Panou-channn!! >__< Thank you so so much, girly! <33 I really appreciate it! I tried to make them look relatively animated for headshots, but at the time I was just awful at making characters look different from one another so lol I've improved since then, I think! Thank you so much girly for the quick comment!! Your comments are fantastic no matter how long <3
Haha I attempted to color this right after I finished the lineart three years ago, and my coloring skills were so horrible then that I messed up on my first try and refused to look at it for two years. xD I still think my coloring could be better, but I'm working hard, so yep! ^^ Thank you so so much!! >__< Your comments are so sweet and I hope to see you around!!
Your headshots and flowers are super gorgeous, Sayura-chan! I'm loving the background on each of them too~ Leaving a quick comment since I'm at work lol, but you seem to be improving a bunch!
xD I'm glad you thought it was cute. I found it more cringe-y and middle school-y than anything. BUT YOU'RE WELCOME. And she looks fantastic, don't worry! I didn't even really notice that it was oversaturated, but it works anyway since Takari's color scheme is pretty dang bright.
And lkjlfdkj. If I wasn't in one of my "can't draw to save my life" phases right now, I would so draw everyone's ocs for old time's sake.
WAH I can't believe it!! I was thinking about you today, Sayura! And now here you are!!! With a beautiful artwork post :D
Lovely work here!! I'm speechless, I especially love the way you coloured everyone!
Great to hear from you <3
LOL I figured you'd say something along those lines about your comment, but I thought it was cute and it spurred my interest in making a pic like this, so I have to THANK you for that!! ^^ <3 I hope Takari came out to your liking! She was so fun to draw with the daffodils (though I'm sorry for the oversaturated coloring @__@ I was still figuring out coloring style haha)!
And I'm glad so many people got nostalgic after seeing this! haha It was a huge crash of nostalgia for me, too! That's mostly the reason why I finished it haha, I just missed that old feeling again that I used to get from the KH OC days. xD
It was a lot of work, even though it may not show in my amateurish coloring haha, so I'm glad you like it! >.< <333 I hope I didn't butcher Takari or anything @__@ And THANK YOU SO SO MUCHHHH!<33
Akioh-channnn!! >.< <333 Thank you SO so much!! Haha I didn't really notice the coloring style changes until later as I did them (lol like Takari's panel kinda looks like a colored pencil version of someone overly dodge-burning on the hair xD), but I agree--Kotori is probably one of my favorite panels for her hair! haha It was a really strange process coloring it, but I think I'm starting to figure out how to blend color better now so...
Thank you SO much for all the sweet words, Akioh-chan!! >.< It's unbelievable that we've known each other for so long haha! But yeah, I have yet to come by and comment your work so I shall do that hopefully soon! Love you and thanks so much!<3
Ally! Thank you so so much for your sweet comment!! That's really one of the kindest things I've heard from anyone--and it means a lot more that you took your time to write it even though you don't normally comment on things! >.< Thank you so so much!! <33 I really really appreciate it and I'm glad you like how Riiya and Rei turned out! I had a lot of fun with all of them and I'll try to work harder so I can post more and not disappoint! Thank you for being so supportive and I hope to see you around!!<33
xD Anything I said from THAT LONG AGO should have been thoroughly ignored because WHO KNOWS WHAT WAS GOING THROUGH MY HEAD AT THAT TIME. seriously though, I hadn't even been a member here for 3 months and I was expecting to be included in stuff? /smacks younger self
But thank you for the dedication, anyway~ ♥ >w< (also holy cow you've improved so much since '07)
Either way, this is GORGEOUS, guuuurl, and I'm suddenly having a nostalgia attack because we hardly ever draw our ocs anymore ;w;
I love being able to see your improvements through the panels, and the flowers are so pretty! <3 Also, I can't even imagine how much work you put into this. I would have probably given up a quarter of the way through. xD But good job, sweetie, and I hope to see more from you soon~!
I think this looks beautiful! *u* I can definitely see the improvement in coloring as you go through the pictures. The coloring in Kotori's hair is really beautiful. :) I love the way you made it shine! Lovely job on the flowers, too. *u* It's neat that you gave them each different kinds of flowers to set a different mood for each character. :)
I'm also amazed that you managed to finish a picture from 3 years ago! xD Talk about dedication. :P
Great job as always!! ;u; It's always a treat seeing art from you.
I don't normally comment on these things, so this is really weird.
But I just wanted to say that I like your works and even though this may have taken you awhile to do, I think you're very talented and that I like this work and my favorites happen to be the ones of Riiya and Rei. I like the others too, but those two I like the most.
Little Sayu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/09/13 | Reply
Hahaha Bic-san, you're ALWAYS the one telling me to draw more compared to anyone else I know!! xD Thank you so much!!<3 I'M WORKING ON IT! xD
Little Sayu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/09/13 | Reply
Panou-channn!! >__< Thank you so so much, girly! <33 I really appreciate it! I tried to make them look relatively animated for headshots, but at the time I was just awful at making characters look different from one another so lol I've improved since then, I think! Thank you so much girly for the quick comment!! Your comments are fantastic no matter how long <3
Little Sayu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/09/13 | Reply
@KK Slider:
Haha I attempted to color this right after I finished the lineart three years ago, and my coloring skills were so horrible then that I messed up on my first try and refused to look at it for two years. xD I still think my coloring could be better, but I'm working hard, so yep! ^^ Thank you so so much!! >__< Your comments are so sweet and I hope to see you around!!
