a lot of traffic to get practice
Yeah for sure! You'll do well!!
A public school? He did take it from a drivers school. No my dad was surprised that my brother's test was short. Its supposed to be pretty easy. UGH I have to do my test in the summer BLAHBLAH BLagghghgh xP
X) haha, it's good!
Yeah, for me it gives me some time to practice first. Thanks, I will try not too <3
That's normal...I thought oO 15 minutes is...wait, did he take it at a public school? They're usually shorter I think.
What? An hour? lol
Ooo I like that! I'll try it sometime!
LOL Ok thats good, at least it later in the day... but then again, I like getting things over with O_O Just don't worry about it!
WHAT for real? Thats crazy!! My dad actually didn't think it would be so short O_o
LOL I've never had that sauce, I should try it!
Hahaha yeah so true! I guess u should get some sleep tonight too! What time is it tomorrow? My brother passed his test and it was only 15 minutes long O_O
No problem!!!! I cheer for you >:D RAWR!!! looked good O O and I covered it in horseradish sauce and made it better x)
Ah, yeah 8) hopefully.
Ah X3 lol, that wouldn't be a good time to take the test after being in a car for 7 hours = = ..or at least oO I wouldn't think it would
Thank you ^O^ so much!
LOL thats hilarious, u just saw a sandwhich and ate it? What if it was someone else's? XD hahahahaa
Yay!! Ah that'll be nice, can you go to the Quiet time thing after with her?
I did!! I thought it was today tho but that didn't make sense, so I was thinking hmmm. xD BEST OF LUCK AND I'M PRAYING FOR YOU!!!! You'll do super, I know it!! THEN U CAN DRIVE!!
Ah x) lol, that's okay, I had to get up for a sec and when I did I saw a sandwich on the table, so I had eat it x)
This week? To draw...and paint. Yeah, we pick her up friday, but we stay down there till saturday.
Ah Q_Q you actually remembered that, I'm so's tomorrow.
I might be a little late in replying to your other replies cuz I have to get the cookies and my laptop charger before my battery runs out... but anyway, what have you planned for this week? Are you going to pick Joy up later? WAIT ur drivers test... when is it again? Soon i think?
Ah thats right. I can get mad at myself when I do something not perfect too, but its all about learning^^ OH reminds me of a quote from BrBranhams where someone said their pencil didn't have an eraser because they said they didn't make any mistakes.. but BrBranham said you can't use people who are afraid to make mistakes :)
^ ^
Well, yeah, but sometimes you don't need to be perfect, you just need to just get things done whether it's perfect or not xP a concept, I'm still trying to get. Ah, lol, thanks! Not always true xD but thanks.
Ah, haha x)
I bet you'll like it!
Being a perfectionist is good tho, then you want to do your best^^ But just don't feel bad when you think your art isn't good cuz its always AMAZING!!
I don't mind! But I don't know.. xD I'll check and then let you know! Its Vellum and its thicker, but I can't remember anything else right now...
Welcome ^o^
Ah X) thanks, idk tho, I'd have to try working with pen a bit.
Being a perfectionist is rarely good for anything...except art x) lol, and thanks, I am getting better with my slowness...slowly XD
Ah, well that's good 8) what type of paper is it? If you don't mind me asking >u<
Weeee~ Thankyou, Han-chan!! You should!! I bet you'd do really good, just don't be a perfectionist xD But also, being a perfectionist is good too since then you won't want to make any mistakes either! AH thankyou! I thought it would smear too but the paper I used was pretty good for ink and the pen dried fast. I smeared a tiny bit but it got covered up x3
Very beautiful O3O I should try drawing with pen more xD But really nice work OuO I don't see how you can draw his feathers so well with a pen, it seems like it'd smear a bunch. ...I like owls >u< lol
Weeee~ It was fun but tough!! I love doing detail with pen <3
Thanks so much for the comment and challenge, Maji! I love working with pen, but never even thought of this!!! I have ideas for two more entries too <3 well, more then 2, so I'll have to decide which to make xD
LOL Kyari!! ;) Thankyou so much for the lovely comment!!! i'm so super happy that you like this owl!! ashdfjsalfhsda Idk what to say to you to thank you!!
