Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/16/13 | Reply
How are you so neat on such a small scale! Beautiful... I like the shades of colours in her hair.
Queen of Termina (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/15/13 | Reply
Thank you so so so much!!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/15/13 | Reply
Great choices on the hair colors and nice blending as well :) Her eyes are really expressive as if she is longing for something. The details in the shells are great too ^^ Keep it up Kachi ^^ I just love seeing your work ^^
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/16/13 | Reply
How are you so neat on such a small scale! Beautiful... I like the shades of colours in her hair.
Queen of Termina (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/15/13 | Reply
Thank you so so so much!!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/15/13 | Reply
Great choices on the hair colors and nice blending as well :) Her eyes are really expressive as if she is longing for something. The details in the shells are great too ^^
Keep it up Kachi ^^
I just love seeing your work ^^