Ethereal Wanderer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/08/13 | Reply
This is just beautiful.
Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.
KK Slider
Otakuite++ | Posted 07/08/13 | Reply
Wow and you didn't like this? I think it's really good and I love the colouring and hair!
your colouring isn't awful and I really like it!
Last edited by KK Slider at 1:24:47 PM EDT on July 8, 2013.
Question Cafér (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/08/13 | Reply
Your headshots and flowers are super gorgeous, Sayura-chan! I'm loving the background on each of them too~ Leaving a quick comment since I'm at work lol, but you seem to be improving a bunch!
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/08/13 | Reply
Draw more you.
Such pretty headshots
SHSL Lamebutt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/07/13 | Reply
xD I'm glad you thought it was cute. I found it more cringe-y and middle school-y than anything. BUT YOU'RE WELCOME. And she looks fantastic, don't worry! I didn't even really notice that it was oversaturated, but it works anyway since Takari's color scheme is pretty dang bright.
And lkjlfdkj. If I wasn't in one of my "can't draw to save my life" phases right now, I would so draw everyone's ocs for old time's sake.
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/07/13 | Reply
WAH I can't believe it!! I was thinking about you today, Sayura! And now here you are!!! With a beautiful artwork post :D
Lovely work here!! I'm speechless, I especially love the way you coloured everyone!
Great to hear from you <3
Little Sayu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/07/13 | Reply
LOL I figured you'd say something along those lines about your comment, but I thought it was cute and it spurred my interest in making a pic like this, so I have to THANK you for that!! ^^ <3 I hope Takari came out to your liking! She was so fun to draw with the daffodils (though I'm sorry for the oversaturated coloring @__@ I was still figuring out coloring style haha)!
And I'm glad so many people got nostalgic after seeing this! haha It was a huge crash of nostalgia for me, too! That's mostly the reason why I finished it haha, I just missed that old feeling again that I used to get from the KH OC days. xD
It was a lot of work, even though it may not show in my amateurish coloring haha, so I'm glad you like it! >.< <333 I hope I didn't butcher Takari or anything @__@ And THANK YOU SO SO MUCHHHH!<33
Little Sayu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/07/13 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Akioh-channnn!! >.< <333 Thank you SO so much!! Haha I didn't really notice the coloring style changes until later as I did them (lol like Takari's panel kinda looks like a colored pencil version of someone overly dodge-burning on the hair xD), but I agree--Kotori is probably one of my favorite panels for her hair! haha It was a really strange process coloring it, but I think I'm starting to figure out how to blend color better now so...
Thank you SO much for all the sweet words, Akioh-chan!! >.< It's unbelievable that we've known each other for so long haha! But yeah, I have yet to come by and comment your work so I shall do that hopefully soon! Love you and thanks so much!<3
Little Sayu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/07/13 | Reply
Ally! Thank you so so much for your sweet comment!! That's really one of the kindest things I've heard from anyone--and it means a lot more that you took your time to write it even though you don't normally comment on things! >.< Thank you so so much!! <33 I really really appreciate it and I'm glad you like how Riiya and Rei turned out! I had a lot of fun with all of them and I'll try to work harder so I can post more and not disappoint! Thank you for being so supportive and I hope to see you around!!<33
SHSL Lamebutt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/07/13 | Reply
xD Anything I said from THAT LONG AGO should have been thoroughly ignored because WHO KNOWS WHAT WAS GOING THROUGH MY HEAD AT THAT TIME. seriously though, I hadn't even been a member here for 3 months and I was expecting to be included in stuff? /smacks younger self
But thank you for the dedication, anyway~ ♥ >w< (also holy cow you've improved so much since '07)
Either way, this is GORGEOUS, guuuurl, and I'm suddenly having a nostalgia attack because we hardly ever draw our ocs anymore ;w;
I love being able to see your improvements through the panels, and the flowers are so pretty! <3 Also, I can't even imagine how much work you put into this. I would have probably given up a quarter of the way through. xD But good job, sweetie, and I hope to see more from you soon~!
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/07/13 | Reply
I think this looks beautiful! *u* I can definitely see the improvement in coloring as you go through the pictures. The coloring in Kotori's hair is really beautiful. :) I love the way you made it shine! Lovely job on the flowers, too. *u* It's neat that you gave them each different kinds of flowers to set a different mood for each character. :)
I'm also amazed that you managed to finish a picture from 3 years ago! xD Talk about dedication. :P
Great job as always!! ;u; It's always a treat seeing art from you.
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/07/13 | Reply
I don't normally comment on these things, so this is really weird.

But I just wanted to say that I like your works and even though this may have taken you awhile to do, I think you're very talented and that I like this work and my favorites happen to be the ones of Riiya and Rei. I like the others too, but those two I like the most.