It took a lot of energy to do, but I think I'm ready to do another pen entry... they are so fun! And you've inspired me all over again <3
Whaaa! Such an awesome piece of work Jenna! *O* So stunning and such a cool idea of a challenge-after a long break on entering them, I might enter this one! ^__^
Take cares~
whoa, the details in this is superb! The beak, the feathers, everything is so well done! The eyes are so mesmerizing ^^
It's as if a real owl is staring right at me.
You are so talented Jen!!!
I can always tell that you always put so much time and effort into all of your work, which shows how passionate you are ^^
I really enjoy this piece. When I first saw this, I was speechless :D
Great job as always, keep up the great work ^^
Good luck in the challenge ^-^
Thanks so much again Toya!!!
Ack that was what I was having trouble deciding myself, but you can enter three times I think, so its better then just choosing one idea to draw! I can't wait to see what you do if you enter!
OH Clue!!!! Thankyou so much for the lovely comment, you've made me so happy!!
Ah I know which one you're talking about... is it a burrowing owl? like this? If it is, I know what you mean... they are SO cute and funny! xD
Thats super that you're entering! Gah I'm sorry Roxas isn't turning out but I'm sure he still looks amazing <3 I can't wait to see! Lol you're so sweet, thankyou for leaving this comment off of your other account! <3 I appreciate it so much ^_^
This is so beautiful. I love owls, Oh I can't think of it but do you know what owl it is that looks like it's always grumpy. It's a small owl and it's really cute and adorable. I want one as a pet so bad. Anyways this is really amazing. I'm trying to work on mine. I'm trying to draw Roxas but I may have to start over because I'm not liking how it's going so far. OTL. lol this is clue. I could troll and get onto my normal account and comment again. lol. Again lovely job on this.
no the eyes came out just fine, I think you got a lot of detail in them, especially with just a pen. Actually you got a lot of detail in this drawing! XD
I'm thinking about joining this challenge! but I don't know what to draw yet! XD
You're lucky I love you... this is horrifying... You did an amazing job, it chills me to the bone... I never want to see it again, which means you did a really good job making it realistic... It makes me sick... I hate this... but I love it too, like I mean... it's really amazingly done, for only being in pen...
I love you too...
this is so beautiful and so not messy, very neat for just only pen. I really love owls and he looks or she looks real :D ♥ I really don't see any mistakes, I can't find any D: (no floating head XD) that sounds like what my old art teacher would say in high school. He also had to find something wrong and how we can improve. but any ways wonderful like always my dear friend! :D and I wish you the best of luck in the challenge. >.< (like you need luck because this is awesome :D) take care my friend! ♥
Thankyou so much Toya!! I thought I messed up on the eyes since I came back to them right after having supper and I wasn't ready to work XD I'm so glad u like this, I hope u can enter the challenge too, its really fun!!!
WAH!! You looked and even commented on this... Omigoodness, that means so much to me, Chivee!!!! I'm so proud you think so! If it looks scary to you, I know I did well <3 I'm so thankful, thankyou for your kind words even tho this is an owl!!
I love you!~
This is the most beautiful terrifying thing I have ever seen... It looks so real... like a picture... it's... very well done... And horrifying... But the eyes are amazing and the detail is just unbelievable... Very good job... You're an amazing artist...
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/08/13 | Reply
Lol I agree with you, even if we hoard xD
Thankyou! :)
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/08/13 | Reply
Thats really nice!! I know some people who just delete their old accounts and I don't get it! Maybe I'm just sentimental too xD
AH I'm sure we'll see each other lots more now... Hopefully I an just get a handle on my schedule and such^^'
Yes yes for sure!! <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/08/13 | Reply
Gah thats right! It must be annoying Dx Did u delete your old account? or are you just moving onto this one?
Its ok! I've been active here but not actually hanging out as much since I've ben working on projects and have lots on the go... But I'm glad we caught each other online like this!
Lolz <3 Love ya!
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/08/13 | Reply
Soren?? SOREN!!! Is that you?! Did you make a new account or something? So good to hear from you! Thankyou so much for the sweet comment!!! ^U^
And yup, its Teru! No worries! I'm the same^^"
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/01/13 | Reply
Thankyou so much!!
