Thanks oUo Glad you think so x)
Lol, I'm bad with drawing manga, so I draw flowers and still art since I've found them easier to draw X) And I like flowers 8)
Thank you! I shall ^ ^
Yay >U< Ah, lol, that's so sweet @U@ ...and I hope it's not an ugly picture of me o3O otherwise you'd wake up seeing something ugly everyday...and that just isn't good at all x) lol, jk jk I have many of your artworks on my wall too, I do not however have any pictures of you framed O @ I must go buy frames >3<
I like watercolor pencils because they're fairly simple to work with, you can make watercolor paintings with pencils! You should, next time you want to try something new, they're fun ^ ^
Haha, I'm glad you like both of them >u< I'll try to make more like them.
I do like it a LOT!!! I have it displayed in my room XD LOL a photo of you and your art is in my room, I see it everyday :D
Katelyn got some watercolour pencils and loves them, but I haev never tried them... They do look good tho!
Well I like this one a lot, but the plain one is also cute in its own way!!
Weeee big blush! ;D
I hope you do, I'll love it!!
I'm glad you like it! 8) I didn't know if you would or not, I hoped you would xD
And that's cool 8) I love using watercolor pencils too xD They're so easy to work with, I could probably just scribble across the paper, add water and it would somehow turn out alright X)
Thank you so much! Yeah I like the paint splattered look x) Glad you do too!
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/03/13 | Reply
This is very lovely Mochi!!! I really like it! and also I love using water color pencil, but it's been a long time since I've used them. oTL.
they are really fun to use! XD and I think your did a wonderful job with them!
I really like how you did the splatter effects too! awesome job! : )
Ah ^ ^ I'm glad! Ah :/ I wish you could too, but if you really like it that much I can make another one it's on a card x) And THANK YOU >///<
Yeah I, do you like this one better xD I started to outline your card in gold like I did this one, but after I finished it I thought it might not look as good like that.
Thank you!!! >///////////////////////////////////////////<
I'm glad you could see some of the details then, it's hard to see because the image is a little dark plus cropped...but I'm glad you like it, I might make another painting similar to this one...might.
OH I love it!! I wish i could see it in real life!! I think it looks awesome! <3 Did you do the Hydrangea card for me after you did this one? I think this one is lovely too... the gold outline and splatters of paint is awesome, as well as the writing in the background!
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/29/13 | Reply
great fan art i love it

Grand Otaku | Posted 08/08/13 | Reply
Thanks oUo Glad you think so x)
Lol, I'm bad with drawing manga, so I draw flowers and still art since I've found them easier to draw X) And I like flowers 8)
Thank you! I shall ^ ^
Jabbawookie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/07/13 | Reply
I think thhis is pretty good. I´m bad with watercolours and flowers so I´m kinda jealous.
Keep it up.
Grand Otaku | Posted 08/04/13 | Reply
Yay >U< Ah, lol, that's so sweet @U@ ...and I hope it's not an ugly picture of me o3O otherwise you'd wake up seeing something ugly everyday...and that just isn't good at all x) lol, jk jk I have many of your artworks on my wall too, I do not however have any pictures of you framed O @ I must go buy frames >3<
I like watercolor pencils because they're fairly simple to work with, you can make watercolor paintings with pencils! You should, next time you want to try something new, they're fun ^ ^
Haha, I'm glad you like both of them >u< I'll try to make more like them.
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/04/13 | Reply
I do like it a LOT!!! I have it displayed in my room XD LOL a photo of you and your art is in my room, I see it everyday :D
Katelyn got some watercolour pencils and loves them, but I haev never tried them... They do look good tho!
Well I like this one a lot, but the plain one is also cute in its own way!!
Weeee big blush! ;D
I hope you do, I'll love it!!
Grand Otaku | Posted 08/03/13 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
I'm glad you like it! 8) I didn't know if you would or not, I hoped you would xD
And that's cool 8) I love using watercolor pencils too xD They're so easy to work with, I could probably just scribble across the paper, add water and it would somehow turn out alright X)
Thank you so much! Yeah I like the paint splattered look x) Glad you do too!
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/03/13 | Reply
This is very lovely Mochi!!! I really like it! and also I love using water color pencil, but it's been a long time since I've used them. oTL.
they are really fun to use! XD and I think your did a wonderful job with them!
I really like how you did the splatter effects too! awesome job! : )
Grand Otaku | Posted 08/03/13 | Reply
Ah ^ ^ I'm glad! Ah :/ I wish you could too, but if you really like it that much I can make another one
it's on a card x)And THANK YOU >///<Yeah I, do you like this one better xD I started to outline your card in gold like I did this one, but after I finished it I thought it might not look as good like that.
Thank you!!! >///////////////////////////////////////////<
I'm glad you could see some of the details then, it's hard to see because the image is a little dark plus cropped...but I'm glad you like it, I might make another painting similar to this one...might.
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/03/13 | Reply
OH I love it!! I wish i could see it in real life!! I think it looks awesome! <3 Did you do the Hydrangea card for me after you did this one? I think this one is lovely too... the gold outline and splatters of paint is awesome, as well as the writing in the background!