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
Yep ^ ^ *hugs back!* x3
Ah, sowie, I was riding in a car all day today oO lol, I was pretty much bored silly, except I did get to hear a tape...and the view was cool. Yeah same >3<
Indeed, sad sad -__-
Haha, it was fun X) driving can be boring sometimes, but it can be calming too...when you're not in traffic at least x) but don't worry about it, it gets easier and less scary in time x3
Yeah, I'm sure I can ^ ^ thanks~
Haha xD Yeah I guess that's true x) an hour does seem like a long time for a driving test.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
Yay you're back!! *hugs*
I was shopping all day today so I'm really tired Dx but I'm so glad to hear from you!
Ack yes... I'm glad she had fun, but its definitely sad leaving :(
LOL Thats so cool!!! Hahaha so you already thought of that xD I wish I could think of that but I'm still all nervous to drive >3<
Yay!! Thats awesome then, I know you can do it! LOL they lied XD Thats a good thing!! I'm glad its not that long!!
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
Indeed, I'm sure it did :)
Haha x) we'll see.
We're back from picking up Joy o3o she had a great time but she was depressed that she had to leave SW X) I know the feeling.
Ah, I was practicing parallel parking at this abandoned place and there was like an island in the parking lot with trees growing, ya know? And I started driving around and around it really fast for fun xD it reminded me of the go-karts, lol
Ah ^ ^ thanks, but don't worry, I wont be nervous, I was only worried about the parallel parking but I'm gonna make sure I got it before I take the test again X) lol but yeah! if you're on I'll definitely talk before taking the test, oh, it's not an hour either o3o they lied =3= it's like 25 minutes er somewhere around there.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
@Enigmatic Turk:
Thankyou so much Turk!! :D I'm really glad u like this! It was fun to work on ^_^
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
OH thats crazy!!! But I'm completely sure it all worked out for the right purpose... Yes I agree!!! Lol I'm sure you're going to do really well though when you finally get this test done!! Hahaha its totally fine! Sorry for my late reply! Let me know when you're back from picking up Joy~
I just mentioned your drivers test to my mom and she said to pretend its go-karts at SW XD Idk if that will work tho :P
Ah ok! Thats good then! I wished I could talk to you before but maybe next time you schedule ur test, I'll be able to talk to you and help you not feel nervous!
Oh right, thats a good idea!!
Enigmatic Turk
Red Monkey (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/21/13 | Reply
This looks so realistic. You really captured the essence of the owl. The fact that you did all of this in ballpoint pen makes it even more amazing! =] The owl’s feathers look so fluffy; I just want to reach out and touch it.
Good luck with the contest! ^_^
Isn't violence against hair a crime, Your Honor?
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/21/13 | Reply
Ah >3< I don't know, I went to the driving site, got in the car with the instructor, and it starts raining like cats and dogs oO, the instructor told me I should reschedule the drive. Which we have yet to do. But on the bright side, I was really nervous about it = = so I prayed in my mind about it and when I went outside it started drizzling just barely, and the thought came to mind that it might would rain too hard to take the test, sure enough x) I will be practicing until I can take the test again, sorry for leading you on a goose chase so to speak, I really didn't expect that to happen.
Ah, that's okay, I was online but I was reviewing how to parallel park xD I saw your message when I got back tho, so thanks 8)
Thanks x3
Ah, yeah, like on Sunday mornings, no ones on the road then..or at least not here o3o
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/21/13 | Reply
Thankyou for your kind words again, my friend!
I hope we can keep inspiring each other for a long time to come!
Traditional Artist (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/21/13 | Reply
hehe you have the potentail to get even better in your art jen..Look at how much you've grown in your art since the day you joined^^
I'm so glad my art inspires you^^ It really means alot since i can relate..To me you are a way better artist then I am..Especially around "Pen art"..And Animals of course..
Good things comes 2 those who wait, The things you lost will always replace something better..
crystal fantasia
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/21/13 | Reply
it is. Sadly he has to work.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/21/13 | Reply
Oh thankyou!!!! You're too nice! Drawing with pen can be pretty fun :)
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/21/13 | Reply
Wow, thankyou so much!!! I'm really glad :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/21/13 | Reply
@crystal fantasia:
Its ok, that must be fun^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/21/13 | Reply
AH thankyou, Werner!!! I don't know though, that challenge is getting a ton of great entries ^U^ I'm glad u like this though!
Oh that means a lot to me!! But I definitely have to get better, there's a lot to learn.. and I think your art is amazing!!! You inspire me when you post ^^
Otakuite | Posted 06/19/13 | Reply
HOLY COW!!! how in this world could you do that with a pen of all things? Your definitely going to win.
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/19/13 | Reply
wow, if not it had been black and white and without background, I would have thought it was a photo.
really great job. ^^<3
crystal fantasia
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/19/13 | Reply
No I haven't. Sorry I haven't been on much I'm at my boyfriends for the week.
Traditional Artist (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/19/13 | Reply
Hehe amazing art Jen^^ Looks like its another gold medal for you since I'm pretty sure you're gonna win this one..I love the owl the detail in his feathers and eyes are so professionally done..Keep it up..
YOu really know your way around a pen that's for sure..I don't get jealous easily but I have to be honest, I wish I could draw like you..
Good things comes 2 those who wait, The things you lost will always replace something better..
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/18/13 | Reply
Ah its over now!!! Its 5:48pm~ DID U PASS?
I'm so sorry I did't get on ooVoo before your test!! Dx I restarted my laptop earlier and then exited ooVoo but I didn't know and I should have stayed on!
GO HAN GO!!! <3 I bet you did awesome!
Thankyou!! I will! My dad wants me to do that... I just don't like how its busy a lot, but maybe I can do it when its quieter~
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
Thanks x)
So am I...and it's an
Oh, yeah me too, that's really quick, they must run through it. Ah, good for him, hope mine is too.
Oh, sorry x) I recommend driving around where you live a lot, like places you're used too where there's not a lot of traffic to get practice
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
Yeah for sure! You'll do well!!
A public school? He did take it from a drivers school. No my dad was surprised that my brother's test was short. Its supposed to be pretty easy. UGH I have to do my test in the summer BLAHBLAH BLagghghgh xP
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
X) haha, it's good!
Yeah, for me it gives me some time to practice first. Thanks, I will try not too <3
That's normal...I thought oO 15 minutes is...wait, did he take it at a public school? They're usually shorter I think.
What? An hour? lol
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
Ooo I like that! I'll try it sometime!
LOL Ok thats good, at least it later in the day... but then again, I like getting things over with O_O Just don't worry about it!
WHAT for real? Thats crazy!! My dad actually didn't think it would be so short O_o
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
It's good x) and spicy.
Yeah =3= It's at x)
...Are you serious o___O it's an hour long test for me.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
LOL I've never had that sauce, I should try it!
Hahaha yeah so true! I guess u should get some sleep tonight too! What time is it tomorrow? My brother passed his test and it was only 15 minutes long O_O
No problem!!!! I cheer for you >:D RAWR!!!
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
@MangaKid: looked good O O and I covered it in horseradish sauce and made it better x)
Ah, yeah 8) hopefully.
Ah X3 lol, that wouldn't be a good time to take the test after being in a car for 7 hours = = ..or at least oO I wouldn't think it would
Thank you ^O^ so much!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
LOL thats hilarious, u just saw a sandwhich and ate it? What if it was someone else's? XD hahahahaa
Yay!! Ah that'll be nice, can you go to the Quiet time thing after with her?
I did!! I thought it was today tho but that didn't make sense, so I was thinking hmmm. xD BEST OF LUCK AND I'M PRAYING FOR YOU!!!! You'll do super, I know it!! THEN U CAN DRIVE!!
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
Ah x) lol, that's okay, I had to get up for a sec and when I did I saw a sandwich on the table, so I had eat it x)
This week? To draw...and paint. Yeah, we pick her up friday, but we stay down there till saturday.
Ah Q_Q you actually remembered that, I'm so's tomorrow.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
I might be a little late in replying to your other replies cuz I have to get the cookies and my laptop charger before my battery runs out... but anyway, what have you planned for this week? Are you going to pick Joy up later? WAIT ur drivers test... when is it again? Soon i think?
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
Ah, yeah, I'm still learning x)
Yeah :/ that's definitely true
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
Ah thats right. I can get mad at myself when I do something not perfect too, but its all about learning^^ OH reminds me of a quote from BrBranhams where someone said their pencil didn't have an eraser because they said they didn't make any mistakes.. but BrBranham said you can't use people who are afraid to make mistakes :)
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
^ ^
Well, yeah, but sometimes you don't need to be perfect, you just need to just get things done whether it's perfect or not xP a concept, I'm still trying to get. Ah, lol, thanks! Not always true xD but thanks.
Ah, haha x)
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
I bet you'll like it!
Being a perfectionist is good tho, then you want to do your best^^ But just don't feel bad when you think your art isn't good cuz its always AMAZING!!
I don't mind! But I don't know.. xD I'll check and then let you know! Its Vellum and its thicker, but I can't remember anything else right now...
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
Welcome ^o^
Ah X) thanks, idk tho, I'd have to try working with pen a bit.
Being a perfectionist is rarely good for anything...except art x) lol, and thanks, I am getting better with my slowness...slowly XD
Ah, well that's good 8) what type of paper is it? If you don't mind me asking >u<
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
Weeee~ Thankyou, Han-chan!! You should!! I bet you'd do really good, just don't be a perfectionist xD But also, being a perfectionist is good too since then you won't want to make any mistakes either! AH thankyou! I thought it would smear too but the paper I used was pretty good for ink and the pen dried fast. I smeared a tiny bit but it got covered up x3
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/16/13 | Reply
@crystal fantasia:
Lol its really cute! Did u ever see the Guardians of Ga'Hoole movie or read the books? I used to love them!
crystal fantasia
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/15/13 | Reply
I love that owl so much.
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/15/13 | Reply
Very beautiful O3O I should try drawing with pen more xD But really nice work OuO I don't see how you can draw his feathers so well with a pen, it seems like it'd smear a bunch. ...I like owls >u< lol
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/14/13 | Reply
Thankyou so much!!! OH I don't mind at all, it makes me proud that its good enough to look creepy!! ;D
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/14/13 | Reply
Weeee~ It was fun but tough!! I love doing detail with pen <3
Thanks so much for the comment and challenge, Maji! I love working with pen, but never even thought of this!!! I have ideas for two more entries too <3
well, more then 2, so I'll have to decide which to make xDMangaKid
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/14/13 | Reply
LOL Kyari!! ;) Thankyou so much for the lovely comment!!! i'm so super happy that you like this owl!! ashdfjsalfhsda Idk what to say to you to thank you!!
It took a lot of energy to do, but I think I'm ready to do another pen entry... they are so fun! And you've inspired me all over again <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/14/13 | Reply
AH thankyou for your confidence^^ I hope I do well!! <3 Love oyu, Shelly-chan!!
Ellenor Mererid
Spoilers ;3 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/14/13 | Reply
You're welcome :)
Courage isnt a matter of not being afraid, Its being afraid and doing what you have to do anyway!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/14/13 | Reply
Thanks, Bonnie-chan!!! OH YES please enter :D You'll have a blast!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/14/13 | Reply
Kyaaaaaaa Anna!!! ^//U//^ Thankyou! I'm trying to do better everytime I draw, I'm so glad u like it!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/14/13 | Reply
Thanks a million, Panda!! I always love your comments, you make my day!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/14/13 | Reply
@Ellenor Mererid:
Weeee thankyou, Ellenor-chan!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/14/13 | Reply
@crystal fantasia:
Yup thats the one I thought u meant x) Its so cute!!!!!!!
Otakuite | Posted 06/13/13 | Reply
omigosh! it's so realistic...
i hope you don't mind me saying that it's totally CREEPY!!!
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/13/13 | Reply
*jaw drops to the floor*
excuse me, while I collect my jaw...
OMG Jen-chan! This FANTASIC! I'm not even sure if that's the right word to describe it!
It looks so real! It's as if I was looking at a photo! The beak, the eyes [especially the eyes!], the feathers!!! I am at loss for words...
Administrator | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
Whaaa! Such an awesome piece of work Jenna! *O* So stunning and such a cool idea of a challenge-after a long break on entering them, I might enter this one! ^__^
Take cares~
Find a reason to smile
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
I have no words! *flails arms*
Beautiful! Do your talents know no bounds?
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
whoa, the details in this is superb! The beak, the feathers, everything is so well done! The eyes are so mesmerizing ^^
It's as if a real owl is staring right at me.
You are so talented Jen!!!
I can always tell that you always put so much time and effort into all of your work, which shows how passionate you are ^^
I really enjoy this piece. When I first saw this, I was speechless :D
Great job as always, keep up the great work ^^
Good luck in the challenge ^-^
Ellenor Mererid
Spoilers ;3 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
That looks soooo cute :) :3
Courage isnt a matter of not being afraid, Its being afraid and doing what you have to do anyway!
crystal fantasia
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
This owl is what I'm talking about.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Thanks so much again Toya!!!
Ack that was what I was having trouble deciding myself, but you can enter three times I think, so its better then just choosing one idea to draw! I can't wait to see what you do if you enter!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
Thanks a million, Ramen!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
@crystal fantasia:
OH Clue!!!! Thankyou so much for the lovely comment, you've made me so happy!!
Ah I know which one you're talking about... is it a burrowing owl? like this? If it is, I know what you mean... they are SO cute and funny! xD
Thats super that you're entering! Gah I'm sorry Roxas isn't turning out but I'm sure he still looks amazing <3 I can't wait to see! Lol you're so sweet, thankyou for leaving this comment off of your other account! <3 I appreciate it so much ^_^
Agent Ramen (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
Wha!!! The details are so cool and the owl looks so real and fluffy too :) Nice job and good luck in the challenge!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
Thankyou Sindar!! ^_^ The feathers were complicated but I scribbled around them ^^"
Lol thats right, you love owls! I think lots of people do but ChiPolVee does not! xD
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
WAH thankyou so much, Quorra!!! ^///^ Idk how to thankyou, I'm so happy!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
Thankyou so much Izuzu!!! Im so glad u think so!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
Lol I'm sorry and I'm glad at the same time x)
LOL mixed feelings!!! xD Thankyou Chi <3
crystal fantasia
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
This is so beautiful. I love owls, Oh I can't think of it but do you know what owl it is that looks like it's always grumpy. It's a small owl and it's really cute and adorable. I want one as a pet so bad. Anyways this is really amazing. I'm trying to work on mine. I'm trying to draw Roxas but I may have to start over because I'm not liking how it's going so far. OTL. lol this is clue. I could troll and get onto my normal account and comment again. lol. Again lovely job on this.
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
no the eyes came out just fine, I think you got a lot of detail in them, especially with just a pen. Actually you got a lot of detail in this drawing! XD
I'm thinking about joining this challenge! but I don't know what to draw yet! XD
The Wandering Elf (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
Manga, this is gorgeous!! All the little details are amazing, and even more impressive because this was done in pen. Really fantastic work!!
And it’s an owl, just in case I needed an excuse to love it even more
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
You're lucky I love you... this is horrifying... You did an amazing job, it chills me to the bone... I never want to see it again, which means you did a really good job making it realistic... It makes me sick... I hate this... but I love it too, like I mean... it's really amazingly done, for only being in pen...
I love you too...
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
Lol thankyou ^^
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
Well, they're well-placed scribbles then :D
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
this is so beautiful and so not messy, very neat for just only pen. I really love owls and he looks or she looks real :D ♥ I really don't see any mistakes, I can't find any D: (no floating head XD) that sounds like what my old art teacher would say in high school. He also had to find something wrong and how we can improve. but any ways wonderful like always my dear friend! :D and I wish you the best of luck in the challenge. >.< (like you need luck because this is awesome :D) take care my friend! ♥
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Thankyou so much Toya!! I thought I messed up on the eyes since I came back to them right after having supper and I wasn't ready to work XD I'm so glad u like this, I hope u can enter the challenge too, its really fun!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
WAH!! You looked and even commented on this... Omigoodness, that means so much to me, Chivee!!!! I'm so proud you think so! If it looks scary to you, I know I did well <3 I'm so thankful, thankyou for your kind words even tho this is an owl!!
I love you!~
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
Thanks, Sushi! LOL Feathers... I didn't spend too much time planning them out cuz they were so complicated^^" I just scribbled..
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
amazing pen work Jen!!! this owl looks so awesome! I really like all the details!!!
you even got the reflection in it's eyes!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
This is the most beautiful terrifying thing I have ever seen... It looks so real... like a picture... it's... very well done... And horrifying... But the eyes are amazing and the detail is just unbelievable... Very good job... You're an amazing artist...
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
The details! My gosh, all those little feathers *_*